Samorn's blog

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Woohoo! (non-tef)

I caved and decided to re-download one of my favourite MMOs, Perfect World International, to play it for a bit. I got into it two years ago when my friend mentioned it and then we got our other friends involved. I know other people post screenshots from other games soooo I decided to do that, haha.
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July 24th: Encounters

I encountered other deer today. They seemed intrigued by my presence near the Statues however they did little to disrupt me. Perhaps it is the calming influence of the Gods that affects them in this way. It was very much welcome. I did not wish to intrude on their prayers and they did not intrude on my thoughts. They were all very unique and courteous although I was too lost in my thoughts to notice them to some extent.
Samorn's picture

Parallel Universe

Somebody cast a spell on Samorn and I exited without restoring my pelt, which apparently saves it as my set. I'd seen other people asking for help but they directed me to a tutorial on how to do it yourself and so I figured I'd skip it and just use my laptop.

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Snapshots x3

Last one for today

A lovely pair I walked by.
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Snapshots Set 2

My identity has been compromised!
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I decided to go incognito to take some shots of deer I spotted around the forest. Not my best shots but I didn't want to get too close. I have zero concept of space when I'm in first person, haha. I was trying to go around somebody and ended up beside them Sticking out tongue

Kept seeing this guy around. I think he's quite pretty, haha.
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jumpstart my heart [roleplay]

Open to anybody. Preferably a stag just because of the way I've phrased everything.
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[don't feel bad for me]

Letting a soft sigh pass her lips, she stooped down to pass beneath low branch. Her gentle breathing rose in little puffs, blending into the fog. The overgrown locks cascaded over her forehead, parting gently to let her see the path before her, as if that was even possible. Raising her gaze, she stopped. The path before her parted and both appeared to lead to nowhere.

Suddenly a shrill cry caught her attention. Whipping around, eyes wide, she tried ever so hard to see through the fog. It's getting stronger, she thought grimly as she turned her gaze back to the fork in the road. Two paths, two fates, one decision to make. Deciding to glance back one more time, she cautiously eyed her surroundings. There was a soft pounding that made her tense.

There was no time left. She scrambled, digging into the dirt as she bolted down the path. She could feel it nipping at her heels, egging her on. It could run faster, it was purposely staying just shy of her. She could see something up ahead, a light perhaps. And just as suddenly, it was there before her.

A dead end.
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Popping in

What's everybody up to? Any interesting new characters? Any huge plot developments? I'm curious to know, haha.
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