Another wall of text to look at C: Enjoy~
You are in Chapter 3.

March 5th, 2016
Through all of the bright burning colors,
A wave of grey is sweeping over.
What is the grey?
Everything we do not want.
Everything that will cause grief.
We must keep it at bay.
Woke up at the tree without the little ones and decided to jump back and forth across the stream for a little bit of fun. Rounded back towards the tree, and could sense a familiar presence nearby. Trotted past the Crying Idol and found the little lion-goat baby by it! Curiously sniffed. No one was with the little one today. decided to keep them company! Oh! And their eyes... hadn't quite noticed yesterday, but they were open! Ran about and played with the little one for quite some time, eventually stopping a few feet away from a blue flower patch. Noticed a
small stranger nearby while a larger one with flowers played with us. A little wary due to some odd behavior, kept close to the cub. Eventually investigated the small stranger, who had a deep purple coat. Curious. Bounced around their little home place and then headed back to the cub, who also investigated them. Tried playing around the stranger and invited them to join, the cub showing some signs of frustration and confusion. Settled with the small stranger after a little while, keeping the cub close.
Visited by a stranger. The Cub seemed to warm up to them- wondered if they were familiar? Allowed them to play and wander a bit, keeping close to the small stranger I had decided to call "The Midnight Feather". Wondered why they were very slow and lacking response. Worried. Ears perked- the pair had gone far. Nuzzled The Midnight Feather before following their scents over to the pond- not good. Nudged the little lion goat out of it and perked ears- stayed close by. the other stranger left after a while. Made sure the little one was dry.
The Black Nettle came after a short time, glad to see. Allowed the lion goat to meander over to them and greeted the Black Nettle with curious sniffing. The little one would be safe. Followed by another feathered one for a little while on my way back to The Midnight Feather. Found them still laying in the same position- not sure if worried or relieved. Remained by their side.
Sensed Cole in the distance and left the little one for a while. Found him asleep next to Draven, and noticed labored breathing. Began collecting strong smelling plants to clear up the issue- made sure they didn't smell entirely foul. Ran into Tig over at the bridge and managed to get Rosmary and spearmint, adding them to the abundant pile of flowers that was steadily growing all over Cole's head. (becausewainot)
Saw Kerosene along the way and greeted them curiously. Met them again at the pond while getting plants form Tig, and followed them around the pond. Saw Rosie!
Little ones! More little ones in the forest!
Happily pranced and sniffed, nuzzled. Greeted the little ones with gentle nuzzling to get to know them a little.
Allowed Kerosene to be by himself once more, as he seemed to be acting odd, and headed back to The Midnight Feather. Found another little one curled up with them. Strange. Investigated. Curious.
After a bit, decided they were going to be alright for now- the playground was quite vacated. Sensed the
sickly one nearby, who I was deciding to call snow- due to how cold he usually was. Settled down next to them, noticing a little bit of activity.
Sadiki came by! Greeted him and conversed, having a short grooming session. Was happy to be able to see him again, even if only briefly. After he left, I could sense The Masked Mother in the distance, along with Tig. Approached and found her leaving for a short while, and decided to try watching the children with Tig. Noticed another family coming and greeted them warmly, playing and running about for a good long while. One of the children from our side seemed rather shy- attempted to coax them into socializing. Did not go well. The little one ran off. Pursued them through the forest, finding them hiding behind trees. Tried to get them to come back, but didn't seem to be working. Cole approached and told me to back off- wasn't going about it right. He managed to get the little one back to the group. Decided to keep my distance for now- did not seem to have left a very good impression.
Kept away for a good while until I realized I'd gone to the blue bowl, where they were, and had been sitting nearby. Quickly excused myself and took a good walk around the forest. Much pausing. Much restless wandering and turning.
There is something I am missing.[i]
While standing absentmindedly within the tall grass, was approached by Kerosene. Greeted him with sniffing and nuzzling before we settled to speak. He seemed to notice a little of my lack of energy. After explaining it for a while and talking, we idled in the grass with The Glimmering Stone, who had come by to say hello. It was wonderful to find they enjoyed my company, but it made me further question my actions earlier. [i]What am I missing?
March 6-7, 2016
Had left after a little while yesterday. Did not quite remember where to. Was not quite sure why, either.
