December 14, 2009 - 7:51pm — lois
Extra song
It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid
At christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade
And in our world of plenty, we can spread a smile of joy!
Throw your arms around the world at christmas time
But say a prayer - pray for the other ones
At christmas time, it's hard, but when you're having fun
There's a world outside your window
And it's a world of dreaded fear
Where the only water flowing is a bitter sting of tears
And the christmas bells that ring there are the clanging chimes of doom
Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you
And there won't be snow in Africa this christmas time
The greatest gift they'll get this year is life
Where nothing ever grows
No rain or rivers flow
Do they know it's christmas time at all?
Here's to you
Raise your glass for everyone
Here's to them
Underneath that burning sun
Do they know it's christmas time at all?
Feed the world
Feed the world
Feed the world
Let them know it's christmas time and
Feed the world
Let them know it's christmas time and
Feed the world
Let them know it's christmas time and
Feed the world
Let them know it's christmas time and
Feed the world
Let them know it's christmas time and
Feed the world
Let them know it's christmas time
Rudolph was trotting along elf market place carring a huge bag of 100 Christmas balls on his back. He was seen by other elves and one greeted him. "Hello, Rudolph!" yelled an elf, selling candles. "Would you like to buy some candles?"
"OK!" said Rudolph and took a candle then balanced it on his head. After a few minutes, the young reindeer stopped by an ice cream stand for some ice cream.
After the bag was getting heavier and heavier and the candle almost fell of Rudolph's head. So he put it between his little antlers and carried on walking to Santa's house but his legs were tired and the bag was aching his back. Then, he decided to FLY there!
December 13, 2009 - 6:30pm — lois
She is pregnant and would soon have fawns! How exciting!
December 13, 2009 - 5:49pm — lois
Welcome! This is a roleplay and your deer can be in it. We need
Leader male:
Leader female: Whisper
Then we need a simply profile
Deer name:
Favourite colour:
Like mine
User: lois
Deer name: Whisper
Gender: Doe
Age: 28
B'day: 13 June
Job: Leader female
Colour: Black and white
Favourite colour: Light blue
Other: ...
October 29, 2009 - 8:18pm — lois
NAME: Whisper
FEELINGS: OK, but not OK, OK
ACTION: Sleeping
THINKING: "Shadow won't come...he's gone forever..."
Whisper is a stubborn doe who likes to take things slowly. She is alright, it's just that her boyfriend Shadow is gone. She is now a brown doe (her pelt keeps changing). When stags flirt her, she either screams or smiles a bit. For a greeting, she sniffs the deer. When she's grumpy, confused or sad, she shows her antlers. As a fawn, and still, she is friends with a handsome white stag called Cougar. She is sleeping after a long run. She loves to keep fawns company! Whisper has more clever ideas and after her boyfriend is gone, she is looking for a mate.
Age: 28
Likes: Mushrooms from trees, being in a herd, running and being awake
Hates: Pinecones, being challenged, deer who want to battle her, deer who ignore her and being washed by the pond
September 25, 2009 - 7:16pm — lois
Lindsay was sitting in the garden staring at the spider's web in the chair. Her dad was on a ladder, up the garage - hammering the broken part of the roof. Lindsay and her family lived in a house in the middle of the forest. Their garage roof was broken when a stag jumped up it and broke the roof with its antlers. Lindsay had blonde hair down to her neck, she had blue eyes and she was always intrested in animals! She had a dog (Rover), cat (Puss) and a pony (Coral) but she loved deer. Even though, one broke the garage roof.
One Autumn day, Lindsay took Coral for a hack. She rode the Haflinger pony around the forest. Until she saw another hoofed creature, galloping past an old oak tree. Lindsay urged Coral to follow it. Coral cantered after the hoofed creature. When they got up to the hoofed creature, drinking water from a pond, Lindsay got off Coral and slowly went up to it. The hoofed creature was a deer-a black and white deer! Lindsay let the deer stare into her eye. It blinked slowly. Lindsay touched its coat, it felt like a Puss, her brown tabby cat. But its legs felt like Rover, her boxer dog.
"Hello", Lindsay said.
