PFFFFF how awesome were all of you guize~? ♥♥♥ :D Jester and I had an absolute blast with all of you this evening-that was epicsaucefun on a stick, we sooo hafta do that again sometime, tee hee~! :3 ♥ I know that I recognize some of your pictos, but hay, it's well and truly past my bedtime and I'm sadly having a few mental blanks, sorry! *giggles* Refresh me-who are you all~? ♥
A huuuge thankies to you guize, truly-that was faaabulous, eee~! :3 ♥ Hope to see you all around! *froths and rolls about happily*
Why hullo thar~ *Waves* The
The red stag was my Jergens, we both had quite the time. (Though I think I enjoyed it more than he did x3)
Wai hai thaaar~! ♥
Eee, I finally got to play with you in ze forest-how awesome, tee hee~! :D Zomgoosh, Jergens is adorable-I'm so glad you had as much fun as we did and *laughs* Oh lawd, well done! *giggles* I don't believe I know much about Jergens-I must rectify this, poste haste~! *dashes off muhahaha* ♥
Thankies so much again, Gingy~! :3 Eee! Btw, I haven't forgotten about starting our interaction log-I'll hafta get on that as soon as this busy period is over! Sorry again for the delay~! DX
His bio sucks, but go right
Hurr... To be honest, I kinda forgot about xD But I'm still interested of course :3
The "deer" with this picto
Plus that dance party was awesome! Yeah!