Awoke within the Old Oak today, stretching and yawning. Took a walk past the bridge to find Tig next to a
familiar stranger, who's name I had yet to learn- as well as The Masked Mother's children and two other little ones. Played and rhomped about with them after much nuzzling and greeting, deciding to use some illusion magic to make myself appear to be a fawn. Did not want to end up making the same mistake as yesterday.
Jovan approached shortly after the little ones went with their mother to rest- elated to see him! Put a great deal of flowers in his hair as well as a pinecone for a little humor and then followed him to Draven and The Masked Mother. Tig followed up and the three of us sat across from Draven and The Masked Mother, each falling asleep in turn.
Spent the rest of the day wandering and generally relaxing by myself, as well as the day after that. Everything was going to remain calm...
Noticed a strange increase of presences at the ruins. How strange...
March 8th, 2016
Hm hm... so many voices today.
Went bounding about through to forest today, noticing the same increase in presences as yesterday. Very strange. greeted them each as I went by, but found some less than responsive. Went on with my day and rolled around in the flowers near the crying idol for a little bit, enjoying their smell.
Made my way past the pond over to Rosie, who was sleeping next to her children and Hydra. The little ones seemed to be doing quite well, and as was the rest of the family. Settled in the grass in front of the tree they were at and rested my head on the ground, Rosie settling next to me.
Rosie coaxed her little ones up and we decided to go on a walk through the forest, me keeping int eh back and moving up beside Rosie every now and then to make sure the fawns kept up. One of them seemed to fall on their face quite often, something called "faceplanting". As we walked, a mysterious black and white stranger ((boo)) and a golden faced companion with a starry pelt approached. I greeted them warmly while the little ones played in a patch of purple flowers with Rosie watching. Soon a little black and white one that was familiar, Dazenth, and another fawn approached. The fawn was another of Rosie's, I think? I played with them and used a little magic to make myself look like a fawn for a while, finding it much easier to play with them. We danced and rhomped about while Rosie and the others stood watch or rested. After a little bit, the group began moving to the playground- where a strangely colored bird approached. I'd rarely seen these birds in the fores- peacocks, I think they're called? It was a very pretty, friendly bird. it joined us in play at the playground. Soon, we were joined by Anneliese and Matthew- greeted them warmly with bowing and sniffing.
After a little bit, followed Rosie and her little ones half way out of the playground before deciding to head back and give Dazenth some company. The silly red dragon was perched on top of the largest stone in the playground. Stealthily snuck up behind him and jumped on top, surprising him.
Stayed there with him and cuddled.
Matthew and Anne stayed close by on another set of stones.
After a while, Dazenth flew off and bid me farewell while Anne and Matthew went somewhere together. Got up and stretched, hopping down off of the stone and then heading back into the depths of the rest of the forest. While passing the Twin God's Statue, I saw The Masked Mother standing alone at a good distance from it. Curiously approached and sniffed. Is she okay? She seemed to be fretting over Rosie right now. I agreed with her worries, but reassured her that the doe could handle herself quite well in combat. Though inwardly I wondered if having children might have had any effect on this. We lay on the grass together and discussed a few things here and there before I learned The Masked Mother's name.
While Thais was sleeping, a familiar little one approached! It was the lion-goat baby. Gently nuzzled and touched my head to theirs- had missed their company. Stood protectively over them for a while before picking them up with my tail and hoisting them onto my back.
The Fire Butterfly, Kerosene, approached after Thais took her leave. Greeted them warmly with nuzzles and prancing and then perked my ears for a moment. I could sense Tig in the distance. After we rested for a short while, I guided Kerosene and the little one to the blue bowl. It was hard to make out where Tig's presence was, but we all decided to take a rest here. Kerosene appeared to have fallen asleep.
Once the stag left, I woke up to find Comen and Bayleen nearby. I was a little nervous about Comen's presence as I still had yet to speak with him, but greeted him with a bow- with the same to Bayleen. For a while it was all calm and quiet and the little goat lion stayed by my side. Jovan also appeared to be nearby, and I offered a little playful banter to him before settling back down with the cub. But after a few moments, Draven got up and began aggressively driving Comen out. Decided it was too risky keeping the little one here and gently nudged them up, leading them out of the bowl.
Curiously saw that Cole was nearby, and sent the little one over to greet him- but found that the wolf stag was in no mood for company. Puzzled, I settled by a tree and kept the little lion close to me.
