Little Swan

littleswan's picture
i am not super active but i'm still around! sorry to anyone who misses seeing this birb regularly in the forest. it's not swans fault! it's my dumb chronic fatigue.


i / ii / iii / iv


shiny things and colorful voices and! Dorian! Dorian! Dorian! Dorian!

((happy new year!))


drip. drop. drops on leaves. puddles shining and slippery mud. forest is quiet and free to hop around and roam this morning. strangers are few and far apart. smelling one familiar scent on the air. many-noses is close! quiet sneaking up to see if looking very busy. but no, just being in flowers with a very large red fluffy. maybe can say hi? maybe can ask if seeing Dorian. many-noses sees and comes and says hi. happy happy good feeling, yes, i want to sit with you please, in beautiful flower place! large red is large and feeling like loving-protecting-belonging-with-many-noses. not scary even though large and very toothy sharp mouth.

first time being this closely to many-noses. notice nice smelling soft neck fluff. notice feeling like a warm feeling, a kindly bright thing, and also like some unhappy very hurting things. why hurting? rub face on, gently, smooth, preen. sit closely, maybe feel better together. maybe can help, want to help. maybe this is a Being Needed?

((a faulty art fart))

curl up close and rest with many-noses and large red. when waking -must have slept very long because i am heavy and soft with it- strangers come. only, not strangers to many-noses. strangers to just me. i am the one who is strange now. beautiful blue shining doe. and a floating, lovely smelling one with no legs and tail like a fish. would like to sniff and sit close to no-leg-flying-beauty, but worried, still worried for many-noses. want to stay close still.

and more strangers come. more and more. making more, more anxious. soon is too many ones, too many feelings. and i am too strange. i want to go. many-noses is not a Being Needed By one. can't be, because already is having so many ones for loving. surrounded by all of these who hold so much care and affection for sweet-noses. is safe, is cared for. so i go.

go to pond. go home. the reeds rustle in the breeze, shore is empty. no one here. the emptiness feels a little good. but also... not good.


snow flakes fall on the pond surface, disappearing into the water. going home? home to belonging-place. today i sit with little bat baby and look at the the whitely flakes going home to rest in the water. not same bat baby as before. other other one, first-to-have-met one. pinkly eyes one. both bat babies are very good for sitting with. growing, too. pinkly eye baby is so much bigger than first time seeing. how exciting it is to see a thing grow!

many, many strangers are invited by me today, to sit and watch the snowflakes together. some stay, and some go. all are good. bat baby dad too, and is not angry about being close to baby but very kind.

resting, drifting, dreaming with eyes open. then a sound, and a smell, and looking behind - and heart melting and leaping! silver click mama is standing behind, above me! push face into mama's hard feathers and i am like a snowflake going into water home. happiness, joy overflowing. belong. belong.

((note - i'm having word problems! swan doesn't really see biche argentée as being her mother in a biological sense (and would probably not call her that out loud) but the feeling she gets when around her is some kind of instinctual OMGMOM feeling, and her inner language is one that speaks from the heart, and... i don't know what other word to use for that feeling. so mama it is, even if i'm not 100% satisfied with the wording. also, trash art! this is all i can do i am sorry.))


floating, moving, sweetly falling whitely and fluffily. little pieces of crunchy cold water drifting down to us. falling on our noses and disappearing. bright little shiny one like candy and me.

large white stone ones feel close and warmly today. watching over all. watching over me. i am safe and bright. a walk through the falling white. tall things glow a warm orange. strangers, quiet and nice. i am at peace.


waking up, after long, long time of not waking. bleary, blinking, into light and life and daytime, pouring in underneath the roots of good-nesting-home-tree. yawning burying nose in nested blankets. the scent of Dorian is almost faded. this makes little unhappy tug inside chest. trying to not notice, trying to not worry. noticing instead another little bit familiar scent. good baby bat scent. one of the little ones resting outside nest! what a very nice thing. can sit together again and smell sweet baby scent.

and then other very sweet baby one comes! sweet white one snuggling up next to bat baby, clearly very good friends! how delightful, what a treasure for today! having two very small sweet ones to sit with and no angry looking moms and dads to take them away. can look and sniff and nuzzle soft little ears until heart is full.


