Ayala's operator's thoughts..
It's been over a year since I've visited with my character in the Forest. The pending arrival of All Hallow's Eve has tempted me to return and try my luck in chasing Velocity to gain a Zombie pelt and skull for the evening. Can I do it?
We shall see on Thursday if my country's holiday coincides with the designers. It is fall in my part of the world, soon to be winter. The Forest will be a few minutes get away to escape the cold and snow when I seek relaxation and its simulated peace.
Perhaps there'll be a Rut and I'll find a pal to befriend each night to form a friendship for the winter. Who knows? Maybe I'll resurrect Ayala's red fawn racing days custom for a whole month to see if I can start a new tradition in the Forest. (Chasing around the pond and back to the waterfall idol before your "red" color wears off.)

Ayala's thoughts:
I've returned to the woods of my fawnhood. It's hard to believe I am a doe of almost three summers. I still seek a fawn to be my own for a month until adulthood, for chases, hide and seek, pond swimming, flying lessons, mask and pelt collection building and the usual magics I have discovered.
It's been a whole year since I've seen the giant, Velocity who granted my candles. I hope to chase him again for my Night of the Fog pelt change. I have yet to see the Great Magic, Abiogenesis. I hope to live long enough to see the White Stone Spirits at work.
I shall sit by the pond and watch the swimmers in the sunlight under the willow. You shall find me when I sleep in a fairy circle of mushrooms. I may no longer be as fast as I was, but I have gained wisdom in Speaking to all Folk of the woods.
I shall run my first red pelted race tonight around the waterfall for ten minutes straight starting now to revitalize my old game of Red Deer Beach Racing.
Care to join me?

Rain always approaches these days before the Giant Stag awakens. I can smell his soul, calling me to come breathe in his magic.

This is really beautiful
Thank you. I had forgotten