Jovan wandered over and sat at a good distance, as he was ill and did not want to get the little one sick. It was understandable. Acknowledged his presence by standing and bowing, and then settling again.
I had fallen asleep for a short period of time, and Jovan had taken his leave. I hoped he would not be ailed by this... sickness any longer. But I also found that Kerosene had returned and taken up the other side of the little one. I greeted him with a playful poke before we began some banter, which slowly became a conversation. Things to learn of him, things to learn of me. Much to learn from others.
March 9th, 2016
Today was quite different. I wandered through the Forest for a little while, lost in thought and approaching the Playground. When I arrived, I was confused by just how many deer were there. Even if there were groups, they were usually quite small. there also seemed to be something going on, as many were at a distance from the stones of the playground- watching, eerily. There was a writhing mass of tines and fur- a bunch of forest dwellers fighting. Stayed out of it and climbed up onto one of the large boulders. Noticed Comen near the fight and greeted him with sniffing and a nuzzle- not quite sure what's going on, but he seems pretty calm. Watched him leave and decided to do the same, wandering again for a while. Passed the stream leading from the Crying Idol and saw Matthew, Anneliese, and a little one. Gave them a bow of greeting before moving on.
back tracked to the playground nervously, having sensed rose's presence. Found her with Comen and nuzzled her, noticing the little ones were not with her. They were probably at her tree, with someone guarding them. Stood with them for a while, but grew very nervous. The fighting seemed to have stopped, but I couldn't help feeling eyes boring into us. Bid the pair farewell and sought out a less tense place.
Eventually went through the birch trees and found Kerosene, The Black Nettle, The Glimmering Stone, and a strange little one in a cuddle pile. Sat at a short distance in order to avoid startling the little ones.
Came a bit closer after some time and sensing that I would not wake them, and curled up for a bit. Dozed off and woke to seeing
the little one in front of me, Kerosene standing. Allowed them to approach and be curious before sniffing and nuzzling them. They returned the gesture after being seemingly confused. Their eyes had a strange, mortified look to them. What had this fawn seen...?
Had it nestled between myself and The Fire Butterfly, keeping it in good company and warmth. Words would not do much here- simple company would be enough.
Ears up. Loud hooves pounding on the ground a short distance away, part the trees. Tense. Screaming? mooing? Confusion. Cuddled closer to the small one to keep it tucked into my side while Kerosene went to check it out. Uncertainty- wanted him to come back. More scuffling. Suddenly, the hoof beats stop. Softer scuffling.
What's going on?
Sensed several very familiar presences. Was not going to get up and leave the little one alone, even with The Black Nettle sleeping with the Glimmering Stone close by.
The Fire Butterfly left again this time, seeming to go with a purpose. Will he be back? Will he be safe?
I must stay out of this, whatever it is. I don't like it and I'm not letting this little one get involved either.
Noticed that The Glimmering Stone had woken up, and greeted them affectionately with my nuzzling and gentle head touching. Settled back down with the little one and switched sides with Kerosene.
Thing seemed clam for a while and I decided to take in my surroundings a bit. Noticed a strange
canine creature with an odd... mask? mask- attached to its face. But it was in such a way, I wondered how the stranger got it off when they needed to. A simple thing to think about, and at least distract myself with.
We left the birch after a little while as the fawn appeared to be growing nervous. headed to the stump that the sickly one used to be sleeping at, noticing their presence was stale here.
Saw a stranger approaching a little one, who did not welcome their company. Stood up immediately and sprinted over, skidding and telling the big one to back off. They were scaring the little one. Reminded me of what had happened the other day with myself.
The little one fled and the larger creature walked away after watching me for a short while. Eyed the little one int he distance, seemingly curious but terrified. Was not wise to approach- they soon vanished into the trees.
Sensed the tension from earlier rising on the hill nearby and spoke with Kerosene about moving again.Called the Black Nettle and The Glimmering Stone. They also brought the little lion goat with them, and then we headed out for the one place that currently had the least amount of presences and stress- the Ruins.
((and then we became a train :'D toot toot!))
The group settled in a patch of red flowers and daisies with the Black Nettle protectively keeping the little ones in their fur.
