test 3 me

Hadou's picture
blood | positive | neutral | negaitve

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer placerat mattis tellus ac consequat. Maecenas ornare et orci at hendrerit. Quisque leo dolor, ultrices ac tempor tincidunt, suscipit sit amet libero. Donec vitae nibh euismod mauris congue blandit. Proin egestas eros lectus, sodales ornare magna ullamcorper fermentum. Quisque tristique id odio et ultrices. Nullam rutrum malesuada quam, ultrices ultricies felis volutpat sit amet. Sed quis volutpat dolor. Donec cursus, nunc id euismod porta, mi odio ultrices neque, nec ornare nunc lectus tincidunt est. Aenean in scelerisque lacus. Aenean eleifend erat ac arcu iaculis ultrices. Aenean in dapibus ante.

Duis imperdiet metus at ipsum gravida lacinia. In semper nulla lacus, nec viverra ex mattis at. Nunc aliquet scelerisque metus at tristique. Integer lectus sapien, euismod sed auctor at, efficitur a arcu. Duis fermentum nulla quis urna tempor, in laoreet mauris pharetra. Vestibulum mauris est, accumsan quis aliquam sed, accumsan ac orci. Morbi convallis erat tortor, porta porttitor sem pellentesque non. Mauris ac aliquet sem. Sed tincidunt imperdiet tempus. Aliquam vitae enim eu dui finibus varius. Vivamus rutrum ac dolor eu dapibus. Donec viverra hendrerit nisl in maximus. Donec scelerisque tristique lectus, vitae commodo nisi. Cras lacus felis, ornare sit amet viverra vel, lobortis a ligula.

Nam tincidunt, diam quis tempus vehicula, diam sapien lobortis purus, ultrices semper ipsum nisl sit amet ante. Curabitur imperdiet libero id lorem facilisis, in viverra risus pretium. Curabitur luctus justo ut tortor luctus accumsan. Integer efficitur vehicula nunc, eu rhoncus quam. Suspendisse potenti. Integer condimentum augue sed justo ullamcorper, aliquet fringilla nunc tempor. Maecenas ornare, nisl vel pharetra elementum, eros tellus euismod urna, fermentum maximus lectus nunc in dui. Integer libero felis, auctor vel metus non, sodales dapibus nisl. Etiam vitae aliquet dui. Donec leo elit, ultricies id cursus id, sollicitudin at purus. Mauris ultrices egestas pellentesque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

dreambeast's picture

The game is pretty simple -

The game is pretty simple - you can use the arrow keys or mouse to move around, and the bottom bar of "pictures" to choose what your deer does. The communication is all body-language-based from those movements.

To change your deer, someone else in-game has to cast a specific spell on you.

It's all pretty simple to learn - you just learn as you go.
Hadou's picture

oh, alright, how do the other

oh, alright, how do the other deer cast spells? ._.

thank you c: <3
dreambeast's picture

They can eat pine cones from

They can eat pine cones from trees or lay next to a sleeping deer, or a number of other things - these actions give different spells that change your mask, pelt, and antlers
dreambeast's picture

just go through this whole

just go through this whole site:
Reyy's picture

Also, feel free to check out

Also, feel free to check out our TEFc Directory.
If you have any other questions that cannot be answered on the blog, feel free to ask others.
Apoidea's picture

The "Read Me" file that came

The "Read Me" file that came with the game upon installation has a few tips, tricks, and instructions in it too.
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

You can aquire the red deer

You can aquire the red deer pelt by yourself, just by running through the crying idol fountain if you so chose. (I think!)
Hadou's picture

thanks guys c: how do you

thanks guys c:

how do you get it to stay though? o.o the color
SoliloquyChryseis's picture

Once you have your set (or

Once you have your set (or pieces of), hit ESC, network, and hit save current deer appearance. ^^
Apoidea's picture

If you are a fawn you cannot

If you are a fawn you cannot keep your appearance for 30 days, which is when you will become an adult.

Also, the red pelt disappears when you log out and you have to get it when you log in again.
Gloomycluster's picture

this bio tho //givin love

this bio tho
//givin love