lois's blog

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Everything about Whisper

Whisper is a young, friendly doe. She likes doing pelts with other deer and she has a mate called Shadow who is actually left the forest for a while for a fight. What she is trying to say to other deer is "We could be friends", or "You're a nice-looking deer", but you know what they say: the deer can't talk! Well there's something I'd like it say...when Whisper was running through the bridge she acciently fell in the water and she turned plain, so I turned her to a fawn, but Rain has to turn to a fawn too and her mother Cheech has to be pregnant to Astra her little sister. I'll try to turn Whisper black and white so she'll look like when she was born and as a fawn. She'll run in the Birch forest and play hide-and-seek with other fawns. She'll grow up in October or her birthday (June 23rd). You could be her friend if your deer's a fawn and play hide-and-seek in the Birch forest and also be her mother or father (even when she already has a mother) if your deer's a stag.
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I've Changed Whisper To A Fawn

Because I acciently made my deer fel in the water I've decided to turn her to a fawn. I don't know why. I'm trying to make her orange with those blue patterns on her. I'll turn her to a stag at June the 23rd (it is her birthday that day) or next month. Maybe you deers can look out for her and look afteer and be her mum or dad or something.
lois's picture

Whisper's diary *page 1* (top secret!)

Dear Diary...
I finally decided to be part of an exciting activaty with the other deer. It was game of Deer baseball. It was so exciting I had to share it with Cougar. "Deer baseball?" Cougar asked.
"Yeah", I replied, "I'll see ya in the view!" Deer baseball was on next week. My big sister Rain wanted to be part of it too but I said: "Sorry, sis. The players are already figured out".
"Oh I understand", Rain nodded. I never knew my big sister even spoke like that if it sounded very sneaky... Anywhoo, at the game we were pratising before the day. I was a champion when I was a fawn-so I might make my team win!! When the day began, my family and Cougar were part of the view but I couldn't find Rain anywhere!!!! When I was about to kick the ball, someone pushed in my way-it was Rain! "Rain! What did I just tell you?!" I yelled. But I spoke too soon, Rain kicked the ball the goal-keeper missed! My team won! I just couldn't belivie it, I AM the champion of the game, am I? To humans, baseball, they used bats but we deer make like 'basketball'. I found out that there are more champions than just me and that's why sports is so much fun!

By Lois's deer, Whisper. P.S. Don't tell my cousin Shimmer this cos then she'll tell her friends it and my diary won't be secret anymoe!
lois's picture

Whisper's factfile

Name: Whisper
Age: 28
Date of birth: 23rd of June
Color: Black and white
Status: 100% of Health, 99% of Happiness, 100% of Friendship and 0% of Stress
Children: Flame and Canista

Whisper is like a very curious deer, she is also friendly. She loves to see the birds fly around and land on the floor pecking on the ground.

Her favourite place to sleep
Whisper loves to sleep in the Oak tree but she normally sleeps under the tree near the pond to it could shade her when she was out in the hot sun!

Rain--Older sister
Astra--little sister (still a fawn)
Silverstar--Brother-in law
lois's picture

"When I'm A Fawn"-story according to Whisper

A black and white fawn ran through the bridge looking very filthy. Whisper was playing with her friend Cougar the grey fawn who was also looking really dirty. Whisper acciently ran into her mother Cheech who was drinking water at the pond. "Whisper, look at the state of you! Same goes for you, Cougar!" Cheech remarked.
"Sorry, Mum. We were just playing...in the mud", trembled Whisper.
"In the mud?" Cheech gasped. "That's it! You two are having a bath!" Whisper and Cougar groaned. Both hated bathes because they hated getting wet! When their bath was over, Whisper and Cougar went to the Birch forest for a talk.

"You're mum really is acting like a mother!" joked Cougar.
"She is a mum", Whisper said, not getting Cougar's joke. Cougar laughed. "No. I mean that...let's say your mum gave us a bath it's so...motherly..." Whisper got confused. She knew there was no such word as 'motherly'. Suddenly, there was a voice. "Whatya guys doin'?" it asked. It was Whisper's big sister, Rain.

"Sis!" Whisper yelled.
"Hiya!" Rain said. "So... whatya doin' standin' 'ere at the Birch forest?"
"Just talking", Cougar answered, "nothin' interesting".
"Oh. But it MUST be!" Rain added
"Ok, sis. Thanks for your friendly talk but me and Cougar want to be alone so ur... CAN YOU LEAVE US ALONE?!" Whisper yelled.
"OK, OK", Rain breathed, "I'll go. See ya'll late-er!" Then she ran off.