stillness in the forest. stillness in the waters. there is no one around to look angrily and make me feel unwelcomeness. so freedom to dance and skip and splash freely with the pond all my own. good and lovely. but today it feels lonely, more lonely than usual. something calls to the lonely feeling. looking to see, and there is someone sleeping, largely and whitely under the littlest willow -hanging branches moving gently in the wind- ... feeling also like loneliness? and kind hurt things that are protected by walls and shields. the lonely feeling inside my chest is drawn closer to theirs, feeling more completed when together. yes, we are together. okay, everything is okay.

my new friend finds us also. this is all very good. happiness to be nuzzling. and resting together. sharing time together. being lonely and not lonely and lonely and not lonely all together.


ahh... hmm...

slow, slow, feeling slow. thoughts are moving dull and slow. hard, it's hard to remember. things happened, i remember. they were good things, surely. Dorian was there, i think. yes, definitely Dorian. and good-many-noses? yes. i remember. we were playing and splashing and having happy times together. yes, i remember, i found them and feeling very pleased and clever. then... there were others? yes, we- we were having mushrooms and everything was magic. i remember laughing a lot. i think maybe too much laughing and too many mushrooms. maybe this is why head is slow and thick like snails trails.

wait... many-noses... there was more. i remember... yes, i found him, again? but on another time, much later. yes, i think so. and feeling excited but shy, too shy to say hi. then... not wanting to stay with lonely feeling -sorry lonely feeling- being brave and curling up with that one. the very large dark one with the very soft looking fur that likes to nap by the warm-bright-living-protecting stones. curling up close because they were sleeping so soundly and looking so softly and feeling like mysterious good things.

then, it is now, and there are many things. many things and i'm too slow to keep up with it all. too slow to notice all the little things and be nervous about them. there are little ones. good little one that stays close. and slightly larger little one who used to be little but is large now? but still little on the inside. i can tell. and then finding one that becomes a new friend. lucky day, lucky me.

and them, they, the large soft dark snoozy one is up on it's legs today and walking mysteriously - away from me. that's okay. maybe will sneak up on again later when snoozing and curl against again because very soft and comfortable. good feelings when thinking about this good plan.

but for now - the new friend is also sneaking up on me! hello! yes, i see you. how nice, a good one that likes to play in the pond! me also! ah, but i am still slow and tired. resting is perfect.

then someone is running round and round and round and splashing and making noise and being a little bit crazy. hello, how about you sit down and don't be crazy? please would be very good thanks. they remain being crazy. i breathe nervous feelings in, breathe nervous feelings out. in out, in out. no running away now, need to be kindly to little-bit-crazy one. and it's good because soon feeling calmer. and hey! tiny little bat baby is in the reeds... but smelling and feeling and looking just a little different. this is not the same bat baby. another similar seeming one. how curious. but similarly small and precious and adorable as the other little bat one. happily sitting all of us together. even though crazy one sitting very close -breathe in and out- everything is okay and they are only good and needing warm comfort and will probably not suddenly snarl and bite.

no, there is no biting and snarling. only resting peacefully together. all is good. the sunlight and the warm closenesses make me even more sluggish and droopy and good sleepy feeling. resting now. and maybe no more having-a-lot-of-mushrooms for a while.


pond meets me with glittering sunlight and friendly frog song. but also, not only the water, something is glittering brightly by the side of the pond. is it? yes, yes, how wonderful! hello! hello, so good to find again! beautiful silvery white pointy-feathers belong-with-one, and the same warm fluidly achy good feeling from before. touch, nuzzle, rub against belong-with-one. no moving. why no moving for a long time? no moving at all! this is maybe wrong, making very anxious. should move, at least for a little! something wrong, is hurt maybe? push and call and try everything, even splash with water. no, there is nothing! maybe need to find help, find someone good and clever! but no scent of Dorian nearby, no anyone well known! which one might know how to fix hurt click-click-dear-one? don't know many ones, don't know who might know. hurting-aching-burning feeling inside. no good, i am maybe no good. can only sit no-goodly under click-clack-mama and feel very sadly and dumbly.

but then! -so much relief- then moving! moving and nuzzling and, and - so much moving! very amazingly surprising and so wonderful and heart skips with laughing! good, good, very very good thing! so much happiness. skipping and bumping and following all around! very very close and not feeling the scaredy-maybe-not-wanted-by feeling at all - odd but never did.

