
Latte's picture
Hey, I was told you can get the dead deer set on Hallowe'en from something..? I forgot, can somebody please explain and is it only on hallowe'en? I saw a line of deer , many of them had skull masks but it made my computer lag like crazy cheese so...I'm confused. Sad
Aivilo's picture

You mean the zombie set? You

You mean the zombie set?
You have to cast spells on the Big Zombie Deer to get it. He's not in the forest at the moment. You'll see a lot of fog around wherever he's at when he gets into the Forest. It's not just Halloween - he's been around for about a week now. I don't know if he'll stay after Halloween, though.
The deer you're seeing now are a bunch of people who've gotten together for a "Zombie Party" - a player-put-together gathering :3
There are a LOT of people online right now because of it, so it'll probably be slow any time you're around the group.

Find the Big Zombie Deer and

Find the Big Zombie Deer and cast the spells for antlers, pelt, and mask on him and you get the set. Make sure you have a clear shot at the Zombie Deer to avoid casting spells on the deer around you.