I've compiled this list of words and terms in the hopes of educating newer members and to prevent confusion.
Please click 'Read More' for complete glossary.
If you have a word of phrase you would like to see added, please comment with it and a description.
Alternatively, if you've stumbled across a Forest Term and don't know what it means, post it here, and we'll sort out a description for you!
Technical Components
Tale of Tales: The company that designed and build The Endless Forest, as well as several other games.
The Forest: The Endless Forest game itself where you play as a deer.
The Server: The network all players connect to in order to play in The Forest. Problems with the server can lead to connection issues, frequent crashes, and players being disconnected.
The Community: The members who actively populate The Community Site with content. This is also used in reference to The Community Site, which is where you are now.
The Forum: This is referencing the Support Forum, which is an alternate to The Community Site.
The Twin Gods/ The Twins/ M&A: The two main creators of The Endless Forest, Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn.
Spell Data: A method that allows you to save or load sets.
Hacking: The act of tampering with Endless Forest files in order to change game-play. This is frowned upon by Auriea and Michaël as it goes against what they desire for the game.
Glitches and Glitching
Glitching/ Glitch: When something goes wrong or looks wrong mechanically within The Forest.
Button Mashing: The combination of one or more actions right after each other to form a new and often odd looking animation. Button mashing is a silly pass time for many players.
Air Sitting: The action of exploiting glitches to make your deer appear to float or sit in the air.
Water Walking: The act of exploiting glitches to make your deer walk or sit over the waters of The Pond.
Forest Magic and Appearance
Pictogram/s or 'Picto': The unique symbol your deer receives upon registering. Each account has one pictogram and these symbols are the main form of identification within The Forest.
First Generation Pictogram/s: This refers to pictograms registered prior to the addition of new pictogram shapes.
Second Generation Pictogram/s: When we ran out of First Generation pictograms, the Tale of Tales team created a new second generation of pictograms, created using new shapes.
Spell/Magic: The ability received in order to change one aspect of another deer's appearance. Example; you can change someone into a frog via a Transformation Spell.
Pelt: The pattern and color of fur a deer wears.
Set: The combination of antler, mask, and pelt magic a deer wears most often.
Devout Pelt: This all white pelt is a temporary reward for those who show their faithfulness by praying at the Twin Gods Statue.
Abiogenisis or 'Abio': A special show put on by one or both of the Twin Gods where special magic and effects are displayed, such as falling rocks, blooming fields of flowers, and sometimes special spells are given out.
Mini-Abio: A much smaller, less publicized version of an Abiogenisis (see above) usually only lasting for a half-hour or so.
The Forest: Important Places
The Ruins: The remains of an old church that was introduced to The Forest for a special presentation, it's full name is the Ename Ruins.
The Pond: The large body of water where deer gather to drink, considered the social hub of The Forest.
The Crying Idol: The crying idol is the spring from which the waters of the river and pond originate. Passing through it can give you the red Crying Idol pelt, which prevents other spells being cast upon your deer.
The Playground: A large cluster of boulders on which deer often sleep or climb. Candles can be found here during certain special times of year.
The Oak: This huge hollow oak tree is a popular sleeping place for deer, especially during rainstorms. Near the tree you can hear a powerful hum.
Da Drinkplaats: A new addition to The Forest, drinking from this magical fountain will cause amazing magic and even change the shape of your deer. This magic is stronger the more deer are within the mushroom circle, but leaving the ring will wash away all magics from your deer.
The Twin God's Hill/Idol: The hill on which the Twin God statue sits, located a short trot from the pond. This is where most Abiogenisis begin.
The Birch Forest: Introduced to The Forest after a new version update, it is full of birch trees and tall grasses, with high rolling hills and golden sunlight.
The Blue Bowl: Earlier called the nursery, this large round crater is filled with blue berry plants.
Deermuda Triangle: The three mysterious suitcase shaped tree trunks near the playground. Odd things have been known to happen here.
H.I.S (Hexagon in Stones): This was a spin-off to the Deermuda where six stones in a circle were said to create the same effects as one who travelled to Deermuda.
