Ayala's operator's thoughts.
I was so disappointed to miss the abiogenesis on Halloween night. I had to work. But on
daylight savings day, I did see some cool things in the night at De Drinkplaats. A giant
goldfish, a heiroglyphic pot full of fire, a green firework, lightning.. They appeared
randomly, once every few minutes while I stared toward the fountain near the back
of the well at the edge of the mushroom circle while still inside of it while manifesting
as a squirrel from a fountain change and having a squirrel shape in normal play.
I wonder if this is another cool secret that I found by mistake.
Was this Michael or Auriea or something that happens at night during holidays there?
Maybe one of you can tell me if special effects from abiogenesis happen at De Drinkplaats at night.
I also encountered an echo deer effect, one golden deer with natural antlers and purple
flowers was dancing with around ten multiple copies of himself and they followed each
other in action, rearing at the same time, laughing, dancing,etc. This happened by the
Then they formed a conga line and later on a circle. See my screenies in this post.
Is this that one individual whom people are saying who can hack in multi-deer tricks?
This happened right after the strangest game glitch I've ever seen, I had a devout pelted
copy of myself following right next to me to my left out of love glow range and it did the
exact same things I did at exactly the same time perfectly without any delay. It was like
a white mirror image ghost. I could even sit with this echo and mess with game settings.
I was in the Blue Bowl when it happened on Nov 1st just running through it randomly
in the brown deer pelt with candle antlers wearing the deer muzzle mask.
I finally caught a sunset. Still wishing to wake up to a rainy day in the forest.
But, I digress. Here was my character doe's Halloween time experience inside of the forest.
Ayala's thoughts:
I awoke to living giants looming like sentinels over my small clearing where I had taken
my daytime rest. Towards the pond, I could see a whiteness. Excited, I began to
run towards the mist, eagerly, knowing that it meant Velocity, the big zombie deer Elder
was near. I ran towards the large oak and found other folk waiting in eager anticipation
for something. But Velocity was not there yet.

Restless, excited, I began to run around the perimeter at the very edge of the circle of mist
surrounding the area. Then,.. I saw a zombie deer folk with no glyph and began a chase. Was this

Then, I cast a spell out and my pelt changed to a zombie! But how to get the skull I wondered.
I began to run again in my eaten hide. I was excited, but frustrated because
I could not find a mushroom tree to eat from to save my soul in the thick fog.
The large apparition shot away faster than I could follow and was gone.

A few minutes later, I began to seek out the thickest mist and found thirty or forty folk huddling and spell casting a sleeping Velocity
on the ground! I tried to gain the skull mask but my spells went astray, the crowding of folk around the BZD was too great. I had to leave the forest.

But in the struggle and mayhem, someone's spell gave me a new mask which I kept all Halloween.

I returned to my glade among the large sentinels. But I lost my precious zombie pelt when the
forest blinked (game crashed). I cried out in sorrow and instantly slept the sleep of the stunned.
The next day, my heart saddened, I awoke to candles in daytime and I smiled.

As I watched, an Elder in red came forward to nuzzle me and I was comforted. He cast his head towards the thicket hill on the way to the Ruins and I began to run in that direction.

I was suddenly caught up with a white spirit running along side me. It had flown down from the sky!
And it was me! We ran together as one for many long minutes, all over the forest, our hearts one, our
feet...one. It was as if the spirit was reading my mind and knowing what I would do before I even did it.
A soul echo. Eventually, we rested, seated side by side until I fell asleep.

The next day, I found more Echo Folk, dancing by the pond. I quickly donned purple flowers and joined in to learn the dance they were performing in tandem.
I spent a very happy hour with these new spirits wearing golden pelts. They were being led by a grey striped long masked Elder whom I did not know.

The golden echoes would run off randomly and go to join a dance line after their
brothers, inviting the living folk to join in.

Then a new zombie stepped behind me and completed the queue.

Later, I was invited to dance inside of the Golden Spirits circle as they watched. I felt so
honored to be one with them.

On daylight savings day, it was night, and the candles were still there, my warm
guides under the trees.

As I drank, sunset slowly fell over me, awashing my brown coat with firelight.

I took a bath as the moonlight strengthed and fell into my eyes.

I went seeking butterflies to make me sneeze and found light tipped flying folk instead
who tickled my ears in the flower beds.

I went to rest and watch the night at the Ruins. It was very beautiful by candlelight.

On daylight savings day, I visited the great black candle in the heart of the large oak.

And I visited the idols to see whether or not they were still sleeping. I paid homage.

The mood on this night was calm, as if all the folk were waiting with bated breath
for something to happen.

Finally tired, at peace, I flew through the candle's flame on the bridge and my pelt steamed
for my troubles when I hit the water. (nice effect!) I went to my day sleep a happy doe, dreaming of
the miracles that me and my heart had found.