Dandelion partay-who are you all, guize~? :D

Trickster's picture


PFFFFF how awesome were all of you guize~? ♥♥♥ :D Jester and I had an absolute blast with all of you this evening-that was epicsaucefun on a stick, we sooo hafta do that again sometime, tee hee~! :3 ♥ I know that I recognize some of your pictos, but hay, it's well and truly past my bedtime and I'm sadly having a few mental blanks, sorry! *giggles* Refresh me-who are you all~? ♥

A huuuge thankies to you guize, truly-that was faaabulous, eee~! :3 ♥ Hope to see you all around! *froths and rolls about happily*
GingerNut's picture

Why hullo thar~ *Waves* The

Why hullo thar~ *Waves*
The red stag was my Jergens, we both had quite the time. (Though I think I enjoyed it more than he did x3)
Trickster's picture

Wai hai thaaar~! ♥

Wai hai thaaar~! ♥ *flailwaves back*

Eee, I finally got to play with you in ze forest-how awesome, tee hee~! :D Zomgoosh, Jergens is adorable-I'm so glad you had as much fun as we did and *laughs* Oh lawd, well done! *giggles* I don't believe I know much about Jergens-I must rectify this, poste haste~! *dashes off muhahaha* ♥

Thankies so much again, Gingy~! :3 Eee! Btw, I haven't forgotten about starting our interaction log-I'll hafta get on that as soon as this busy period is over! Sorry again for the delay~! DX
GingerNut's picture

His bio sucks, but go right

His bio sucks, but go right ahead x3

Hurr... To be honest, I kinda forgot about xD But I'm still interested of course :3

The "deer" with this picto

The "deer" with this picto http://tale-of-tales.com/TheEndlessForest/register/pictogram.php?username=Kingy were Jessica aka the crazy doe (she's super crazy so BEWARE of HER! heh) and the second one grey pelt, hand mask,noh antlers was Owlclaw (she is cat and congratz to those deer that met her today because she was in good mood.) Any way those to belong to me and thats why you might have regonized the picto IT's Poppyseed old picto hehe that she will never use. So yeah.

Plus that dance party was awesome! Yeah!