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<center><div style="border: 5px ridge #D5D7D8;padding: 18px; background-image: url('http://www.nakedandangry.com/subs/main/8037.gif'); none repeat scroll 0% 0%; overflow: auto; width: 650px; background-inline-policy: continuous; text-align: justify; cursor:crosshair">[...]
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/mYIfiQlfaas&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/mYIfiQlfaas&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="30" height="25"></embed></object><br />
<div id="centeredmenu"><ul><li><a href="#1">Welcome</a></li><li><a href="#2">Human</a></li><li><a href="#3">Flyra</a></li><li><a href="#4">Mariella</a></li><li><a href="#5">Frida Kahlo</a></li></ul></div><div style="width:650px;height:600px;overflow:hidden;">
<a name="1"></a><div style="position:relative;height:530px;overflow:auto;background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font:11px courier new;border: 5px double #4E6A81;"><center>[...]</center>
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="10">
<td width="45%" valign="top">
This is a directory to everything
that deals with me & TEF and more.
It is currently under development,
but feel free to track! ♥
<td width="45%" valign="top">
• [9/3/10 -> Human section; will be working on the other sections soon
• [8/28/10] Back from holidays! -> Human section
• [8/4/10] Human Updates & Blog are updated, tomorrow I'll be gone for three weeks
• [7/29/10] Human Updates & Blog are updated, I will be gone until 4th of August!
<a name="2"></a><div style="height:530px;overflow:auto;background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font:11px courier new;border: 5px double #4E6A81;">
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<td width="45%" valign="top">
<a name="3"></a><div style="height:530px;overflow:auto;background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font:11px courier new;border: 5px double #4E6A81;">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="10">
<td width="45%" valign="top">
Short Bio of Flyra + Updates
<td width="45%" valign="top">
<a name="4"></a><div style="height:530px;overflow:auto;background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font:11px courier new;border: 5px double #4E6A81;">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="10">
<td width="45%" valign="top">
Short Bio of Mariella + Updates
<td width="45%" valign="top">
<a name="5"></a><div style="height:530px;overflow:auto;background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font:11px courier new;border: 5px double #4E6A81;"><center>[...]</center>
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="10">
<td width="45%" valign="top">
Short Bio of Frida Kahlo + Updates
<td width="45%" valign="top">
<a name="6"></a><div style="height:530px;overflow:auto;background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font:11px courier new;border: 5px double #4E6A81;">[...]
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<center>thank you</center>
<td width="45%" valign="top">
c s s
<i>t a b b a r s</i> - thanks zebbie
<i>t a b p a r t s</i> - thanks unplugged
<i>b o x , b o r d e r s , i n s p i r a t i o n</i> - thanks ravynn
<i>c o n f i g u r a t i o n & c o d i n g</i> - by myself
<i>m u s i c</i> - by ólafur arnalds
<td width="45%" valign="top">
<i>b a n n e r a r t</i> - thanks scythe
<i>a n i m a t i o n</i> - thanks density
<i>p h o t o g r a p h y</i> - thanks steve wall
<i>b a c k g r o u n d</i> - thanks clare ferguson-walker
<i>b a c k g r o u n d d e s i g n s ( l i n k )</i> - thanks zebbie
<a name="7"></a><div style="height:530px;overflow:auto;background:#FFFFFF;color:#000000;font:11px courier new;border: 5px double #4E6A81;">[...]
<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="10">
</div><div id="centeredmenu"><ul><li><a href="#6">Credits</a></li></div>
I love the different pictures
STALKSTALKSTALK :B Again, can't get over how lovely this is. HAVE MAH CSS BABEHS~ ♥
Munkel - Thank you very much!
Dag - Haha. 8D Follow the buttonnnns. *hypnotizes*
Zebbie - Ahh, once again one of your comments made me giggle with joy. You're so amazing pff. And you're the CSS master that's for sure. I'm just a copycat, purr. |D However, thank you so very much. I appreciate your commenting & tracking a lot~♥
-track- This turned out
This turned out great!
Neat. This must've taken such
ocean - Thank you so much.
Saosin - Oh yes, it did. And there's still so much to add...
I wouldn't do it if I wouldn't enjoy it though c:
Thank you! ♥
Hey, your adoptable is done!
Ohh, thank you! I will post a
o: The links are... Shiny...
/like,. track. XD
They just have some shadows
Thank you! <3
€: Note I will be gone until 4th of August... and Sweden time starts 5th of August...
The layout of this is so
By Leuvr ♥
Your comment makes me cry
@everyone: Gone for three weeks now. Off to Sweden yay!
€ once again: Back ... been driving for 16 hours with four other family members in a car overloaded with luggage, so I'm pretty tired...
