Whisper's diary *page 2* (top secret!)

lois's picture
Dear Diary...
Today, I was in the mood of doing pelts do that's what I did. (I had to change to a stag though). I finally found some deer who were interested in pelts. I was actually there to get my old color back but none of them were black and white so I'm now...light grey. Remember me as light grey ok. Anywhoo, I found a deer who wanted to do pelts with me, he/she looked exactly like Shadow, my boyfriend. I was trying and trying to get him/her to get my black and white coat back but nothin'...he/she gave up and went to a deer who looked really like him/her. *Sigh* guess I'll never get my black and white fur back....

Whisper's diary P.S. Don't tell my cousin Shimmer 'bout this diary!