Has anyone else had problems with tef lately?

BrokkenSaint's picture
Okay so I got tef working and alll again. But now I cannot turn the camera around and if I i barely touch the arrow keys to turn while running or walking the camera wildly turns.
Can anyone else me on this?
Tenley's picture

I haven't been able to

I haven't been able to connect with TEF for a really long time D:
Walking into a room and saying, " I should clean this! " Then walking out. -lily

Pegasicorn's picture

Is the camera stuck behind

Is the camera stuck behind your deer the whole time?
BrokkenSaint's picture

Yeah it is.

Yeah it is.
Alphafrost's picture

I am having issues (As of a

I am having issues (As of a few seconds ago) I get on, and the window pops up. Then, what happens, you ask?

The almighty screen of doom pops up:

'Forestviewer.exe has stopped working'


† Life is a Velvet Crowbar
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
Pegasicorn's picture

Open the menu, go to Control,

Open the menu, go to Control, and uncheck "Camera behind avatar" if you see it checked.
BrokkenSaint's picture

It was checked. Thanks a lot

It was checked. Thanks a lot ^^
Pegasicorn's picture

No problem. =]

No problem. =]