March 10th, 2016
Had a good walk around the forest today, though noticed that some of the tension from yesterday had left. Not all of it. A little worried, but hoping today will be kinder to those in the forest. Or at the very least, they would be kinder to one another.
While Walking, I sensed Kerosene nearby with the little one from yesterday. Greeted the pair with much nuzzling and sitting before we began to play. While dancing, the little one tripped on their own legs. Nuzzled them back up before settling next to them and Kerosene.
After a long time, my thoughts had wondered to Cole. He had been pretty torn up after the past few days, and I had scarcely seen him all of a sudden. Sensed his distant presence and headed over. Found that this might not have been the best idea. He was unresponsive and quiet, and looked horrible. I could smell blood and saw the dead body of someone I had once seen over the past few days- one of his companions. The one he had told me to keep away from the pond. Felt the blood draining out of my face as this was the second dead body to appear.
At first, decided not to approach. Kept a good distance and eyed him carefully. Got a little closer to inspect him, looking at his wounds to see if they were healing well enough. Kept quiet. He sat next to a tree while I went off to grab something I thought might help.
Pressing my forehead to the tree, my hair began to float as if it were under water. A small light was coming from where I was touching the tree, and as I pulled back, it began to take shape. Light particles condensed into a loose, thick crown of faintly glowing forget-me-nots. These flowers were something my mother had made and given me. They had the ability to play out happy memories, when one was sad- and I often found them a source of comfort when I was little. Perhaps Cole would be able to find some use out of them?
Returned and put them on his head, waiting for the magic to work. but just as it seemed as though he were gaining some relief, he tore them off.
Though the petals are falling
And the light is dimming
though the scent is fading
And my heart is aching
It is alright.
Carefully cleaned up the flowers and swept them into a pile, keeping them with me. We spoke shortly and I decided to keep other creatures from devouring his companion's corpse. He moved back over to them, and I gave them some space. Curled up next to the tree, watching the sky and listening to the world.
After a while, I think that the grief stricken wolf-stag fell asleep. Meandered over to his companion's body to keep a better watch over it and prevent predators from snagging it. Paused. Saw
another body next to it. Recognized the scent of blood from this one- from yesterday.
This is what the fawn saw, isn't it...?
Considering how close the bodies were, for now it was best to think of guarding them both- but kept a priority on Cole's companion. Though this thought slowly fell as one of them became nothing but dust and ashes. Would simply guard Cole's companion, then.
After falling asleep near the dead body, woke up to the soft sound of hooves on the ground, rustling in the grass. Saw a
stranger nearby and greeted them curiously, finding they were not one for speech. Coaxed them a little closer, though I noted an odd smell about them. Something like Jovan's smell, but far more foul. Very sick? Sickly? Uncertain. Refrained from much physical contact due to this and simply sniffed them and checked them over for injuries. Many old battled scars. This stag was well seasoned. He'd been part of the forest for a while, and I remembered seeing him on rare occasions.
He seemed to be investigating Cole's companion, wondering what was wrong with them. Shook my head and bowed, my face showing a grim expression.
They are no longer with us. Watched them as they stayed nearby, turning to other thoughts. I hoped that whatever ailment they had, they would not be yet another corpse found in the forest.
While asleep, an unknown stranger came up. Uncertain. They seemed to keep their distance behind a tree, a little timid of coming closer. Remembered how Cole had coaxed the fawn over that I had accidentally scared last time, and decided to try his body language method. Found it somewhat effective- asking why they were scared, if they were scared. They seemed like one of this dead member of the forest's companions, and wished to get closer. I would watch how long they were next to the body and make sure they were not simply here to steal a piece of it. they seemed to simply be checking it over and offering their grievances, allowing me to return to it and going back to their tree. Eyed them carefully, and kept close to the body. The blood is drying and offering a foul odor- I will have to remedy this by bringing some strong smelling flowers.
March 11th, 2016
Resting by one who is not there...
Can you truly call it giving them company?
How do you know they are no longer there?
They are empty.
Many faces came and went, perhaps grieving for the body. Only allowed them near should they not seem devious in intent. Otherwise, the body was undisturbed while the stranger at the tree continued to keep me company. The heart ache was slowly seeping in as I remained there.
What had happened to these two? Why was this one so withered, and why had the other turned to dust? Would more bodies follow...?
In my pondering, I became lost. Stood and listened every now and then when I heard someone approach nearby, and settled should they not come closer.
