Well, I am just here expressing my opinion on bullying, and how it
scars people.
At my school, it is International Bullying Week, as well as in many other schools.
No I am not in elementary, I am a teenager, just wanted to state that.
We got a presentation on bullying, and how so many people have been hurt so badly and even tried
suicide. A mother there came to talk about her son, who is now dead. He was shoved into lockers, punched, kicked, mocked at, and even given a
blood clot from an attack to his groin...
Bullying is
not right, it is completley unacceptable. It even happens on websites like these, as I have seen rants that lead to links on what happened. It
has happened here, and perhaps it might happen again. I have been bullied, but not to those serious extents. It hurts...
real bad. I guess I could share one of the short stories of mine here...
I am very petite in my size, thin body structure. Not tall, average height I would say. I hate the word skinny, it just sounds repulsive and gross to me. I get called that a lot, which I do not necessarily like. I
know I am small, but I eat
alot, it is unbelievable. I have very high metabolism like my father, so I never get fat. I guess it is lucky, what some have said, but sometimes I wish I wasn't thin...
One time some people said I was
anorexic, which is
NOT what I am. They continued to call me that, and this one girl came up and told me I was that, someone who was supposed to be my 'friend.' It hurt so much, I got insanely frustrated and sad. I told her I was not that and I left, leaving her and what seems to be the world behind. I couldn't even laugh or feel joy, I was overwhelmed by pure sadness. My self-confidence lowered as a result of that, I felt like an
She ended up saying a truthful sorry to me, but I can never look at her the same way as before.