"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."
The town of 'Four rocks', got its name from the stark white monumental towers guarding and serving as a lookout point for the old town and keep lying on top of the hill.
The lower part of the town under the hill was enclosed by a 7 meter tall wooden wall, lined with platforms, towers and four gates to each side of sky. The town was shaped like an oval around a deep river, and enclosing the four monumental towers.
Old well was the local name of the town under the hill. White lime walls and red bricked roofs of two-three story houses, wood of the windows and doors painted in green, brown, white or gray dyes, packed together in narrow alleys that got wider when closing to the main four paved roads.
Directly west under the hill lay the main square with a monumental well decorated with all sorts of angelic beings and 'dolphins', it was more of a renovated fountain now than a well. IT was the center of living, the biggest of all squares in the town, shops, markets, merchants, taverns and the best workshops were located around it. You could find more around the city, however not of best quality.
Around the square was a small prestigious living place, but to the west of the well lay four bridges connecting the keep to the widest road leading straight out to the city.
Around it was the biggest part of the city, also the most colourful one of them all.
To the south was the old part riddled with decadency, it was a small part of the town on both sides of the river, connected only by two bridges.
Now when the sun was going down, the white walls coloured pink of the mild light, and the city slowly being lit by candle fire, it was truly a tranquil place...
No posties
Thank you!
second page, BAM...no
This is a reply
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
[CHAVARI] [sing.
[KIMRI] [sing. Kimur]
[ASANTI] [sing. Asante]
(0/0/0) (a/si/li) (e/-e/lar) (i)
Karum Karuma Karume Karumi
Bes Besa Bese Besi
Lanmura lanmursi Lanmure Lanmuri???
Toleli Tolelisi Tolele Toleli
: sk
Kali Kali Kalile Kalili
Katalo Nataloli Natalolar EW
Toleli pravi da je v?eraj pobegnila krava.
praviti (pravi)
Da je
V?eraj (danes) (jutri)
(selrhun)(selruhnri)selhruna/selhrun (selhrunra/selhrunra)(selhrunre)
N'S Karum
N'S Lanmura
-ICA (nika) Nevajeranika Telmura Telmurika
-AR (an) Nevajer Nevajeran Bes Bese'an
-NIK (sil) Murasil
-O- (o) Lanmurotelmuran
The town of 'Four rocks', got
The lower part of the town under the hill was enclosed by a 7 meter tall wooden wall, lined with platforms, towers and four gates to each side of sky. The town was shaped like an oval around a deep river, and enclosing the four monumental towers.
Old well was the local name of the town under the hill. White lime walls and red bricked roofs of two-three story houses, wood of the windows and doors painted in green, brown, white or gray dyes, packed together in narrow alleys that got wider when closing to the main four paved roads.
Directly west under the hill lay the main square with a monumental well decorated with all sorts of angelic beings and 'dolphins', it was more of a renovated fountain now than a well. IT was the center of living, the biggest of all squares in the town, shops, markets, merchants, taverns and the best workshops were located around it. You could find more around the city, however not of best quality.
Around the square was a small prestigious living place, but to the west of the well lay four bridges connecting the keep to the widest road leading straight out to the city.
Around it was the biggest part of the city, also the most colourful one of them all.
To the south was the old part riddled with decadency, it was a small part of the town on both sides of the river, connected only by two bridges.
Now when the sun was going down, the white walls coloured pink of the mild light, and the city slowly being lit by candle fire, it was truly a tranquil place...
Seriously ignore this pls
IT knew how to sing
Eggs are actually bigger than
Maybe help with posterinos
Sheesh seriously
Then out of the pebble
Then the prince of a thousan
It's name was sorrel star
jk it was a kidneystone
It's called the side of the
Tender figs
1 2 3 4 5
ugh why can't test blogs stay
Help, help! I'm drowning
I'm drowning
And then prince of a thousand
He tore aprt reality
And spoke to MAGDOM
The manmade destroyer of man
And then the orator the
the shrieker
and the weeper carried him away
The prince of a thousand
His second child was 'Heart
He was a recluse, and not as
Sorrel star invoked abdominal
The great sorcerer, sorrel star hovered above city -NA-RA-VAREKT-, terroriting it's citizens
There is so much to fix
He was then slain by
Who overcame his sins from
god this takes long
c'mon second page
This blog look like a pez
I want some pez
actually it looks more like
i wans some candy now
^ a very poor snake
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???????
? ? ? ?
? ? ?
??? ?
??? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
??? ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
Fear the blood you spilled,
For your deeds will surely be
their temples sacked and
Lonely N'vajeran stood in the
Crying for his love Berside.
Avarni! Avarni! May our love be eternal, join me in the sea!
And he went as far as he could