Although it ended with quite the disaster, this season has been a success to Virgil.
This is his second year rutting as a Stag, he was fairly good at rounding does and leading them to pleasent pastures for grazing. There he tried his best to protect them from bucks and stags alike.
Most of his losses were to strong skulled stags, but he was particularly good at fending away bucks save from a couple of cross-dressers. *Ahem*
He has made many friends.
Ultimately he is likely to be fathering two fawns this year, the predicted amount. One hopefully with his partner Kiyoko - the news yet to come; the other by an albino doe called Kauna.
His most challenging opponent was Saosin; followed by Fox and Lork.
His least challenging opponent was Rush; followed by Nukilik.
Often his good friend Gehirn and he would bicker and argue about each others places in the harem, both prefering to herd one another instead of act as rivals. They both seemed to take an equal amount of turns being a doe or the stag.
As a player, I have learnt a lot about my character, and this experience has helped us develop and mature our place.
During the rut, he has confessed his love to Kiyoko, and I like to think that's one of the greatest highlights where character development goes. Thanks Kiyo. <3
Another character development highlight would be the new look. His antler has snapped, though along with the other will both fall off in late winter/early spring. Meanwhile, the reopening of his trademark X wound will leave a perminant scar on him and thus change his visual identity a bit. Thanks for the fight Sao. <3
Virgil's hormone levels will remain heightened for a further few weeks, he may express some slight rutting acts from time to time, but he is no longer "In Rut".
A great year.