Ayala's operator's thoughts.
I have been away for many months from the Forest.
Over the spring and summer, many friends and family have passed
on from this life. But busy summer activities, EMT work, and
fire department volunteering have restored my balance. One pride and joy
I've had now has been creating a huge outdoor room and garden. I can spend
countless hours out there after work and at times, it can feel like a real life
Endless Forest when I'm surrounded by all the flowers.

I even saved and raised a tiny monarch caterpillar, made a blog and
video journal about her until she was ready to be freed to fly away
on July 4th, my country's birthday.
Ayala's thoughts:
I am still without a fawn child. The buck's time in September was exciting, my first,
but I have not seen my dear black and white love in many weeks. Perhaps he's moved
on to a different path of the heart.