"Well, hello here", the deer said back.
Lindsay gasped in horror.
"Did you just talk?" she whispered.
"I believe I did. My name is Whisper but if it's too chummy for you call me Whispy", the deer replied.
"OK, I'm Lindsay", explained Lindsay. Then she walked up to Coral who was standing right next to a tree. "And this is Coral".
Whisper was about to gallop away until Lindsay told her to stop. She stood right next to a sleeping deer. Lindsay and Coral ran over. "You want to come home with me?" Lindsay asked.
"OK, but don't tell any of your friends or family I can talk, because I'm a magic deer and we must keep our secret", Whisper warned.
September 12, 2009 - 7:30pm — lois
It was completely night at The Endless Forest, all the animals were in a DEEEEP sleep. A stag named Hermes was sleeping in a circle of mushrooms until he heard a screaming noise. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" it echoed. It woke nearly everyone in the forest. Hermes realised his friend Echo was screaming in fear, he went to the Oak tree to take a look. Echo was straight up in her grass-bed. "Echo, did I hear you screaming lately?" asked Hermes.
"Well, yes", answered Echo. She watched the other animals who were following Hermes to her house staring at her in fear.
"OK, Hermes...I don't think we need other animals in my tree", she remarked.
"But we heard you scream", squealed a bat.
"Please tell me it was just a bad dream!" wept a squrriel.
Echo shoked her head fast. "Oh no, no, no! That wasn't a dream, it was real-real I tell you. It was like a-a ghostly moan..." The animals gasped in horror.
"But what if it WAS a ghost?" cried a dove. Hermes calmed the animals down and they went back to bed.
But suddenly, at the peaceful night, Hermes once again heard a AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!. He went back to Echo's house. Echo laid awake on her grass-bed. "I heard you screaming again", Hermes yawned, sounding really tired.
"OK, OK. The noise came from here as I realised", Echo breathed. She pointed at a hole in the ground.
"Well, let's get in!" Hermes shrugged. The stag and doe went in the hole and looked around. Suddenly, a noise was heard saying: "MURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" Echo screamed, "That's the sound!" Hermes bravely investagated while afriad Echo walked behind him.
"Um, about that monster, I'm starting to think it's not a ghost!" gulped Echo, looking ahead of Hermes.
"What ya mean?" asked Hermes.
Echo flipped Hermes around and a huge scaled creature was ahead of them.
September 8, 2009 - 2:46pm — lois
Whisper followed her friends in the caves. Everytime get out of the caves, they were in different places. "That was very adventurous!" Pip said when they all got out of the same cave.
"Look, a graveyard", Todd said, looking at a knocked down church.
"Oh, that's the Ruin!" Whisper replied.
"The Ruin?" Pip asked.
"The Ruin?" Doria repeated. They went up to Ruin. Suddenly, Mr Peli came flying over to them.
"Whatya kids doin'?" he asked.
"We're exploring the Ruin", Doria answered.
"Ar, but we're not in this part, are we? Let's go back", Mr Peli said. Groaning, the 4 friends folowed Mr Peli back to the drop-off. After 2 hours, Mr Peli called, "OK, kids. Our exploring is done-good exploring everyone!" The children followed Mr Peli back to the forest. Cheech was there with the other parents. "Hey, Mum!" Whisper yelled.
"Hello, Whisper! How was your first day?" Cheech asked.
"It was great! I made friends with Pip, Doria and Todd!" Whisper smiled. She turned around and Pip, Doria and Todd were there.
"See ya tommorrow, Whisper!" they yelled. It was going to be great tommorrow! To Whisper it would be!
September 8, 2009 - 12:57pm — lois
The sun was brightening up the forest, Whisper's family were still asleep in the Oak tree. But Whisper had been awake for 3 hours. She was excited cos it was her first day at school. "First day of school, first day of school! Wake up, wake up!" she yelled, hitting her father Sparrow.
"Yeah, your first day at school-time to get up and go...10 more minutes..." Sparrow yawned.
"No, Dad! C'mon! First day at school!" yelled on Whisper. Sparrow got up on his hooves.
