Just crossposting this from
AlisonRobin's awesome post about Pictographs because I don't know how many actually bother to read through comments.
While trying to find out the system behind Pictograms some months ago I learned some interesting stuff about them.
This is my picto. This way most people link their Pictograms.
Now when I went to look at the source code of that page it led me to following page:
It shows the pictogram the same way, but the link is different. Instead of going on the .php site which contains the .swf file from the picto, I went directly to the .swf file.
The interesting thing is the
?word=LXsv. It defines the picto.
See what happens if we change a letter of this word:
?word=LXsv to
One of the glyphs changes, and now we got
ArrowDoe's picto!
Let's take this one step further. I'll be borrowing Verycrazygirl's picto.
Check the source code and we get this:
?word=FXlt is the "name" of VCG's picto. Even though it looks similar to Arrow's and my Picto, it only shares one part, the X as second letter.
Through this we can find out that every Pictogram is made of
4 different glyphs.
I also went further and noted that each of those four "spots" can have
1 of 15 different glyphs:
second letter: PQRSTUVWXYZabcd
third letter: efghijklmnopqrs
fourth letter: tuvwxyz01234567
These are not case sensitive, so if you put "e" instead of "E" as first letter you will still get the same result, but if you put a "P" (or "p") there, the pictogram will "move".
There are only small differences when looking at a Gen2 Pictogram.
Let's take my picto Coordinate.
If we take a look at its source code, we'll get following:
We can see that it's not called "symbol.swf" anymore, but "
Also we have
?word=1Jan0, which seems to have a fifth glyph added, but it doesn't. You got an extra "1" at the beginning. ((I don't know exactly what it does because if you change it nothing happens, but removing it makes the picto move))
Changing the word to "1Jan1" will give us
this, so the glyphs and their spots work the same way as Gen1 Pictos.
Now go forth and find your deer's true identity!
1Mbo7 for Lonhro lol
Quamar's [this account's]
And guess what's amusing? My dad's name is Osmo.
Cutlass' picto is OZm3
Am'iira's is Kaht. And when I
Gen1: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest//register/symbol.swf?word=Kaht
Gen2: http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest//register/symbol2.swf?word=1Kaht
Lol Dampir's name is 1Banu xD
Levis's name: 1Nto5
Ravly's name: 1IQou
Mrok's name: 1Kai7
Hehe... this is weird and
My Deer's new names...
Kaides(Beaumont13) - 1BSe0
Wings(RestingWings) - 1EXeu
Chess(MadFelineSmile) - 1Gbs7
The Doctor(TheDoctor) - 1JUjx
Thank you!!! (1Hbf2)
awesome! my dear's NVku. she
I've found an easier way to
-Open TEF.
-Log in.
-Click something else in the menu.
-Go back to Network.
-Where it should say "Welcome!" It should say your deer's true name.
Bluedeer - That method works
Does it? Oh well.
Thank you so much
Oh my, I'm dangerous. My name
Thanks a lot for the great explanation
Fikos is 1AZm0 If we pretend
If we pretend 1 = i
I got nothin.
Heh.. Ayala's is 1LRqy. Too
Oh, I read it as "larky"
I've got nothin' Rev's 'true'
Rev's 'true' name is BUn0
I have no idea. *Shrug*
My sister's picto code:
So I guess...Ifram? My sister just looked at it, and she doesn't like it. She'll be sticking with 'Artemis'.
My deer's picto code: 1GXk3
So...Igex? Igex...That's actually kind of cool. A whole lot more unique and interesting than 'Corvi.'
@ Revtheyr: I looked at
I looked at "BUn0" and the first name that popped into my head was "Bruno."
how do I find the source code
~ C.S. Lewis
Go to your picto's page and
ah thanks
~ C.S. Lewis
Noa= Nvs0 Orinoco=kbp4 (if
Orinoco=kbp4 (if I'm doing this right XD)
~ C.S. Lewis
: D Unplugged~
Had to go the roundabout way
*Head spinning* O.o whoa
LOL! Mine is 2Lagz!
Mine is 2Lagz!
My one question is, how do
Thanks! NHess's is
Weird, my deers real name is
Wow, that's cool. Here's
Here's mine:
I just changd VeryCrazyGirl 's username to Reira :3
Mines is 2EYi6. My other
I spelled Griffin wrong ._.'
I think my name is 2Hdgy...
Hey, that's really cool. I
edit: Nevermind, I figured it out!
Adrien's real name is 2Idk0... which is hilarious, because it contains "idk," and he's a pretty clueless deer. xP
I guess i was hoping for
I guess i was hoping for
Lool I'm lost XD How do I get
Click the first link and
Ah thank you ^^ My name
OMG I found a new way to find
Ecr1 Reed's.
Really late comment, but this
Really interesting discovery!
Avvie by Hadoukin
Very, very cool stuff,
Ahaha, mine is 2BXm1.. sorry
sorry for gravedigging but I just had to ;-;
3BSj4 Oops, not very catchy.
Oops, not very catchy. I was going to use whatever came up as a name but I might have to go back to the drawing board. xD
Just throw in some vowels and
That's how I name pretty much all of my Dragcave dragons, lol.
Awesome! ^^ But 3HSi3? So...
But 3HSi3? So... his name is Ehsie? xD
Mine is 3CPp1 So what should
So what should it be?
Maybe Ecipipe? E-see-pipe?
So I guess my deer's name is
What is that Amcga? Would it be pronounced as Am-see-ga?
Weird name. Maybe I call my deer something else. :3
~Source code fun!