by the water is also the very extra largest friend of Dorian. want to say hi to giant one but a little shy. but then saying hi and they also sit together! what a good thing. feeling maybe less hurting-inside from giant one this time. also good. but still many hurtly things. that is why good to be sitting together!

felling very brave and clever now! ha! ha! because many good things, and i am clearly very good and not no-good like i maybe thought!


i remember you. smallest of small ones, huddled against belly for warmth in the rain. a good good thing to see again, small and precious and... all alone. many times seeing all alone. no smell of a caretaker nearby. why always alone. makes heart aching a little, makes wanting to sit close and hide under wings for safe keeping. keep watch over little one. happiness when little you approaching. yes, sit and rest together, hold lonely feeling together until it cry happiness. rest little head now. all is good, is safe, is together. rest, sleep, dream.


serene. play and laughter. happiness for the crisp clear air. for finding you. for many moments of jumping dancing catching sunlight together. all together. for good dog, for good Dorian, for good many-noses. for meeting a pretty tree. little ones. good-fun black and white one. pretty pink nice smelling one. and beautiful doe with sadness.

and then, there is something, someone, new. silently, wordlessly. whitely feathers, and soft -clickety- graceful moving. and there is something familiar, something homely, something special, what is it? it is a feeling growing steadily in my chest, warmly and fluidly. my nose touches against cold. the sound when booping is odd. like a stone falling -in water?-, but larger and differently. very unusual, but very certain feeling of wanting-to-be-close, and wanting-to-make-move. because click clack and then stillness. goes still all the times. need to push, sometimes when pushing movement happens again. feathers - feathers are stubbornly still and refusing to be preened. this is very very certain thing because try many times. taste cold and pointy, too. very uncommon. but pretty and silvery white and feathery, and feeling so strongly like... like a something-that-belongs, or - a somewhere-i-belong.

today was found - besides many friends and new faces - a problem. today there were many good ones that i want-very-close. but my body, and legs, and neck, and wings, are not long enough to touch all at once. this makes very nervous heart feeling, like being pulled into two or three or four ways. looking at all, seeing all, loving all. have to sit with one, then one, then one. rather would be sitting in big pile of many-good-friends and bump against everyone. maybe nap in big friend pile, too, would be very good.

((ooc: so many happenings and meetings today, can't make them all justice! i am sorry. also, i wrote this long thing and then had a page malfunction, so threw this together but it's not as good as the first one. agh. remember to save your work folks!))


skittishness. rustle of leaves, drop on the water, ears turn to catch all the sounds. but there is only calmness in the air. restful, peaceful. soothing. warmth. and delightful to be found by dearest Dorian once again! little cat is so known, so homely now, feeling like a thing that belongs always close.

staying mindful of large ones. almost too nervous now, feeling almost rude acting to large strangers. no good, no good. need to soothe fraidy feeling, need to be more kindly, always kindly because it may be needed , even for large and rowdy ones. but still very nervous unhappy want-to-run feeling sits in chest.

a very very large one sleeping, big chest moving with air. they radiate painful things, and almost a stay-away-i'm-danger, but Dorian is sure they are a good one and Dorian knows all sorts of important things. that's why trusting even though maybe largest of all strangers and feeling like stay-away. but no, danger-wall is hiding hurting, very hurting things. sad, feel sad for large one. and large stranger is still even on waking, no frightening quick movement at all. just very still and hurting and no biting with many teeth. sitting very largely. i want to sit close, maybe very close, because hurting -we are hurting-, longing so very much to touch muzzle to large neck, but won't because very large and still very nervously. so sit quietly and nicely apart, feeling hurting and nervousness and warmth and stillness.


days and days, spent sleeping and napping and resting -but not restful rest. too hot and too cold and too tired and head too heavy to lift. nesting deep under the roots of the good-big-safe-tree, hidden from everyone. when was there blankets and little flowery leafy things? but they are here, maybe i found them and dragged safely under the roots, making more comfortable and like a real nest-almost-home. it's hard to remember, hard to think right because head has been so full and too warm and spinny. but -now that nose is clear again- the blankets smell so safe and good, and isn't it odd - smell just like - like- Do-ri-an. and are nice and comfortable and good for nuzzling and napping just the same.

