My deer is having a fawn soon! :D

lois's picture
She is pregnant and would soon have fawns! How exciting! Smiling
ocean's picture

Alright, she gets a congrats.

Alright, she gets a congrats. xD
Reyy's picture

Awe. (: Congratulations. (:

Awe. (:
Congratulations. (:
Katara00176's picture

Excuse me, how deers in TEF

Excuse me, how deers in TEF can be pregnant?
I were out of TEF a lot of time, so I really don't know.

Just follow me!

Congrats! When is the little

Congrats! When is the little one due? Smiling

Katara: Deer can't actually get pregnant within the game, but some players choose for their deer to have fawns, either with or without a father.

Congrats Having fawns is

Having fawns is great!
One of my deer had a fawn and its aswome well for me at least Smiling
Density's picture

Aww yay! How exciting!

Aww yay! How exciting!
Katara00176's picture

Ahh ya understand! but i

Ahh ya understand!
but i prefer she has a father! <3

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