Dear Secret Santa...

Well it is coming to that time of the year again.

The time when I make a Secret Santa list. Even though I am hosting the event, I am gonna participate myself.
Now...for my type of gift, I really have no preference, since I love getting both mail and art. Maybe you, my Secret Santa, can do both. I just have to figure out a way to have my address shared without me knowing who my Secret Santa shall be.

Ok...ohwards to the TEF goodies.

I'd adore any art of my characters, I'm not picky on who is shall be. Just choose which one(s) float your boat. Feel free to draw them all in a group potrait or little separate drawings if you like Eye You can find all of them here

I also enjoy small collectables like crystals, gemstones or really interesting rocks. Sea glass is also very much enjoyed and I am also partial to bones such as skulls or animal teeth. Little knick knacks are also considerable.

Artwork and photography by local artists in your idea-I often collect these and hang them in my dorm. Yep, notecards of local artwork will be enjoyed as well c:

Knittings...I adore these. Scarfs, gloves, hats. Anything handknitted. Or even yarn skeins will do since I also knit. I tend to enjoy black, shades of gray, reds, purples, or rainbows as my colors. Please make sure it's 100% acyrlic since I'm somewhat sensitive to wool D:

Art stuffs such as micropens and drawing pencils

Anything Pokemon-I really enjoy anything from the Cyndaquil, Volcarona, and Houndour familes as well as legendaries such as Lugia and Ho-oh, Suicune, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

And I think that's just about it.
Sorry if it's too long. It's all choices, really. Getting only one or two is good enough for me and I love art.

Anyways, Happy Early Christmas.