peek out head from roots. ah, air is nice. but a little cold and damp. maybe stay in nest forever where it is warm and blankety and smelling of herbs. but no, there are strangers lurking closely outside nest. no peace to stay now, and the legs want stretching and moving, even though they are a little wobbly still.

and then hearing and then seeing real, real Do-ri-an! and so much better than blankets even though love blankets. will stay together all the time! clever friend finding good sunny spot with tickly soft grasses growing. perfect for warming cold me!

and a pretty little one with many noses! who knows that Dorian is made for nuzzling. what a good many-noses-one. but peaceful anxious sunny grass time with many good small ones goes away

running running screaming tripping over everything behind is chasing large large horrid thing, hear it crashing thundering. running so fast but legs are so wobbly and tiredly and fall and hurt and ache everything. no stopping! no stopping! run forever and ever, but no safety - nowhere! so throw self from the cliffs and glide-flap-wings across the pond with pounding heart. large splash behind me and suddenly lungs are shivering and air is coming in again. the awful chasing stop, but large, horrid deer is watching and still wanting, and circling edge of pond. maybe scared to go in water. maybe scared of deep and dark and wet place with many grabby slimy tendrils tangling in legs. not me. pond is good, pond is home, safe and wet and grimy.

but in a moment, everything becomes cold and still, because they turn, and puff, and looking right in my eye, stepping in the water.

i crash myself into the surface, and go deep deep down, all the way to the bottom, and only coming up again to hide in the reeds when needing breath. under water can hear beating loudly of heart. too fast and too strong. too tired, legs and wings not strong enough for long paddling staying floating underwater. finally crash at the edge of water, hiding long time, until the smell of the scary large one is long gone.

coming out is - too wet and cold. even feathers are drenched and unhappy. legs are not like legs anymore, no good for standing. but still try, and still run, to find dorian to say hide hide danger! too much danger, too much strange large ones. the ground is spinning around around round. too much running freezing and throbbing aching. confused, what who is happening anymore. but don't lose Dorian, just, don't lose and then will be okay, maybe.


warmth and solidness across my back. soft breath against my ear. smell of a safe and dear one. you grew since i met you last, but even this is good, because i can fit snugly against your belly as we nap on the grass. maybe being large is not the worst thing after all. because this feels so very very comfortable and safe safe safe. could rest here forever.

today i am lucky, because after sleeping i get to see more of the dearest best ones. almost all of them! dear large first friend gets nuzzles, and dear comfy cat friend gets nuzzles, and then small sweet bat baby comes and no nuzzle because mom bat is watching and maybe will be angry? but sit close and enjoy sweet baby scent. and then even dear feisty fun friend comes, and large dear green friend, and this makes so many nuzzles!


your scent is on the air when i wake up. at least, i think it is yours. my nose has been itching and watery lately and it's hard to tell. it is mixed with the scents of others. there are so many ones here that i don't know. are you there among them? i can't spot you, can't smell you right. i think it is you and so i will stay. the strangers are all sleepy or good-small. but there is something -hurting- inside because we aren't known to eachother and they don't want me maybe and you are napping and can't nuzzle-help-me. i will make more distances. maybe go away. yes, go away is good.

i don't like this hurting. dark thing that swallows me piece by piece. don't like water in my eyes. maybe it's because been eating too much falling color fluff. probably it's not good for eating, maybe this is why my nose is running and eyes are running now too. i hold the darkness inside me close because it is hurting and i want to help. i tell it there is no need to claw at me because i will not leave it to hurt alone.

i come to the oak, and it is good because the oak is old and kind and a little like sadness. i am glad for it's sadness now because it is just like me. but there is already someone inside. a very small someone and - how odd - they somehow remind me of myself only even littler and so precious. even their movements are like mine. except - very fast and nimble and - where did you go! ah! how are you behind me now? oh you are such a sweet and a bright joy!

there is no sadness now, only laughter and a warm warm feeling like love. and a feeling of wanting to keep you forever, maybe bring you home -is it home?- to under the tree roots to keep very very safe and preen and peck and care for forever. but in the end you must go and that is when i realise that i didn't catch your scent, because of this itchy bad nose. it makes me sad again, but only a little this time. because you made me happy and because good things will happen again if they should.


