grown deer design

hello anyone who might be reading this i just want to tell you all that when my deer is fully grown i would like to have a skull/zombie mask, red fan antlers and the fan pelt so if anyone could help me get those designs i would be very happy thank you.

Your Friend,
~Faolchu (Wolf)
Aivilo's picture

The zombie set (skull mask,

The zombie set (skull mask, red moose antlers, and zombie pelt) are only available around Halloween. You get them by casting the spell type you want onto the Big Zombie Deer (pictogram name 'velocity') when he's online. Players cannot cast those items on your deer.

The fan pelt (brown with yellow stripes), on the other hand, is available year round :3

thank you for the help i will

thank you for the help i will be sure to remember that. Smiling

Your Friend,

how do you know when

how do you know when "Velocity" is online?
Aivilo's picture

Usually checking the map is

Usually checking the map is the easiest way, although it's likely that once the event starts someone will host a blog (or bump an old one) where Velocity's online status is posted in the comments and the title.