My Bird (Non-TEF)

moonsoverwater's picture
Funny story and photos under the cut

Well, I have a parakeet named Snowball. She loves the camera. I MEAN LOVES IT!

She loves to get photos of her taken, and is quite the ham. A few minutes ago, I was taking pictures for her. She was waiting and posing, and as soon as I took the photo she would run around to look at the screen to see how it looked, telling me "Good" or squealing if she did not like it. This bird knows her pictures! We play this game quite often.

She's a better fashionista than a photo-picker, but here are the ones she liked best.

wingeddeer's picture

I love parakeets.They are so

I love parakeets.They are so witty yet intelligent ^^ Lol! That story made me chuckle xD

Bayleen's picture

AWWW So cuuute!!! : D My

AWWW So cuuute!!! : D
My first bird was a Cockatiel, she was yellow with a bit of grey on her wings. She had orange cheeks :3 Then I had a Lovebird named Kiwi x3
arrowdoe's picture

Ahh she's gorgeous! I'm so

Ahh she's gorgeous! I'm so jealous!
Ani's picture

I always wanted a bird but my

I always wanted a bird but my parents said no cause they were too hard to take care of so instead i got two gerbils! Actually one of them died recently.... But anyways i still got one other and i luv your bird! So pretty!

Deer by trigger_mortis,Editing by me.
Starling's picture

Oh! She's so pretty

Oh! She's so pretty <33
moonsoverwater's picture

Hehe thank you everyone....

Hehe thank you everyone.... Snowy actually looks pretty proud of herself this morning... hehe.

Birds aren't all that hard to take care of, you just have to have TIME. <3

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!
Zeekii's picture

Haha this is so cute! My

Haha this is so cute!
My lovebird hates having his picture taken, he'd rather fly towards the camera and sit there biting it!
I think he gets a bit jealous of the camera to be honest, he hates me typing, moving the mouse or touching anything but him xD

Got him before he flew at me! Lol
Ani's picture

your bird is so pretty! I

your bird is so pretty! I love the orange head Laughing out loud

Deer by trigger_mortis,Editing by me.
moonsoverwater's picture

Awwwh! He is adorable!

Awwwh! He is adorable!

That's the thing about lovebirds, they are very affectionate!

(thanks, starling! The avatar is amazing! And Thanks Pretzil for the siggie!