today the wind is carrying all the colors. just like my voice, which is silent and shiny like the pond and clearer than water. it floats happily up up to the sky. the colors on the wind float happily down down to my tongue and tastes like dry and a little sweet. drops of water splash happily down down on my feathers and also shine like color in the sun. all these colors make my heart laugh.

the stream is happy and the pond is happy and i am happy. and there is something - something odd on the wind but good but odd. smells nicely like the pond only, differenter. wilder? somethinger... it is sitting by the very-good-hiding-tree. it's a you-someperson. very odd and interesting and oh hello! very interesting good-small-size you. yes i would like much to sit little close and smell maybe little more and maybe could lick but won't and won't ask because maybe it's probably very very rude.

but strange large someone comes and sits between and is very large and silent. maybe i'm not welcome yes will leave now quickly bye. maybe smell you later.

it's good to sit by the happy pond. all other ones are also very happy and friendly today. everyone will play and make happy shiny float things and dance and laugh. it's a very very good day. because there are even good-smelling lovely-slimy frogs to play with! and then they turn into large someones and small someones and it's all fun. because even when large you are very undangerous and only lots of fun. yes so good at fun things! i run and jump and dance and laugh so much. i never laughed so much before. and then i am very very very tired and my legs won't stand anymore. i rest and dream happy things of frogs and dancing water-light and strange-good-smelling strangers.

then waking up and more good things!




a slow and glowing lazy day. napping and bathing and drying off in the sunshine. and napping while drying off in the sunshine. the forest is peaceful and quiet. exploring the nooks of the stream by myself is not bad. dozing off with my nose in the smells of the sunwarm earth and trees is very not bad.

waking up next to you is even not badder. your face already makes me feel a little bursting and warm feeling. especially when it rubs against my neck. is your face dirty? maybe can help with that~ i am very good and clever cleaner see.

i feel brave and strong. you're at my side. the big ones are not so scary, because we are small but together i think we are very very large. i feel very very large. and very very brave and very clever. enough to play fun games and trust you to come find me. and you, you are very very good. and a very clever and excellent finder!

((ooc: no worries gorrl i been doing my laundry too so i'm all about dat afk stuff. gotta love playing a character that likes lots of chillout time!))


many meetings. some warm, some tranquil, some silly and fun, some quite inexplicable and confusing. but after all, i think, very very good. it is good to meet new ones. it is good to meet known ones. yes, all very very good.


white fluffy things floating silently from above. they taste like chilly crunchy water. they look peaceful, floating at their own leisure. free from worries. i feel the same because. your faces are friendly and you let me stay with you. for this i am grateful.


sunlight on the water is glittering. company is good. all small ones and old-kindly-seeming ones. sitting close is okay? it was invited but. maybe i am a bother? but it is okay. everyone is kindly. breeze is warm. frogs are croaking.

many small ones. hello, hello. you really want to dance with me? thank you! yes. i will dance. happiness grows. yes you are small and we are dancing. very very good feeling dancing.

ahh. very very tiring dancing. ahh. yes, maybe maybe sit a while. maybe fall asleep a little. maybe rest head just a little on soft orange fur. maybe -yes very- feeling of happy-contented small glow in chest.


there is something in the forest. too many noises, too many smells. something lurks. i feel it from the trembling grass to the sounds on the wind. i feel it in my legs.

too many strangers. even by your side i feel out of place here, among these too large deer with too large antlers that smell too much like rot and pain. they do not say hello. and their eyes follow me. such relief when you take me away from there. how much better it feels to be just me and you and the forest, and no longer being swallowed by the creeping mists.

but then you are swallowed by darkness. then it almost swallows me too. i do not want you gone! i feel it welling up inside, clawing to get out. so i let it. kick at the trees and stomp at the dirt. run and run and run and bite the heads off the flowers and scream at the lake.

in the pit amongst the pointy stones it is quiet. the earth is muffling the sounds of the too many strange deer. it is a good place. but the heart is always longing for the peace at the waters edge. why must there be so many strangers at the place of safety? but i am small, and i can hide under the roots of the tree overlooking the pond. i only wish it was closer to the water.

