Name: Fulu
Meaning: Flower in the Forest Language
Title: The Bird Caller
Age: Early 20s human years
Color: Light blue
D.O.B.: June 2008
Gender: Doe
Pictogram: X
How to Remeber the Pictogram: It looks like a flower
Living Place: One of the big willow trees at the Pond
- Secretary Bird pelt
- Magpie mask
- Peacock antlers
- Striped pelt
- Crying mask
- Secretary Bird antlers
Big brother, Skokey
Daughter, Kailani
Nephew, Fenkovan
Niece, Faytha
Mate: Zilant <3
Fulu is a fairly careful doe. She doesn't like to get hurt and is very cautious. She's not one for adventure and is scared or saddened easily. She's a very soft doe. However, she's quite happy. There are still some things that make her sad, but otherwise she likes where she is. She loves her family and friends, no matter what has come between them.
Fulu was born some time after Skokey, and was still very young when she met him. She lived with her mother until she started adolescence, when her mother died. Letting her mother go was hard, but she came to accept it. She soon lived with her brother and Fenqua.