
Well, I'll be honest here, I want to act professional today. I want to make a little bio for my deer, Jutin, but I no nothing of making a nice-looking thingie. I wanted it to at least have the little scroll box thing, y'know? If anyone could help that would be awesome aaah
phantomhelsing's picture

well if you *just* want a

well if you *just* want a scrollbox you can do it easily with simple html:

<div style="height:800px;overflow:auto; width="100%">text goes here</div>

just change the height and width to whatever you'd like, you can even use BBCode (the main code supported on this site) and html inside of the text area of the scrollbox.


if you wanted, there are plenty of free CSS templates provided by users here on this site, that are easy to edit with your deer's own info, or even look up some help via w3schools:

There's really no right or wrong way to do this, it can be as simple or as fancy as you like ^^ you have plenty of options and all the time you want to play with them c:

There are lots of coding

There are lots of coding tutorials available here which include lessons and also free templates to use. I'm relearning all this stuff myself, so I'm not a good teacher ;; When you're looking at some free templates, the scroll box you're looking for will most likely be noted by "div".

Good luck!

Cato ninjas again... This is what I get for posting comments while distracted at work lmao
Aivilo's picture

Here are some links to more

Here are some links to more templates if you'd like to browse~