"Online: sleeping" = I, the player, am off doing other things.
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msn: derpydeer at hotmail dot com
semi-"out of character" deer:
"Even with these cracks, it resembles how it once was. Maybe someday, it'll be like we never broke it."
Physical: 100%
Feeling: beyond happiness
Forest Updates:
7/22: new beginnings
Physical: 100%
Feeling: ...
Physical: 100%
Feeling: ...
Forest Updates:
Physical: 100%
Feeling: ...
Forest Updates:
Physical: 100%
Feeling: ...
Forest Updates:
Feel free to interact with any of them here!
First: Thank you! >u
Second: I'm glad you didn't mind commenting here~ I was gonna feel weird if the conversation was left on that other topic and I deleted it XD;; And I do know that Cadaver is a dragon and has dragon powers, but there's a difference between "being very strong" and "being invincible." In folklore, when a dragon runs into a sword, it dies, even though it is larger and stronger than the knight who wields the small weapon. I'm very pleased to hear that you're changing his health, although I hope it's a personal decision and not just something to appease me. Really, you're way sweeter than I expected, and I don't want to intimidate you into doing something you don't want to do D: I more just wanted you to be aware of your actions... does that make sense? I'm worried I'm not phrasing myself well.
i wanna hug you ^-^ i
i understand completely, and thank you for calling me sweet, im actually blushing right now
and im actually glad this came up because i am just awful at remembering to change that stuff, i need to get better at it
you seem like the kind of person i could have long talks with about random things and figure out the meaning of everything xD i like you.
...And my fiance would be jealous. :<
its all good xD dublin is
Ivi; No. Your logics have no
Babies. Nao. At least two. I'm not gender-picky.
lolamad; Thank you! XDD He's adorable, but he's a little shizz. Lucky he has at least one thing going for him, or he'd be OMG UNPOPULAR. /sorryIcouldn'tresist (PLZ DON'T WHITE OUT MY PAGE WHOEVER YOU WERE.)
Ooooh, I've never had mac and cheese that way *u* But mine always turns out extra thick and delicious, so I've never had any reason to change up the recipe. I'll try that sometime >u>
I'll keep a lookout for those deer 8D
"Babies. Nao. At least
Don't you know these things take TIME?!
I think they would have to be girls.
We can name them...
Jamie and Jessie Jr?
Nonsense. I'm sure we can
And I love both of those names~~
...This reminds me, I've always wanted to have two cats: Socks and Mittens... both acceptable cat names alone, but EPIC together.
And then there's my old roomie's cat, Shuu... Shuu, Socks, and Mittens.
Maybe we should name our daughters that, instead.
rofl We see pet names like
We see pet names like that a lot.
Bonnie and Clyde
Peeka and Boo
Joy, Faith, Hope, and Zivah
Chevy and Ford
Tom and Gerri
I can't think of any others off the top of my head, but there are some pretty creative ones, lol.
XDDD I think the Chevy and
Gosh darnit I am so behind on
*scent marks, runs* 8D
Lmaoo~ Zebbie, you crack me
...*sniffs the air* ...D| I'm not sure I approve of this method, but at least you didn't leave track marks all over my clean floor.
Eeek, sorry, Vodun. I'll
Lmfaooo~ I knew it was
OK, I thought you would
Lmfaooo, sorryyyy XD Yeah,
I'm going to attempt to update this more often, since I haven't really been writing journals for them XD;;
Prettttty Css I need to
I need to make one!!!
Still don't know how.
I admit, it's quite a bit of
Thanks! I'll have to go and
Aaaaah this is hard!!!
Css is like... way different than html.
Must have taken you days!
Yup! The mp3 players work! X3
Haha~ I've been doing it for a while, but it still takes me a few hours to put something together XD;;
*loiterwaits for a post on
Ryff; Please read my response
Omg, a day with Phy and Vass can't be bad ever. ♥
LMFAO. I think... we just got
Have not seen Vodun in a
Vo hasn't seen Gustiro in a
No need to be sorry. I have
Poor Vodun is not going to get any peace hanging around Gustiro. lol He is the embodiment of trouble.