I rested again before heading over to the pond for a quick drink, as the forest was quiet. I also needed to wash my fur off and groom myself. Though, I considered that the crying idol was better for this. After cleaning myself off, I was about to head there and do a better job of it when I noticed Tig at the bridge. I was quite happy to see familiar living company. A little too happy and careless. I invited him to follow me and began to lose the color in my face when I realized exactly where I was leading him, and stopped half way up the hill.
From there we spoke, and though The Collector did not seem to understand why I was acting strangely, he did offer some comfort. He also offered a gift- a rare lily from the pond. Made sure to keep him on the hill- until he noticed Cole's dead companion. I was quite thankful that I had added so many flowers on top of him earlier, strong smelling and sweet. After adding one of his own, he bid me a fond farewell.
"What have I started with my foolisheness...?"
Woke up a long while later to find Tig returning with tears in his eyes, covered in blood. raced over, blood running cold and inquiring what on earth happened. He wasn't harmed. A friend of his was bleeding out and the little one was begging for help. Immediately bade him to lead me to them- followed quickly. Found that the bleeding one was the sickly, cold companion I had watched while with the other little ones.
Snow. I had not known them for long, but I was not going to sit back and let them die if I could help it. Summoned my horn and began trying to fix whatever damage had been wrought upon them. If they lived, I was keeping them with me over by Cole's companion.
"Please- I beg of you! Don't die!"
While healing them, attempted to call for help. I wasn't sure if my efforts would be enough, but I was pouring as much magic as I could into healing them. Kerosene answered my calls, but.... something was off. He didn't seem to believe the little white one would make it.
No... no! No more dead bodies! Please! PLEASE!
After a while, the magic seemed to have done its work and the little one rolled over, unconcious. The white veins that had been pulsing in them slowly faded, and I quickly began nuzzling and cuddling them. They would not add to the dead bodies in the forest. They were safe, alive. I couldn't help crying out of pure joy. Thank you. thank you so much.
Asked Kerosene to carry the little one and had he, and Jovan, follow me to Cole's companion. Added many more flowers on top of the dead one and ensured they were properly covered before settling down.
Noting Kerosene's lack of a tie with Cole, I asked him to leave- thanking him for his company, and keeping a careful watch over Jovan in the distance. Succumbed to sleep after the heaviness in my head had grown to the point where I could not longer keep it up.
March 12th, 2016
(If she moves, it is very little. If she speaks, it is softly and in small amounts. Will spend most of the day dozing and keeping watch over Ross's body and Ibis.)
(More likely to act on instinct and emotion rather than thought at the moment- her mind is not fully awake. )
Woke up when I felt someone nudging me. Not quite sure why, but opened my eyes. Not a good idea- found them to sting with the brightness of the world. Blinked repeatedly, attempting to adjust. Stumbled up to see Anneliese, The Pink Mane, waking me. Attempted to bow in greeting and almost tripped, giggling a little. The sound was so soft- so tired. Hardly audible. Fumbled for words before asking the doe if she could managed to bring water here. I would not be wandering nor playing in this state. As soon as she was gone, I flopped back down on the grass and rolled onto my side comfortably. Startled when the doe returned, almost forgetting my earlier request. Was about to drink some of the water after thanking her when my ears twitched to tiny little hoof steps. Turned to the sound and saw The Glimmering Stone curiously oggling at us behind a tree. Happily tripped over my hooves to them before standing and nuzzling them affectionately.
Where have you been? I've missed you.
Had them curled up int he already abundant pile with Snow, Cole's companion, and Anneliese. My happiness died down a bit as I almost nodded off into the water bowl that The Pink Mane had brought, snapping my head up and carefully drinking the water. Enjoyed the sprouts she'd brought, too. Felt a little full after a bit and wavered in and out of sleep, restlessly watching the ones I was with. My skin felt as if it had its own heart beat- throbbing. I did not know using magic so such an extent could be so troublesome.
Finally passed out again after a short while, not knowing when anne left. if anyone came or went, I only heard them through lucid dreams. Nothing clear nor comprehend-able. So tired... so tired.... the throbbing will not leave.
Felt soft stirring next to my body, and woke up. Wasn't sure what it was, but defensively curled around Snow. Noticed Jovan had returned. Could only stare at him and attempt a soft bleat of greeting before closing my eyes to try and make the stinging go away. Began drinking some of the water Anne left, and ate a few sprouts.