no, no...! a stranger has found me. i do not want - oh...? you are no stranger! you are the dear one! though something is different about you? no matter. it is you, i know. you were gone. i did not see you. i missed you. breath by breath i feel the trembles leaving my legs. the gripping and ripping in my heart turns into a sweet melody.

hmm. hmm. yes. maybe, maybe a good day after all.


algae on the water lily stalks. that is what you smell like. how much i like that.

rain. water is soothing. but cold. no time to be shy today. nesting in between large bodies in the oak. the smell of their bodies are earthy and soothing. heart almost aches. never sat this close to anyone before. one radiates heat, and the other one - cold?

the smell of a friend. i am warm now, i want to play. jumping skipping slipping oops - are you alright? a dance on the lilypads, with the music of the drops on the surface of the water. joy bursting inside. the water brings me to life.

oh blessed rest. to sit and breathe the air the water the air.

and then you. tiniest tiniest of fawns, come. i can keep you warm against my belly.


kseniamokhova's picture

welcome (:

welcome (:
Flyleaf's picture

Hello These eyes

Hello Smiling
These eyes alive ...awesome !
Really cute Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13


littleswan's picture

thank you!

thank you! Smiling
ShrinkingRose's picture

Hello! Thanks for keeping

Hello! Thanks for keeping Tristan company today~
littleswan's picture

Likewise !

Likewise ! <3
Saturnia's picture

Hello! ;o;

Hello! ;o;
littleswan's picture


hiiiiiii <3
Silverfang's picture

&hearts; such a cutie!

♥ such a cutie!
Chromai's picture

Adorable... hope to see you

Adorable... hope to see you in the Forest <3
littleswan's picture

thank you both! would love to

thank you both! would love to meet you all

My Randhir met her yesterday,

My Randhir met her yesterday, she's so cute ♥ :' (

she's gorgeous, mmh

she's gorgeous, mmh
littleswan's picture

@C!ssy - Ohh!!! Yes, Randhir

@C!ssy - Ohh!!! Yes, Randhir was the precious mini-fawn at the big Zombie deer right?? Thank you for letting me know! I have such trouble finding deer on here sometimes.
now i can stalk properly.. x)

@forgetmenot - Nnnoo, you are! Ooh
Iaurdagnire's picture

Oh my gosh what sweetness is

Oh my gosh what sweetness is thiiiis.

Adorable. I really like your writing style too!
Yngve's picture

"Hello, Little Swan."

"Hello, Little Swan."

Discord: theGoatinator #2610

so cUTe

so cUTe
littleswan's picture

@Iaurdagnire - thank you for

@Iaurdagnire - thank you for saying that! it means much <3

@ Yngve (Agrippa?) - "hello sir. thank you for letting me share the spot by the pond. i hope i'm not bothering you and your friends?"

@Postmortem - aww thank you! would love to meet your Jude, now that is someone REALLY cute!

hello, little beauty

hello, little beauty Smiling
littleswan's picture

hello there! thanks for

hello there! Smiling thanks for playing/staying with swan! does your deer have a page?
Saturnia's picture

(No subject)


Hi :>

Hi :>
by paperflesh
fluere's picture

Hello, such beautiful

Hello, such beautiful company- big love for Little Swan <3

She is so cute and beautiful.

She is so cute and beautiful. Hope to meet her someday. <3
littleswan's picture

@Collado - Hiya! I think we

@Collado - Hiya! I think we haven't met before? It's nice to meet you! Hope to see you in forest.

@fluere - Hi you! <3 Swan loves your company also! Thanks for playing with us Smiling and for saying hi!
I'm glad you messaged because I want to say sorry if Swan is a little lazy sometimes. Your deer seems to like to run around and play a lot, and Swan loves it but then she runs out of energy pretty quick. Likes to sit on her butts a lot lol Laughing out loud So I'm sorry if she's boring you!
Feel free to come to her when you want and leave when you want Smiling

@nebulae - Aw that is very kind of you, thank you. Come meet her anytime, she is always friendly and approachable! <3 (But sometimes a little nervous at first).
fluere's picture

grateful for your company

grateful for your company too!!thankyou-however it comes is just perfect Smiling

Swan is lovely- not boring!

yes I like to move around a lot Laughing out loud ( your'e so patient!)

... and please seek me out as you wish <3
Vala 's picture

Cutiest thing ever seen !!