It's usually a decent router,
And lmfao, I believe he's beginning to understand this.
But as with everything else, he'll just take it in stride. He's more of a masochist than he'll admit to himself, so this is just fine.
The large red bull moved
(Let us say this is before Gustiro got himself seriously injured. I meant to do this last night.
I hope you do not mind doing a little biography hopping. Gustiro is on a mission. XD )
(Ooooh, I'm intrigued~ I
Vodun dragged his nose lazily through the water, counting the ripples as they spread against his legs. The cold water bit into him like a hook. He couldn't tear himself away. The wind changed directions, bringing a new chill and a new array of scents. His ears flickered, and he finally managed to pull himself from the pool, eyes roaming across the far bank. It was Gustiro's scent; he was sure of it. He headed back to dry land, shaking off the excess water.
(It is not too interesting
And the pond is just find they wont be there long.
Gustiro paused atop the Twin Gods’ hill and peered out across the lake. He spotted Vodun easily enough and without further hesitation he was galloping to the other stag. He pulled up at Vodun’s side, fur brushing wet fur. Looking over his shoulder, still pressed against his companion, he spoke. "We go home," he announced. Without explanation he set off back towards the woods expecting Vodun to be at his side.
Oooooh~ ♥ You say it's
Why haven't I tracked this.
Don't forget to add me..
A track for you.
Ah, so I think the deer
Darling; *belatedly loves
Lumossuuuuu; *flying love attack* Does this mean you're gonna be around more? I still find it odd that despite being the one who hooked me onto TEF, I've only seen you once in-forest~ XD NO PRESSURE THOUGH. ............../pressure pressssuuure
Gustiro; Indeed, it was! As a player, I was totally cracking up XD
Track ♥
"You're so pushy, annoying
"You're so pushy, annoying and weird! I can't stand it!" The small buck shouted, as much as his little voice could manage. He stomped his pink hooves on the ground as if it was the only intimidating action he could display and it wasn't much. His ears fell back and he glared daggers at the red male, a pout twisting on his lips at that constantly grinning face, always laughing at his misery. Oh how Vasska could ruffle up the little white one's feathers, press those buttons that no one had ever managed to do before.
DERP you don't have to reply just thought it might be cute lol <3
adorable art by Tuoho! ♥
All of the tiny white buck's
"Can't you? We'll do it again soon then, aye? It'll be much more fun when the rabbits are moving, don't you think?!" He let out a peal of pleased laughter, wanting more than anything to bound over and finish their game, tired as he was, but not wanting to incur his mother's wrath. Her bouts of anger were so unpredictable. He felt it best to simply do as he was told... for now.
ldskfja ♥
I am surprised Vodun has not
LOL. I was afk to fix a
Feyrbrand watches the little
Tzipporah looked over at him
I've seen all of your
Feyrbrand confused as well
Quietly Feyrbrand got up and watched Tzipporah some more. "You are afraid of touch... yes?" He asked, his voice calm and reassuring.
Pega; I feel like I can say
Cocking her head, Tzipporah hung on a word. "Lure? What means this? Is... fish?" The gentle creatures in the pond came to mind, although she could not understand why the stag had used a word that somehow connected to them. But he seemed to have his facts straight now, and she was pleased about this.
She frowned at the next question, and although the frown could not be seen, it could be heard plainly in her words as they broke apart. "No afraid," she corrected. "Are... are... big feel. Are respect. Is bad feel... no comfort... discomfort. In mind, is discomfort. Fur crawl."
Feyrbrand chuckled, it
Feyrbrand tilted his head and chuckled again. His eyes were warm and not cold like they usually were.
"You are confusing with your words, yet I understand you. You mean that others touching you without your... permission discomforts you? Your fur crawls because... they... invaded your space, yes?"".
He understood her words but wasn't sure how to talk to her seeing as she had trouble communicating.