A soft presence stirred out from under the flowers. Confused. Tiredly blinked and sniffed them. But only found the flower's intoxicatingly strong and sweet smell meeting my nose. Was about to let my head fall back onto the ground when my nose brushed something else- small and fluffy. Smelled... new. My hazy and deep grey eyes looked upon a little one, stumbling out from under there. How long had they been hiding within? Gently nuzzled them and pushed them a little closer to myself before falling asleep again.
'I will keep you safe.'
Sadiki approached after quite a while, and allowed my head to rest on his back. Tig soon followed and curled up next to us. For a while, simple words were exchanged between Sadiki and I- as I began to slowly comprehend the worry in his eyes.
No... I cannot solve every problem nor save everyone. I shouldn't be making you worry like this...
Glad for his gentle company and that of others. Was able to remain awake for a little longer in his presence, and felt much relief. Reflected on what was happening in the forest, and that it was not wise to take any actions until I was completely better.
For your sake... I will not allow myself to fall apart.
Draven also came by, watching Jovan. Attempted to greet him and managed to touch my forehead to him- or well, lean on his for support. Rolled back over into the sleep pile, stealing tig's spot when they stood up and moved. Opened an eye and watched them greet Draven before they settled back down, only to pull them back over.
Opened my eyes to find Tig's warmth gone, and saw them returning from wherever they had been with something to eat. Gratefully accepted the food they offered and ate it, having slight sleeping spells between but managing to eat it for the most part. Spent the rest of the day asleep.
March 13th-15th, 2016
(Likely to get up and trip her way over to you if you're familiar. Having a better time thinking, but definitely not going very far with her clumsy hooves.)
(Distressed as under the flowers is a pile of twigs, sticks, and leaves. Where had the body gone...? the fawn? Still keeping a close eye on
snow (ibis) to make sure that they are still healthy.)
(Experiencing a small growth spurt. Within a month she will be size 30.)
Spent almost all day asleep, waking up to simply eat or drink. When out of both, stumbled up and absentmindedly wandered for a time. Ended up in the blue bowl, munching on the blueberries and flowers. Wanted to head back to Snow and make sure they were alright, but ultimately fell back asleep.
Not sure when I woke up, but felt that quite some time had passed. Heard rustling within the flowers and spied an
ethereal stranger listening intently to the flowers. They seemed startled by my approach, and perhaps had not seen me in the flowers. Did not have the energy to the pursue them and simply tilted my head in confusion, allowing them to flee. Watched as they danced about in the flowers and beyond the trees with a stranger. it was a dizzy little dream.
Saw the stranger settle and watched them at their tree for a while, curiously. Wandered a little closer and found them just as curious and confused. Sniffing and giggling- friendly! Yet, they seemed strange. Were those... human hands...? Wasn't fully comprehending this and simply found myself smiling. Settled with the little one, strange though they were, and allowed them to play with my hair. They seemed to be weaving it and let their long red cloth drape over me.
While sleeping, I felt my companion shift a little. "The Red Scarf", as I had decided to call them, appeared to be timid about something. Uncertainty. Curious and quizzical expressions were exchanged before the ghost child stood over me, watching
something within the flowers. After a long while, they went behind their tree again and the mysterious stranger approached. They were small, curious, strange. Watched them for a while longer before attempting to get up and sniff them. They moved away, so I became persistent. Followed them curiously through the flowers before tripping. Took a little bit to stand up and they allowed a little bit of sniffing. Satisfied, I gave them a clumsy bow before tumbling back over into the flowers again> The Red Scarf appeared to be watching from a distance, the poor thing.
It is alright. Friendly- friend. they will not harm you.
Unsure when, but The Red Scarf took their leave after our mysterious wisp returned from some place. Attempted to groom the wisp, but it appeared to be oddly difficult. Hard to get a grasp upon their fur.
Had fallen asleep yet again, waking to find them gone. However, I sensed a familiar presence-
The Lonely Monkey. Missed being with them for quite some time, and struggled up from the ground.
Are you well, little one? Stumbled through the flowers, leaning against the trees as I climbed out of the blue bowl. Stopped every now and then to prevent falling over.
I need to see you.
