GlobalBeauty's blog

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Mature content? under the cut.
Probably more personal to Poplar than everything. She's becoming such a good young doe!

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Community Help: Editing and Restoration Project for the "Etiquette Blog."

I need your help, TEFc!

As some of you remember, I am the creator of "Why, Suggestions, and What Not To Do -A Help and Etiquette Blog For Newbies-".

I feel like it needs to be edited, re-organized and re-posted, as well as things updated to address the more recent issues on the Community. In the comments I am going to ask you to put your suggestions for additions, organization, and updates for the blog. If you would rather not post here, just let me know you sent me an email and do so! ANY AND ALL SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME, even if they do not get used in the end.

Alright! *Shoos everybody* Go go go!

My Emails, if you need them:
PaleRedCoyote (at) yahoo (dot) com
PaleRedCoyote (at) hotmail (dot) com
GlobalBeauty's picture

Trial By Flier ( Jupiter's Journey Stories.)

CSS under the cut by Unplugged

The beginning of Jupiter's Journey, a sequel to Jupiter's Loss. Feel free to track here. As the story continues, this page will be updated. You'll know if it was updated by the background color of the box.
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Dear Friends, Family, And Loved Ones (A Jupiter's Loss Story)

For a few of those that Jupiter really loves.

Dear Nikodim, Kody, Umay, Adriian, Morgul and Nidhem.....

-under the cut, with minor CSS by Unplugged-
GlobalBeauty's picture

Out of Favor.(A Jupiter's Loss story)

under the cut.
GlobalBeauty's picture

Never. Never More.

...CSS by Unplugged.
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Nearly Lost To The Water (Jupiter Moment, interaction welcome)

The doe was cold. Cold, wet and hurt.

Blood dribbled slowly from a wound above her eye. The slick life flowed from a peppering of cuts on her legs and in to the waters of the river, which fed in to the pond. Jupiter had fallen in while trying to find shelter, tumbling down the embankment. Being almost completely blind to the world due to rain, she could not have seen the crevasse until it was too late. Maybe it would be too late, if nobody could find her.

Pain wracked her form. The doe shivered, crying silently and wincing each time she tried to move. Her awkward position put stress on her spine: one forehoof stretched out and caught between two pieces of the stone, a hind-hoof tangled in the reeds, her back against the earth, and her head just above water. The contortions also put strain on her shivering muscles, causing painful cramping. But her position was not as great a worry as the threat of Hypothermia that loomed as closely as a water predator.

The water lapped at the blood, taking it away and rendering the doe weaker and weaker. Pain marred her beautiful features, creating a grotesque mask of blood-smeared agony. And she was too weak to pull herself free.

I hate rain. An errant thought crossed the doe's mind as she stared at the sky above the river's banks, wishing for help.

GlobalBeauty's picture

Written In The Seeds (Memoir beneath a Crooked Birch Tree, written through the voice of Jupiter)

CSS under cut by Unplugged.

This blog will be updated as Jupiter finds out more insight. Even I do not know where she gets this stuff.

GlobalBeauty's picture

Nameless With Pictos?

Does anyone know why this is? These adult deer have their own pictos, but can not hold spells. They are also doing a heck of a ton of trolling and consistent mooing.

What's going on here?
GlobalBeauty's picture


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