Moss needs to interact, guys.

He's so socially inept still...
His biography is here.
- Please use proper spelling and grammar. Spell-check DOES exist. I understand it's hard for non-english-speakers, but if you speak english, I want to see it done right.
- Please type at least 3 sentences. Small paragraphs are preferred, but I'm fine with a few lines if you don't wanna write that much.
- Give me effort.
- New interactions are preferable. I'd like for him to meet some new deer!
[=Bookman Antiqua Bold Italic][=#e56717]
Birds echoed each other in the treetops in a magnificent song that played throughout the forest every day emanating from their beaks. Unseen ducks cackled nearby at the pond in competitive laughter as they rooted through the weeds for bugs and tender shoots before the frogs could get to them. Several small plops reached the stag's white ears as he witnessed a fawn chasing the little amphibians. He assumed they had scattered upon feeling the excited babe's hooves pounding the ground as she bucked and bounced. A chuckle escaped Moss' lips at the sight of it.
From where he sat, a bit inside the treeline, the Black and White could see the pond and the bridge both, along with the first half of the brook that led from the Crying Idol to fill the large pool at the end. Deer meandered the length of his vision, most coming to drink or cool themselves. Maybe some were there for the scenery like he was... no, they probably weren't. Moss was in this area of the forest to check on it. The Root System of the trees held the magic: the Heartbeat of the Forest. Moss seemed to be able to check on it. He made sure no synapses were broken. A steady
tha-dump could be felt and heard if you concentrated hard enough.