Eventually managed to make my way to them, past a small pair at the stump. One appeared to have a
strange head, and my little one was resting with a rabbit. found them quite happy to see me and greeted them with much affectionate nuzzling before settling.
Why isn't Cole with them...? Where is The Black Nettle?
Was quite curious about the small light pink
rabbit that appeared to be with my little one. I had seen them often, but not closely interacted with them. Scolded The Lonely Monkey for being selfish with the nest (ovo) other folks sleep here too silly.
Not another one.
Found the wisp returning. Wanted my attention. Got up and found them dragging me somewhere- followed and kept up. Nervousness. The feeling grew when we reached a group of deer over the tall grass hill. Thais, Draven, and a stranger- the mood somber. Was not eager to approach. Froze when a familiar face laying on the ground came into view.
Not another dead body....
Shivered down onto the ground, unable to think.
I can't... let this...
This isn't the time.
Left the group to their mourning and returned to The Lonely Monkey. I needed to tend to the living and cherish they were still here. I would mourn for Cole when I was able to handle it- but not now.
I'm sorry.
Was letting The Lonely Monkey groom me for a while and fell asleep. Woke up and panicked inside when I didn't see them or feel them near me, but calmed down upon seeing Kerosene and Anneliese. Eyed them carefully and spotted the little one with their fond brother, The Blind Lion Cub. it appeared that this one had grown in a set of horns. Sat more comfortably with Kerosene before curling up next to their side.
I'll borrow your warmth, if only for a little while.
Kerosene must have left at some point because when I opened my eyes again, Dazenth was in his place. I had mixed feelings about being in the dragon's presence. He and cole didn't get along- to the point where it had been violent. But I was happy for his company- even if he didn't quite know why or what was going on. Accepted his comfort, quiet though it was.
Eventually he too left. Needed to eat and grass wasn't all that filling, so I headed back to the blue bowl. Stopped a few times , having a better sense for walking. Rolled down into the flowers once I went past the tree line.
While resting, I found two presences near me. Tig, and a
scarred blue stranger. I was not sure how to take my friend's company. Did he know...? I doubted it. even if he did, did the young one understand? Would it do much even if he did...? What could I tell him if he asked?
I could not find words leaving my mouth to speak to him and simply ate a few of the berries in the blue flowers.
What do I do?
Tig managed to get some strange container for water, as I had not had anything all day. I thanked him and kept it close, drinking from it every now and then. The scarred stranger also appeared to have settled closer, along with The Blind Cub and
someone else I could not make out. I was curious about them, but not energetic enough to investigate.
Over time however, became aware of many presences within the blue bowl. A
high maned canine, an
amber doe, and a small group near them.
I hope ill fortunate has not befallen someone they know, too.
Woke up quite some time later after having drained the container and picked it up, feeling a little more coherent. made my way to the crying idol to refill. Noticed the Blind Cub among the stones around the idol and clambered up out of the water with some difficulty, settling beside them. They seemed listless and distant.
They know. Kept them company and tried to offer some form of comfort through gentle nuzzles. Returned to the blue bowl after waking to find them no longer in my presence.
March 16th,2016
Sleeping upon this bed of flowers
I take in their sweet scent.
Let today be kind.
Anne was deciding to keep me company today. She seemed nervous and worried when she arrived in the blue bowl. I nuzzled her but I couldn't find myself doing much more than settling in the grass and letting my head lay on the flowers. Watching her move about with my wide eyes, i couldn't help but feel fear. Fear that she would be gone too. It relapsed, faded and returned as I struggled with. My thoughts on the subject. Tried to avoid thinking. I couldn't help the pang of pain in my throat and chest, the aching. I didn't want to hide it. I just... wished it did not hurt so much.
Calmed down after we had sat for a while and tried to eat some of the berries in the flowers.
Kerosene came by after a while, bearing flowers.
I'm sorry that you have to worry, my friend. Appreciated his company and the gift, trying to make a flower crown for him. Struggled quite a bit with the skill today- couldn't keep the flowers in my mouth. Settled for making a loose flower necklace to string about him. Curled up next to the stag and tried to suppress the trembling. It stopped after a while.