"Alright, alright. I'm up!" he yawned. Whisper galloped around the tree and got out of the tree. The forest was very beautiful, some fawns and other baby animals' parents were taking them to school.
It was Whisper's first day of school. It was the most exciting day of her life! She would meet some other animals instead of deer like foxes, bears, owls and more other creatures. Her big sister Rain had been at school for 3 years. Before they moved to the forest, the old school was...old. "Come on, everyone! It's my first day at school!" yelled Whisper. Now that woke Cheech her mother and Rain up. After breakfast, Cheech took Whisper to school. They met a fox, raccoon and owl. "Hey, are you Cheech the deer goddess?" asked the fox.
"Why, yes", Cheech amswered. The fox grinned at the raccon and owl.
"Really?!" he smiled.
Then Whisper saw a fox cub, a raccoon kit and an owl chick playing together. The fox cub saw Whisper and she called her friends. "Hey, your color's very weird", she boosted. Her father smacked her leg. "OW! What was that for?" she yelled.
"Be nice. It's her first day", the fox explained.
"Hi, I'm Doria, I'm a raccoon", the raccoon kit said to Whisper.
"I'm Pip. I'm a red fox", the fox cub said.
"Hello, I'm Todd. I'm a barn (sneeze) owl", the owl chick sneezed.
"I'm Whisper. I'm going to school", she said.
"So are we", Pip added. "Do you wanna go to school with us?"
"Do I?!" Whisper smiled and followed her new friends.
"Bye, Mum!" Whisper yelled.
September 7, 2009 - 2:31pm — lois
Full name: Sparrowamor
Short name: Sparrow
Gender: Stag
Job: Father of three, husband and forest protector
Likes: Spending time with his three daughters
Dislikes: Wolves, panthers and bears
Color: Grey
Mask: Tiki mask
Favourite pastime: Protecting the forest and spending time with his children
Quote: "It takes one deer at a time to protect the forest!"
Name: Cheech
Gender: Doe
Job: Mother of three, deer goddess and fawn carer
Likes: Fawns, her family, stags and being a goddess
Dislikes: Panthers, thunder and deer who like ignore her
Color: White
Mask: None
Favourite Pastime: Spending time with the kids
Quote: "A good doe always knows the balance of being clean".
Name: Rain
Gender: Young doe
Job: Big sister of two, Deer baseball champion and mother of two
Likes: Sports, her fawns Spike and Tally and her sisters (sometimes)
Dislikes: Fog, cold weathers and frogs
Color: Blue with yellow stars and lines
Mask: None
Favourite Pastime: Playing sports, playing with Spike and Tally and running
Quote: "Sports, it's...beautiful...I LOVE IT!"
Name: Whisper
Gender: Young doe
Job: Second oldest of her sisters, mother of two and spending time with her friend Cougar
Likes: Her fawns Flame and Canista, her friend Cougar and doing pelts
Dislikes: Deer who want to fight her and who deer who follow (Whisper: "Cos it's annoying!")
Mask: None
Favourite Pastime: Walking, eating mushrooms from trees and playing with her fawns
Quote: "I'm gonna marry Shadow one day!"
Name: Astra
Gender: Female fawn
Job: Yongest of her sisters
Likes: Friends, playing and hoping
Dislikes: Scary wolves, dark and yucky plants
Mask: None but getting one
Favourite Pastime: Playing with her friends in the Playground
Quote: "Has anyone seen my flower head-necklace?"
September 7, 2009 - 1:59pm — lois
Dear Diary...
Today, I was in the mood of doing pelts do that's what I did. (I had to change to a stag though). I finally found some deer who were interested in pelts. I was actually there to get my old color back but none of them were black and white so I'm now...light grey. Remember me as light grey ok. Anywhoo, I found a deer who wanted to do pelts with me, he/she looked exactly like Shadow, my boyfriend. I was trying and trying to get him/her to get my black and white coat back but nothin'...he/she gave up and went to a deer who looked really like him/her. *Sigh* guess I'll never get my black and white fur back....
Whisper's diary P.S. Don't tell my cousin Shimmer 'bout this diary!