Css/coding/technical help?

0baf0's picture
Hi guys!

Is there a way to make Czech alphabet work on this website? I tried to look into it but so far my attempts failed because I literally have no idea what I am doing. Laughing out loud

How it should look:

TEFc interpretation:

?eská abeceda

a á b c ? d ? e é ?
f g h ch i í j k l m
n ? o ó p q r ? s š
t ? u ú ? v w x y ý
z ž

Just tell me it's impossible and I'll accept it as a fact. I have no clue how these things work but figured I might as well ask. Smiling

Thank you for reading and any possible help!!!
Have a lovely day!
Unplugged's picture

Use this. Enter your text in

Use this. Smiling Enter your text in the large box, click 'convert', paste the code you get.
ahh nvm apparently it supports only russian.. sorry. i'll look into it
0baf0's picture

Thank you, Unplugged! I am

Thank you, Unplugged! I am lost so any help is greatly appreciated! Smiling
Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥
Unplugged's picture

Either way you need to use

Either way you need to use the numerical codes for the special characters...
so for example typing & #269 ; ((without the spaces)) will give you č. Doing that manually is quite a pain though so I'll try to look into it some more too.

[e]: use this one!
A, Á, B, C, Č, D, Ď, E, É, Ě, F, G, H, Ch, I, Í, J, K, L, M, N, Ň, O, Ó, P, Q, R, Ř, S, Š, T, Ť, U, Ú, Ů, V, W, X, Y, Ý, Z, Ž
0baf0's picture

Bookmarking this right

Bookmarking this right now!
Thank you! I love you! Laughing out loud
I didn't know what exactly I was looking for so I would probably never find this myself.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! *bows*
Icon - ahimsa.Signature - Qanat. ♥
Unplugged's picture

Glad to help!

Glad to help!
kikinkacze's picture

Haha tohle se mi libi :DD

Haha tohle se mi libi :DD
gif by Hautakumpu