Nice to know you enjoyed
Oh really? That's very
Hey you
My holidays were quite alright too
Ehh, I can't seem to let it
Too bad you didn't have better weather though! But rafting is very awesome indeed. And Austria is a lovely country right? I've already had amazing holidays there, too.
The Sterre images in your siggy are so adorable! She's such a beautiful little girl. ~♥
"I even kissed an elk, imagine!" PFFF DUDE, THAT'S AWESOME!
"I feel totally out of place here, to be entirely honest, but when did I ever truly belong, I can't seem to recall." Naaw, Flyraaa~! D: *squishsquish* You always belong here! I know of so many who adore and appreciate you, me included! You'd be sorely missed if you ever decided to leave! You'll always have a place here, I know it :3 And yanno, if you ever feel left out or whatevs, feel free to come join in at the megachatroom-I'll link you to the post if you want (it's in my posts if you check out my blog) but, basically a whole heap of us get together from tef and spazz around. Everyone is welcome, and there's usually at least ten of us in there for cracky funtimes. With your wonderful personality, I know you'd be very loved there and fit in perfectly :3 So if anytime you wish, come on in-it'd be wonderful to have you thar, tee hee!
Hope you feel better soon, and so glad again to hear you had such a great time! ♥
AWW ZebZebpom whatever would
Thank you warmly for welcoming me in such an amazing way. You're unbelievingly kind.
*tackles back* <3!!
I really had an epic time! And yeah I still taste the elk's kiss in my mouth. xD We were in an elk park where we sat in wagons pulled by a tractor which drove us into the elk's enclosure. There were three males, two females and two babies, one from this year and one from the last. When the tractor drove us through the enclosure, they'd immediately come up to us! -SPAZZ- Okay well, fortunately the drivers had given us some leaves and apples to feed them, otherwise I'd be a few fingers poorer now! D: Well no, not really, they were such loveable creatures. Giant, furry, crazy loveable creatures. And cute. 8D
Well as we fed them and petted them and admired them and so on, my sister got the crazy idea to hold a piece of apple between her teeth and let the elk grab it out of your mouth. And of course I had to do that too! XD And the animals did it unquestioningly. Emotional lovers they are! ;D
Pfft I could tell so much about the holidays it would last forever to mention all of it~ Just ask ahead if you have questions though, and I'll answer them all! 8D
Photos you want to see? I'd love to show you some, but they're on my father's laptop yet, thus I'd need to get them first. And my lazybutt won't at least do it this night, so just be a little patient and they might be put in here soonly!
Oh baaaawww Zebbie! Again you flatter me so much with your joy and friendliness ;A; You know, the night I came back from Sweden, I had been driving in our car for 16 hours and I was totally finished, thus that depressive line came along. I'd never leave, don't worry. I love this place and all of you people far too much. <3 I was just totally overwhelmed with all the new stuff on here, and I still don't really have an overview! It's nice to be back though. I missed you too. <333
But now I'm heaps better, especially since I finally got a new laptop! AND IT'S SUCH A SWEETIE URRWW. His name's Eddie, like the spaceborne computer from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And he's awesome. <33
Just wait until I try The Endless Forest with it. I really hope it will work/work better on here. And I think so, I just didn't have a chance to try it out yet. Whooohooo I'm so excited. And I love my new laptop. 8D
That chatroom sounds more than awesomesauce! Thank you so much for the friendly invite! I really need to try it out, just not now with parents in my neck trying to force me to go to bed, ehee~ School's started today! And tomorrow it'll be serious business! Thus I really need sleep, otherwise I won't survive it. But I'm very happy with my timetable, actually. It's okay. Not even so many teachers changed. And I can sleep quite late on Fridays. Perfect for me <33
Oh duh, perhaps I should stop babbling! This became longer than I intended, so sorry for that! ;D
Thank you again for your wonderful comment, how do you manage to always make my day with them? ♥ ♥
This is so beautiful
Thank you
Hey there Kono! 8D I am
I am flattered you like this so much. Thank you. C: I've had a wonderful trip!
This CSS had cost me hours of working, and I stole the codings from various people of this community. ^^ (Click 'credits' to view a few.) And still, even I don't have a real overview when looking at the codings of this. I can show it to you though, if you have a few knowledges of CSS you'll recognize most of this I think. If not, you can always ask me. So far, have the entire code of this. I've put a few things out as the entire archive so it doesn't get even longer, but it is still very long and a real mess.
Plus, I've put out the links and the pictures because in this box they'd shown up as real pictures and links because I used BBC for them in my blog and not HTML.
...I hope you can follow me |D;
If you want to know which parts you may have to change to fit it into your blog, you can take a look here regarding the different tabs, or here regarding the tabs which lead to them, or here regarding the CSS structure overall.
I hope I could help! And I hope you're not too confused now. It may take a time to put everything in a place, but believe me, it's much harder to figure everything out for the first time. ;]
Oh and, I would love if you credited me <3