Devout Pelt?

Aimery's picture
How exactly do I get it and keep it permanently on my deer?

I know I need an older version, but which version to I need exactly?
Cyndia's picture

You've come to the right

You've come to the right place.
The Giant Crow of TEF. Painting by Meadow
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Poppyflower's picture

I believe you need version

I believe you need version 3.31 or older, but I`m not sure.
Profile picture by ahimsa ♥

Pixel Wis by squeegie~
Cyndia's picture

You need version 3.31 to keep

You need version 3.31 to keep the devout pelt. Look through my blogs and there is one called, " Devout Pelt Sticking to You." Or search it. It explains all the steps of how to keep it.

You need to download version 3.31 though.
The Giant Crow of TEF. Painting by Meadow
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Cyndia's picture

I will post it right away.

I will post it right away. Just for a little refresher to some people.
The Giant Crow of TEF. Painting by Meadow
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Aimery's picture

Thanks! I was just told that

Thanks! I was just told that version is really glitchy and 3rd gen pictos can't be seen. D:

I can't stand glitching and I'm ocd about being able to see pictos. ;u;
Cyndia's picture

Its ok. I don't mind my picto

Its ok. I don't mind my picto being gone. I can see it but others cannot.
Like I'm an invisible deer to the forest. The Unknown Mystical Deer.
The Giant Crow of TEF. Painting by Meadow
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Osmotious's picture

I use this version of the

I use this version of the forest and what I have found is when I'm glitching is if i log out and log back in it fixes it. Plus I haven't noticed a lot of the glitches recently.
add me on discord: Krisaur#9391
Cyndia's picture

That's weird.

That's weird.
The Giant Crow of TEF. Painting by Meadow
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