Cutiest thing ever seen !! <3
" ~ Lady in Red ~ "

♥ ♥

Witchcraft's picture

;u; &hearts;

;u; ♥
whiskeybeast's picture

- ribbit.

- ribbit.
littleswan's picture

@ fluere -

@ fluere - <3

@Vala - Thank you a lot!

@Witchcraft - Omg yeyy thanks for tracking! I really would love to get Swan to interact with Myriam.. dunno how yet!! Good thing Myr is water based, because it makes Swan automatically interested!

@whiskeybeast - Oh hayy there!! Me and Swan looove playing with you! Both Hatto and now Goroma as well Smiling Thanks for playing frogs and understanding the need for naptime Laughing out loud

Perhaps, do you mind if I sit

Perhaps, do you mind if I sit here
Saturnia's picture

Love spending time with you

Love spending time with you in the forest so this is both an IC and OOCly apology for being away and ‘disguised’ yesterday! I love the way your words flow, I personally find the way you write charming.

Dorian will make up for it today!
littleswan's picture

@TaDar - I would like that

@TaDar - I would like that very much! Make yourself at home <3

@Saturnia - Oh no, you don't have to apologize you cutie! There were no hard feelings either from me or Lil' Swan. She's just an anxious birb lol. Still I appreciate that you reached out, that means a lot! Thank you for saying so about my writing - I try to channel the inner monologue of Lil Swan, which isn't always so coherent. Laughing out loud I hope it's legible enough! Omgyayletsplayyycuddlechill<3

Oh my, she's such a cutie.

Oh my, she's such a cutie.
Saturnia's picture

AAa I love the art ;o;

AAa I love the art ;o;
littleswan's picture

Thank you both ! c: (I can't

Thank you both ! c:

(I can't draw cats Laughing out loud)
Saturnia's picture

Dorian is happy to be

Dorian is happy to be spending time with Swan again! (I hope it's okay that I'm commenting here ;; I don't want to spam your comments)
Qanat's picture

aaaah what a sweet little

aaaah what a sweet little thing q>q
WayfarerHart's picture

Precious little Swan.

Precious little Swan. <3
I'm sorry for Rhona's rudeness, she's not been well. Their pictos are so alike! Can't blame Lil Swan for their curiosity hehe.

Saturnia's picture

Nope, don't worry

Nope, don't worry <3 always enjoying interactions and comments!
Vessan's picture

Lil track here owo

Lil track here owo
Calix's picture

omg so cute

omg so cute <3
Vessan's picture

lil fanart for you aa The

lil fanart for you aa
The silver swan and the little swan.
littleswan's picture

@Vessan - OMG, THANK YOU OuO

@Vessan - OMG, THANK YOU OuO !!! That's so pretty ;u; I wanted to draw them also, because it's just agh so cute, but I am so out of practice and impatient, I couldn't do it. I love this art so much, such wonderful lines and colors and composition. Mmmmm Shocked Shocked Shocked These two.. <3

@everyone - thanks for tracks and saying nice things!
Vessan's picture

Glad you like them!! They're

Glad you like them!!
They're so precious. For a while I was trying to get myself to draw them and aaa. They ended up precious esp with the monet-esque background.

Ahh been meaning to track

Ahh been meaning to track this ♥ Tiki appreciates whenever this gal comes to visit, sorry I always end up afking for work most of the time though! ;[
littleswan's picture

@vessan - VERY precious, yes,

@vessan - VERY precious, yes, the way you've colored it is sooo beautiful and dreamy ;u; ALSO, what is happening in game right now, agh, I'm dying. I don't know what it is exactly but something about these two makes my adorable-o-meter go berserk. <3

@Laur- Aw hi!! Thanks for stepping by Smiling Tiki is precious, me and Swan are curious about her! Also, no worries, chill time is totes fine with us. She doesn't have a page right? I'll keep a lookout for if you make one C:
Vessan's picture

I am dying, these two are

I am dying, these two are just so precious <3 <3 <3

N'aww &hearts; And no she

N'aww ♥ And no she doesn't have a bio or anything just yet! I just use her toyhouse page to put some info up until she gets a little older cB

Thank you kindly for hanging

Thank you kindly for hanging out at willow tree ~