May 31, 2008 - 12:04am — Anzel
I think the problem connection speed...other people experience things kinda like me when their connection
It's too slow...and there's nothing I can do to change that...
I'm sorry for bothering everyone for so long...
~ Anzel
Pega: And Scape could see
Well...seeya I guess. If there's ever the chance you get a faster internet, try out the game again! And if we see you (and you us), there will definitely be celebrating! =]
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
There's no way to get a
Wait! I don't know you very
Maybe they were trying to help you out?
I think it was just the
Oh... Well, I hope if works
Anzel, just because you
I often go a few hours just
*sighs*...I wouldn't leave 100%..just...90% or 95%...
Anzel I really dont want you
Peace and Godspeed~
If my family didn't have a
Why must I love to play a game that won't work for me? Only me? >_<;
Bye! (hate to seem cheerful
I left like you did sorta once....(I didn't read other comments but...)
I'm sure you'll be back! I come and go, and I hope you do the
I have enjoyed talking and knowing your deer...sorta never
met your deer but still!
Just like what I always say I gues " I'm just a click
away from an Endless forest!"
Thoughs were my last words the last time I left...
Hope to see ya pop up soon!
Nobody seems to care that
*wanders sadly around the forest for possibly the last time*...
Um, have you seen our
Sorry, blame depression <<;
Cure to depression = Turning 'Hotel California' up very loud and singing along to it slyly.
Anyways...does anyone want me to stick around...? I that I know my problem, I won't query about it anymore, at least.
In real life, my friends never really protest when I leave the group because they're ignoring XD; See why I love my friends?
I've dealt with depression too... I know that feeling. If you ever want to talk you can email me, okay?
But please don't give up. ;___; I really do want you to stay. I wish there was something, anything, Michael could do to fix this problem, because it may be something different than your connection speed. Mine is similar to yours and I can still play the game normally! We'll figure this out.
But you're such an awesome person. I don't want you to go. ;o;
*mega hug*
-offers muffins and a
I know I've never really commented, but I lurk and think the Endless Forest would be missing something without you here. ^^; Besides, if you did leave, what incentive would the programmers have of finding a fix to the problem? ;D
((And I think you need better friends. o_o; Manipulation to that extreme is damaging one's mental health.))
[straps you to a
are not.
DON'T LEAVE!! plz?... again,
Anzel i dont kow you
i always feel liike a conversation killer
I've been around forums too
I'll stick around, I guess, but...I'm still guessing it's my connection.
Oh, and if anyone's actually reading this: I just ran outside...saw two deer. One kinda looked at me, raised its non-eyebrow, and watched me walk along. The other munched, look at me, munched. It only moved when its antzy friend forced it to.
XD; It cheered me up, heh.
By the way...what time zones -do- you guys/girls live in?
I'm EST, so it's 8:31 PM right now
7:31 PM
*sits in the '4' and watches
I'm gonna leave Endless Forest on for a long time, just to see what happens...
*opens up TEF screen and
I saw a deer was just a trick. Ah well
I SEE ESLL'S PICTO, FWEE! *runs to see* And I see Sluggs...and...a bunch of others.
<3 the new server
EDIT: NO! In my rush to see Esll, I fell in the pond. UGH.
>_<; *looks at her and closes tef* This makes Anzel sad.
*grumbles* MEAN. POND.
I SAWS YOU. By chance, do
By chance, do you happen to have the "Display: Show all other Characters" thingy set to "Show all other Characters"? Or does it say "Don't show other players?" [hopes]
Too late, I've checked many
*sits in the 4 and hopes it will make the pictos spread again* That was sooo cool when they spread, though. It was the first time I witnessed all the deer spreading was funny.
Pega: I'm in the same
DO NOT LEAVE. O_O At least stay on the forum/community site.
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale
I shan't now... I
I hopeless about ever being able to communicate with others
Pega: Well, if it's any
magnets don't always attract
4.9 on the Richter Scale's not the same
I'm sorry I was gone. ); I
8O I just saw you in the
At least, I think it was you. 0_o Scape, Vipin and Taiko found you by the Twin Gods statue just a while ago, and we were suddenly able to cast spells on you (Though I've tried, (XD) it never worked until now).
>: ( I cant play
Ehh, I won't leave. I was
And that deer that you could cast spells on...
I think that was a clone of me. It was -not- me.