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Abiogenesis Screeniedumpage [11th June 2010]

this was faaar too wonderful for me to be able to choose only a few to post, sososooo, beware ze image heaviness below, tee hee~! :3

clickeh here for the awesomesauce ♥

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Abio-ness=Epicsauce, would you all agree~? :D

Pffft I so have no P button left after that. But it was so, so very worth it~! *giggles* ♥ ♥ ♥ Screenie blog later fo shuuuuure! Laughing out loud

Best end to my heavy exam period EVAH ♥ Thankyew so very VERY much to you Auriea for that absolutely EPICFABULOUSWONDERFUL abiopartaylovely-ness, and of course to all of the rest of you who joined in-that was so amazing, tee hee~! Laughing out loud Totally lovin' how you all caught onto the danceline, too-sensationaaaal to ze max~! :3 Aaand of course, to all of you who I haven't met before tonight, fess up-you need to be luffed on, tee hee!

Editness: Screenies be up-eth here

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Just a little notie... :O

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