April 1, 2013 - 1:31am — Iaurdagnire
First of all, thank you so much to Vee, Hraeth, Munkel, Kaoori and Mauvable for taking time out to play the "creatures" with me, and having so much patience with me.
Thank you Munkel for the artwork and letting Cry be a part of Dag's story. I think I should thank Apeldille here as well for allowing Ephiré to be so involved too (;
I can't name you all here, because there was bloody hundreds of you over this weekend! But I think it's worth mentioning that I was touched by people who brought in old characters to be a part of this, it was lovely to see and I won't forget it.
Ah and it was so awesome to see pictograms/characters I didn't know, and the amount of users who I don't know so well commenting and saying such nice things. I'm glad I did this to show you that this community is great, especially when we do things like this!
Hn what else. I don't really know. I'm a little overwhelmed by how huge this event turned out to be (and the amount of work I have to do for the penultimate story-ender...).
And I think... Maybe I feel weird because I stopped playing Dag at a very bad time in my life. And doing something like this, even though it's "just a game", took effort from everyone, and the only reason I put this together is because in a way, I got my life back too this year. So I can allow myself the little pleasure of playing this game properly again. That might sound silly actually...
This was all just awesome and I've run out of things to say. It's late, and I need to sleep, so I'll polish off that blog tomorrow. If you still have rp responses you want to post in it that's fine, they'll all be logged in there.
Oh, and make sure (and I know I've said this in there a thousand times), if you played the event at any point over the weekend, to post your pictogram(s) in the event topic. I need them to make a visual picture of everyone who took part. This includes people who posted a response because they couldn't physically be in the forest - you were still a part of it!
And also for writings and things you've done with your own blogs, please link them either here or in the event blog for me to find (': thank you!
Goodnight ♥
You're welcome! I had a lot
And I've got a few ideas for things based on the mechanics of this, so that's awesome, too. Thank you so much!
^ This event has brought me
This event has brought me back to game a little as well. Plus, I went through and looked at the rest of the plot. It's amazing how much planning and coordination went into it.
*reads edit about
Well, putting aside what you've already read and tracked... I've got two diary entries for the other two days.
Day 2
Day 3
So much love for you and this
It's good to see the big guy
Touk was hurting a bit too much to welcome him back and went to rest, but he will when he can move around a bit easier.
Thank YOU for being the
I typd a tingh. Blerg
But really. We had fun. Its good to have you back. Im also honoured I got to be involved/mentioned in little hints a long the way too.
Meow. <3
I'm probably going to type
Thank you for such a lovely
I apologies for not being there the whole event, I think Columbia has had enough, haha!
But all in all, it was fun, everyone enjoyed it, and it was all swell in the end,
thanks, honey xx
It's good to see you and Dag
^Pft of course he remembers
My activity here is going to be a bit haphazard while I clear things up and catch up with reading everything. I think the next step for Dag will be a pilgrimage to see everyone who fought (x IT'LL TAKE HIM WEEKS.
You just gave me a massive
I feel like I should thank
And the best part is, you and Dag have brought so many people together. I can honestly say that most of the deer who I fought alongside with in the events (both last year and now) were complete strangers to me and my characters, yet I felt a connection I rarely do when in-forest.
We didn't need words. We had our instructions, and then we looked out for one another and worked together to do what was needed for our victory.
I was so touched when other deer came to check on Zach during the small breaks between waves. Whoever you were, thank you!
I seriously don't think that anything I could experience in the forest could top this anymore or touch me in such a deep level. It will be something that me and Zach will both remember for a long time to come and look back on with pride.
Thank you, really. It was wonderful. ♥
Mjrn - ... oh my you're right
Silver - You and all your sweetness need to take a break, seriously, the cavities you're giving me are horrendous ♥ I love that Dag's story has been a positive experience for you dear :'3 I'm really touched!
If Daggles had a Japanese