Community Terms: Words or Sayings coined by Community Members
Great Big Zombie Deer (GBZD): Only seen around Halloween and the Day of the Dead, this large zombie deer is played by one of the Twin Gods and is surrounded by a thick fog. Casting spells on it allows for the caster to receive the much sought after Zombie Set.
Flea: A derogatory word used to describe a deer who pesters or irritates. Not a nice thing to say!
Relentless Deer (RD): A deer that continually harasses even after being requested to stop.
Love Glow: The golden halo and small floating pictograms that surround two touching deer.
Dance Train/ Dance Line: A long, conga-style line of deer all dancing in unison.
Spam/Spamming: The act of posting several blogs devoid of relevant TEF content. This term can also be applied to multiple blogs about the same topic, to avoid this check to be sure a blog has not already been posted about your topic and avoid clicking the 'submit' button more than once.
Sparring: A form of play fighting where two deer will mime locking antlers and rearing at one another. Many spars are planned ahead of time and are between to willing combatants, as this is important to prevent harassment.
Flower Sparring: A variation on sparring played in a flower patch where each combatant attempts to interrupt the flower-pickup action. The first deer to collect flowers on their antlers loses.
Spell-Spamming: The act of casting several spells onto one deer, often in a short span of time. This is done for amusement or to help a deer get a desired set.
Mate: The TEF equivalent of a girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, this title dictates a close bond between two deer.
Hi. This is awesome. 8D
I'm actually amazed how many
it's a Teftionary~ you know
you know i have one of these for all my words. I patented the word mictionary for it...Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
fff yes TEFtionary it
Mictionary has a nice ring to it! lol
Good idea with a blog like
i know...but publishing it
this is an example
Maow [ma + ow as a one syllable word]: A noise similar to meow. Indicates Mick is experiencing frustration, irritation, is being ignored, or is really hyper~
Yeah....it's full of things like that.
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
awwww but how could you pass
Don't forget "RD/Relentless
"A deer who continues to pester/harass for an extended, or relentless, amount of time." Something like that, though I'm sure there's a better definition.
Ah that is true, hadn't even
Tera...I'm not legally
Tera...I'm not legally allowed to publish some of those noisesMick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
fffff *dies*
*dies at Mick*
ugh....i'm so going to
Mick Kreiger: You Know You Love Me XOXO
Perma-devout: The white pelt
[Kinda weighty description, oops. xD Dunno if it's useful either.
You could add the method for getting it too, if you wanted. o:]
I'm actually avoiding
This is a good idea! I see
I see you have included some common short-hand terms and acronyms, but not "picto."
Also, maybe you could include "spell-spamming." The act of casting several spells onto one deer, or just randomly casting any spell on a deer. Often used to help a deer get a desired set, or simply for amusement. Not to be confused with "spamming".
Ah, and I though so. Okay!
Good luck with the project. ^^
Ocean: Thanks, if you ever
Nuevapaz: I'll add picto in with the pictogram description and of course I'll add spell-spamming, can't believe I forgot that one! >8
This is great! More please!
should sparring and flower
Flower Sparring - the action of using the 'flower pick up' emote, combined with others, in order to spar
This helps a bunch! ^^
I'm very glad!
*nodnodnodnodnodnod* nice
The only addition I could really think of is 'Synchronized Head Tilting', but that's more of a game we play and it doesn't get talked about that much. It's a game played in the Forest where two or more deer try to head tilt at the same time.
Ooo I do like that one Quad
I can think of another one..
The Nursery: One of the earlier and older names for the Blue Bowl. =P
Eeee it's a Verdy!
I've never even heard of that name
I approve of this blog. 8D
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There we go! Updated with
fff thanks Fled! Epic emote hand! xD
Just remembered
Deermuda Triangle - The three mysterious suitcase treetrunks.
H.I.S (Hexagon in Stones) - This was a spin-off to the Deermuda where six stones in a circle were said to create the same effects as one who travelled to Deermuda.
Also added. I've never
Hmmm this is just perfect