I Return! :0

Good gravy, it's been a long time since I was a thing (two years!). I don't even have this game on my laptop anymore (which is dumb - i should fix that). But I want to return to this game! So allo-allo to anyone who even vaguely remembers me xD Goodness. Hopefully, if I quit being a lazy arse, I can get my Zylix back into the game and get her some friends. Sticking out tongue

I vaguely remember seeing you

I vaguely remember seeing you around every now and then. Seems you were active when I was just starting my previous job and I was too busy for much fun.

Hope life has been treating you well! My deer would love to meet Zylix C:

Ooooh, alohaaa! Did we ever

Ooooh, alohaaa! Did we ever talk? I feel like we did on occasion, since I remember your username, I think...? Hmmm.

Either way, your icon is super cute and I love it. What is your deerie's name? :0
Someone in the world loves you more than you could ever truly imagine.

I do not think we have met,

I do not think we have met, but welcome back anyways! XD

Yeah, I think we might

Yeah, I think we might have..? Idk, it's hard to remember.
Thanks! Anjali on here was kind enough to make it for me C:

I have quite a few deer: Haroten, Urila, Emmy, Enthbril, a little guy with no name, and I'm developing a new dude!