in all desperation to see each other again, me and Fen got onto the forest and FINALLY hung out! we havent really hung out since we were fawns :3
so we ran around for a while and goofed around. Fenny visited her parents graves, and she got kinda sad, so Skokey prayed with her for a while X3 AND THEN, Fenqua accidentally sneezed her pelt off
so he ran around looking for a sleeping deer and tried to spam it back onto her. (funny story actually, the first deer logged off before i was done, so Fenny went to sleep and i spammed her with her own spells XDD)
so she was happy that she got her pelt back (i believe) and we danced for a little bit
i didnt take that many pictures... i really should have, there was a really cute part where Fen and Skokey were playing with the butterflies <333
but at one point, we were hanging out with a whole bunch of other deer, and Fen went into the cage, so Skokey told her to stay there and he made THIS:
too bad she wasnt wearing the right pelt
we really need to do some more close-ups Fenny! it looked pretty because the fawn behind her got a spell cast and all those stars came XD I STILL LIKE IT
also she convinced him to go into the Old Oak. if you know Skokey, hes deathly afraid of the Old Oak... but he reluctantly went in, and bid her goodbye
so that was our day