Whisper and Cougar then saw some deer playing in the Playground. They were playing football. "Can we play?" Whisper asked the fawns when they went up to them.
"Sure", said one of the fawns, "you can be one of the players".
"Ok-ay..." Cougar shrugged. When the fawns were playing football. One of the fawns kicked the ball to Whisper. Whisper was nervous.
"Whis-per!" cried one of the fawns. But it was too late! Whisper kicked the ball to the goal-keeper. The goal-keeper missed the ball! Most of the players cheered (who didn't cheer was the ones who weren't on Whisper's team).
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*Whisper's Biograpy and other*

Name: Whisper
Age: 28
Date of birth: June 23rd
Quote: "I hate football! I don't know why my sister does!"
Favourite color: Light blue
Favourite food: Mushrooms from the trees
Best friend: Cougar
Likes: Snow, fawns, doing pelts with other deer, relaxing by the pond, light blue, fresh water to drink and finding a private place.
Dislikes: Wolves, rain and deer who want to fight her
Weirdest part: "I was like walking in the forest then I saw this deer and he kept on following me and it was getting annoying then I found him laying on the ground! Weird!"
Mood: Exciting because it's snowing in the Endless Forest!
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Clover's Biograpy

Name: Clover
Age: 28
Coat color: black and white
Gender: Female
Personality: Curious, charming and friendly

Family and friends:

Sparrow-father (grey, spiky antlers and a tiki mask)
Cheech-mother (white, normal antlers and no mask)
Rain-older sister (blue with yellow stars, pointy antlers and no mask)
Clover-second oldest (black and white, huge antlers and no mask)
Astra-yongest sister (normal color, no antlers cos she's a fawn and trying to get an eagle mask)
Cougar-best friend (grey, normal antlers with candles and an eagle mask)
Shadow-boy friend (dark blue, huge antlers and eagle mask)
Shimmer-cousin (gold, normal antlers with poppies and no mask)
Silverstar-step brother (brown with yellow stripes, spiky antlers and red lion-like mask)
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"I'm Gone"-Clover's TRUE story

The Twin Statue's carnival happened that night. Clover and her father Sparrow ran with the deer following the Twin Statue. Clover ran further than Sparrow but she was TOO far from him. She turned her head but no grey stag with spiky antlers was seen. By then, Clover ran so far from the Twin Statue-she got lost! "Dad?!" she called. Nothing answered. She called again. "Dad?!" Still, nothing answered. Could she lose Sparrow forever? Clover decided to walk on. Suddenly, she saw poachers! She hid behind a bush and watched the poachers put a stanger deer in their truck. She luckily escaped but she was not alone! Two hounds were tied to a tent fast asleep. Clover backed away but suddenly CLANG! Her hoove hit a empty bottle of wine! The hounds woke up, saw Clover and barked! Their owners woke up! They saw Clover, got on their horses and chasing Clover around the forest. They sent their dogs to chase Clover. Clover ran around the forest. She was too fast for the dogs to catch her but suddenly, a mountain blocked her way. She was trapped! What was she gonna do? Just then, she walked up the mountain, dropping some bolders on the hounds. She then got to the top and ran far away from the dogs. When she was all out of puff, Clover then saw a car! She went up and sniffed the car. She got confused! Where was she now? Then some houses where above! Clover understood everything now! She was in........A NEIGHBOURHOOD Yes, a neighbourhood. 'Silly humans took some part of the forest!', Clover thought. She decided to sleep near a car park. The next morning, a car woke Clover up and it nearly hit her! She looked ahead of her and people were walking through the street. She got out in the street and tried to tell everyone how to get back to the forest but they didn't understood her. Suddenly, a ginger cat ran up and acciently hit Clover. "Yah! What was that?!" the cat yelled. Then it saw Clover. "Who are you?" it asked.
"Umm...I'm Clover", she suggested.
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When My Deer Was A Fawn

Name: Clover
Breed: Baby deer
Gender: Female
Best friend: Every fawn or stag who does pelts with her
Favourite color: Light blue
Favourite food: The mushrooms on the trees
Favourite weather: Snow (if there will be any!)
Dislikes: Wolves, dark and rain
Favourite pastime: Doing pelts, playing in the pond and worshiping near the Twin Statue
Personaltity: Cute, friendly, vegatarion and loves butterflies
Favourite place: Birch forest

Clover's favourite place was and IS the Birch forest. She played hide-and-seek with other fawns. As a stag she goes to the Birch forest to have her own private place. She like playing a frog in the pond as a fawn. Clover is now charming and she's looking for a mate! When she's a fawn the only thing she hates the most is the dark! But she loved to chase fireflies! When she heard a wolf howling she hide behind a tree! When she's an adult, Clover hates rain-it gets her black and white fur all soggy! She likes to shelter under the Oak tree and watch the rain fall. What's YOUR deer's factfile?
lois's picture

Silverstar strugling to survive

My old deer Silverstar is out in the forest no food or water and he's strugling to survive-his powers are weak and this COULD be his last chance to live if we don't do something fast-maybe YOU could look after him. Help Silverstar and make sure he won't die!
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