[Al Blog] Now with more information of the player

Warning: This blog may contain honest opinions and may be offensive. Mature language may also be present. Please read at your own risk

Art Blog
DeviantArt account


Hmmmmm...new cameras <3
And a redone character ;D

I got a better idea...you'll eventually see what I do about Gargular. Flaming moose anyone?

Androgynous/Transgendered F2M
- Biromantic Asexual
- Caucasian, Celtic/Spanish Decent/ Bostonian Accent
- Single, and perfectly ok with being like that
- 23 Years, April 1st, 1988
- "Existence" is represented by a lunar kirin named Juniper, a sun phoenix named Ashen, and a shiny quilava named Alina
- Answers to Al, Alex, Alin, amongst other names.

Fun Facts
-Lives in Maine; college near Portland, home is near Farmington
- Man trapped inside a female body, slowly making his physical appearance look more fitting as a male
- Defeated his mental disability since young
- Learning to cope with his anger issues and is seeking help for them
- Always been trans throughout life but only after fall 2011 he embraced his gender identity
- Independent but still close to family
- Hates homophobia and transphobia
- Loves nature
- Likes morbid and disturbing things
- Takes shit from no one
- Can hide his emotions on the inside
- Has had an adoptive brother since fall 2011
- Still holds an exgirlfriend as his best friend mutually
- Closet Agnostic; still goes to church to please family
- Coffee is his life blood
- Drawn since as far back as he can remember
- Love all forms of art
- Recently got into photography and will soon have some SLR cameras in his possession
- In college for 4 years but is planning on suspending studies when his aunt buys some apartments and finish up degree online
- Cannot handle heat well, must be put in AC in hot weather
- Favorite animals are deer, birds, cats, weasels, dragons, and other mythical creatures of all kinds
- Is a pokemon geek, been one since 10 years old
- Collects crystals, rocks, bones, Pokemon cards, sea glass, interesting decor
- Has enough art supplies to provide an entire art class and he usually draws in digital

- 5'2, too short
- Roughly 200lbs; has to lose more and will
- Brown eyes
- Very pale skin, many little scars all over. Ghostly in appearance
- Naturally brown hair, dyed a deep red. Cut short to a pixie cut
- Cold weather: coat, scarfs, snowcaps, fleece, tshirts, long sweatpants, velvet pants, sneakers, snow sneakers
- Cool Weather: tshirts, sweatpants, snowcap, bandana, sneakers
- Warm Weather: tshirts, shorts, tanktops, sneakers
- Wears Glasses, poor vision

- Asperger's Syndrome
- Seasonal Effective Disorder
- Possible Borderline Personality Disorder
- Insecure
- Very iffy on the topic of sex
- Cannot handle stressful situations well
- Tends to run away from problems rather than confront them
- Shy (Though very open with friends)
- Mind is in the gutter but not excessively
- Extremely short tempered, watch out when this boy gets mad
- Easily amused
- Gets hurt too easily when things hit too close to home
- Can space off... a LOT...
- Easily Distracted...
- Has poor social skills

More shet will be added

chicken licken

chicken licken
Kaoori's picture

Hello fellow Hub-er. xD

Hello fellow Hub-er. xD

And hello to you too fellow

And hello to you too fellow Hub-er 8D
Ok seriously I need a new name for this new blog haha XD



*sits down with some decaf

*sits down with some decaf coffee and derps out* ohhey

*throws marshmallows

*throws marshmallows everywhere * :l

*Throws some decaf coffee all

*Throws some decaf coffee all over the place and ate the marshmellows off the floor*

Yes...I am a very gross person but I'm gross LIKE A BOSS

lol jk...thank you for the tracks c:

Oh! I forgot to say sorry for

Oh! I forgot to say sorry for poofing last night x(
My dad likes to turn off the modem when I'm not on my laptop and doesn't give me much of a warning, if any, before he does it. He's nice like that.

I really enjoyed seeing you work on your art! It's been one of those things that has made me curious since I saw your art posted on the community x)

It's ok And of

It's ok Smiling
And of course...I'll be having more streams in the near future, usually when I'm working on art or just derping out.

And I'll be throwing out some more El Dorado porn Eye

Hehehe, pr0ns xD~~ I'm glad

Hehehe, pr0ns xD~~

I'm glad that your work is going so well! Cool

Thank you fish and lol yes on

Thank you fish and lol yes on them pronz
And lol asteroid musings

I didn't get to see the

I didn't get to see the asteroid, but I read some articles about it.
I can't help but wonder what today would be like if we were hit by it yesterday..

Hot ginger tea (OR just some

Hot ginger tea (OR just some sliced ginger boiled in very hot water) with a little bit of butter (about half a tablespoon), a drop or two of lemon juice, with lots of honey. Whenever my throat is hurting me this helps pretty quick like c:

What I know if the asteroid

What I know if the asteroid did hit, it'll prolly be an OH SHIT moment anywhere on Earth D:
Asteroids are known for global damage ya know

And thank you for the suggestion though I really don't have any ginger tea on my person or have the money to get some at the store. However I do have some nice Throat Coat tea and I have honey so I've been living on that. I can tell the throat is slowly healing though but I'm not outta the woods yet D:

And I got two classes tomorrow and I shall not skip them or risk a lowered grade.


quadraptor's picture

Hey did you ever see your

Hey did you ever see your Holly on the Old Oak story?

Oh no I hadn't. I must had

Oh no I hadn't. I must had not been able to see it during finals as I was bogged down with alot to do.
Thank you for sending the link Chris 8D

I'm back from my break. I

I'm back from my break. I feel better about the event...but I better not introduce the dynamics again
Good to be back guys
Mis's picture

Hey Lex, I send you an email

Hey Lex, I send you an email to both your email adresses a few days ago, could you look into answering them sometime?
Thank you!

I just received your email

I just received your email though but I read and answered them
Hope we were able to clarify somethings