anzel's blog

Anzel's picture

I think...I'm leaving...

I think the problem connection speed...other people experience things kinda like me when their connection

It's too slow...and there's nothing I can do to change that...

I'm sorry for bothering everyone for so long...


~ Anzel
Anzel's picture


Okay, so...I see rain and mushrooms and stuff (i'm about to explore, this is the first time i've seen something like this), but...does it always rain like "spray here, spray in front, spray over here, randomly spray there, etc."...?

If not...this could be another clue as to what my glitch is, heh. It's not downpouring, just...moving around Sticking out tongue

How I wish I could join in the fun that the other deer are probably having right now...*looks at the live map*...*feels sad*...

I don't like not being able to be like everyone else >_<;...

EDIT: I had to close TEF to get my set back (i wanted to join a deer that I saw sleeping on the pond, but i fell in), and I can't get the rain/mushrooms back :/...

I mean, this experimental server apparently works much better for me...but...still...*sighs*...

I honestly -do- feel 'friends' in real life ignore me, and I can't even communicate with my friends here...

EDIT 2: Nobody's replying :/ Figured x.x...

*feels alone*...should I give up on trying to play...? It seems completely hopeless...>_<;
Anzel's picture

Um umm ummmm...IMPROVEMENT? o_o on, normal picto-cluster.

Waited a bit.

Checked back.


Did something else on a site.

Check back.

MORE deer.

They're not moving, but...


This is more deer than I've ever seen in my lonedeer LIFE!


EDIT: This could just be a fluke, though...since I closed and re-opened TEF, and now I can only see two nameless deer (they obviously aren't supposed to be nameless, lol)
Anzel's picture

PICATURES --- I has them.

Just posting some older/newer pics that I never posted:


I dressed-up like friend Koi ^^;

Dandelions caught my attention...because they normally don't grow on concrete o.o;

Dragonflies, rawr.

Oh, and here's a lame MS Paint/random program try at making a colored version of the pelt of the Emperical Set (my concept, check it out sometime)


Oh, and here are some new pics (from today):

Anzel...umm...making things evil?

Butterfly modelling...

I learned how to airsit! WOOHOO! And this is the opposite of what a hunter wants. Alas...I can't 'aim' when airsitting, my aim phails.


Anzel's picture

Anzel feels very...EVIL!!!

Me: This is how glitchy Anzel feels about TEF withdrawal:

(translation: not even fazed/phazed/phased/whatever, evil spelling...oh, and i just wanted to use this pic, hehe)

Anzel: I mean, I feel a little plain, but I'm fine with it. The -only- thing that saddens me is that I cannot wear those lovely flowers in my antlers ;-;

Me: to be evil, Anzel...

Anzel: ...




*dramatic pause*




You'll survive. *evil grin*


Me: Heh. You -KNEW- I had to say it. You just KNEW it.

*dances* Well, at least I've nearly mastered waterwalking now :3
Anzel's picture

Rememory ::::: Part One; Dewcatcher

Note: If you're arachnophobic to an extreme level (where even the mention of spiders gives you chills), don't read this o.o;

It's not bad, probably wouldn't like my lame attempts at imagery, and would say, 'eww, spider silk, yuckeh'.





The glowing specks of the forest twirled around her, settling down soon after she made her descent into a sleeping position. Her whole being was exhausted, her eyes droopy and unresponsive. And, with a final yawn, the doe rested her head upon the ground, and fell into a dream.....


[i]The spider. How it crawled so delicately, waltzing upon the rock top, making a little leap to the stem of a weed.

A thread, silk-thin and shimmery, trailed behind the little black maiden. Tapping up the tree, the thread clung to the bark. A leap, and she was upon a fellow dandelion.

Leap, and she fell upon the rock, careful not to let the strand, which lie unbroken between the two weeds, to not touch the dandle again. Tap tap, she set the strand in place, in the center of the rock.

Hazy, the watching eyes faded, fell to a dead stare at the ground, and closed.


Awoken to the eternal cry of the morning bird, gaze fell forward, and sight grew wider.

The web. Every strand, falling in place, perfect in every way.

The spider lie in wait in the center.

Time passed. A naïve grasshopper leaped into the dew-covered, shimmering web. The dew shook off, the young hopper panicked. Ever-struggling, it cleared the web of every droplet of water, and the spider moved in.

The spider bit. Nothing, just a simple nip. She moved back, and watched.

The hopper grew tired so quickly. It stopped struggling within a matter of minutes.

Carefully, the fae spider moved in. Like a babe, she cradled the grasshopper in a blanket of her finest silk threats.

Anzel's picture

Just out of curiosity...

EDIT: Okay. I just tested my connection speed on

Downloading: 286 kb/sec
Uploading: 57 kb/sec

Could this be my problem?

If other people would be willing to tell me how fast their computer downloads stuff, that'd give me a better idea about what causes my glitch :3
Anzel's picture


I'm invading the forest right now. 21, I see you >:3 If you see me, try and get a close-up of me, I challenge you to, bwahaha!

I did manage to get pics of 2 deer sleeping in the same spot in the had a magpie mask.
Anzel's picture

A few pics :/

Today was...alright, heh. Anzel spotted Taliene, but without their set, and they weren't even in the forest when she saw them, ah well.

She ran around alot, and she couldn't seem to find Vipin, whose pictogram was in the Cemetary...until...

;-; Poor Vipin...

After a while, Anzel tired, and joined her new friend (who probably never knew she was there) by the Twin Gods, and rested by them.

Anzel still feels lonely, though...
Anzel's picture

If you see me - Try 2

Heh, my other entry went to page 2 o.o;

Okay, so...if you see me, post here.

If you see me sniff or nuzzle you, it's likely just a me stand-in.

If you see me bow to you, I likely see you, but I can't see you move :/

If I disappear, it's because I got bored, and I'm restarting TEF to see if I can get more pictos to load.
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