Woke up much later to find Kerosene's warmth gone, replaced by that of Rosie. Curiously sniffed at the doe, wondering if her children were at the tree and safe. Comfortably rested with my companion, feeling emotionally drained. I hadn't realized I'd been crying either. Poured left over water from tig's vial into anne's bowl, attempting to clean my face. Felt frustrated that I wasn't moving around much and was still having a hard time with it.
I can't lay about in the flowers forever. Are the others safe...? No one else will die... please let that be so. I can't just... I can't just sit here! I'm making them worry!
Put my face on my hooves and tried to calm down.
Becoming angry will not help... but what will?
I understand why... I do not question it will happen...
I will allow it to hurt.
But it hurts so much.

Had a restless time sleeping and noticed a
jet black stranger within our presence. Was about to walk over and sniff when Anneliesse also appeared. Greeted both curiously with clumsy bowing before properly sniffing the jet black stranger. Sat with them, anne, and rosie for a time. Curious of their stiff movements, though they seemed rather benevolent at the moment. Also noticed a
stranger eyeing us from the treeline after a bit, and stood up. Watched them approach slowly from the rocks. They looked familiar. I was not sure I knew them, though. Curiously sniffed at and invited them to sit, feeling a little better with the company. Began making more necklaces out of the flowers, though they were still rather loosely woven.
Woke up quite some time later, incredibly thirsty. Drank some water from Anne's bowl before standing up. I needed to get some excersize- not lay around and let my body waste away.
Not that it seems to when I sleep for very long.
While out waking, I spotted the little
pink bunny from the other day near the crying idol's stream. Curiously sniffed them and stayed for a short moment before continuing. began to run in short bursts too, to motivate myself. Went back to the blue bowl for some berries before heading to the playground.
The Amber Doe seems to like those blue flowers.
While climbing up one of the large rocks, I spied a
stranger resting on top of them. They seemed familiar. Curiously sniffed at their blue fur, examining their skull face and large white tines. Moved off a bit.
Left and headed back to the blue bowl again, deciding to quickly sniff at some deer I had seen around the tree lines for the past few days. One was the Amber Doe, accompanied by a
familiar stranger. The other was a
white doe accompanied by several others.
Woke up some time later to find that The Glimmering Stone was curled up next to me. Curiously sniffed at them, waking them up and began one of the strangest of conversations. One of the mind. Learned through this that their name was
Delta, and that one of the companions I had been around was
Zorn. I am not sure which one, though.
Draven, The Shield, came around at one point. They had a strange with them, and the pair took up either side of us. Draven's companion searched for him in the blue bowl when the stag had left. It was a nice, though rare visit from Thais's constant companion. My heart ached a little when i wondered how they were feeling about Cole. The wolf-like stag had shared some connection with the pair, as he had been on constant guard with them when I first saw Thais.
this grief is sweeping through the forest like a sickness.
March 19th,2016
Time to get up deary.
Time to get up.
I was found by
Dazenth when I woke up and was climbing out of the blue bowl, seeing
Thais pass by. I'd spent the past two days grieving for the death and contemplating why death had been so rampant in the forest as of late. Considering what to do, other than mourn.
As much as I may feel pain for them, I cannot wallow in this sorrow forever. I must do what I can for those alive, that I cherish so fondly.
Found the
little spotted stranger approaching and joining I and Dazenth as we pranced and danced about, a smile coming to my face. it felt wonderful to have one after the past few days.
Saw a
red stranger approaching rather curiously from the distance. They seemed oddly familiar, but I could not place them. Walked up and sniffed them after they asked to approach, and invited them to play as well.
After much rhomping about, we all settled in the grass together. I wanted to play more, but my heart was still heavy. It needed a little bit of rest.
We began dancing yet again, though the small red stranger left. Dazenth seemed a bit tired to continue, but we bid him a fond farewell when he needed to leave.
The spotted one began teaching me other dances, showing me that there were many more ways to express such a thing than I had known. He had a very friendly, sassy type of personality that I was growing fond of. And through our little dancing lesson, I learned his name-
Dorian. I loved how he would talk as if dancing was his most prized talent.
"I was born to dance!"
After a while, we began talking a little more about the events happening over the past few days. He offered some comfort and kept the smile on my face.
It is alright. I have done my wallowing. I just hope nothing comes to beckon it back.
After a little while, I bid Dorian farewell to see if I could check on Thais. I found the stranger who'd come to dance with us following me, and though I was curious I didn't mind it too much. Greeted Thais with sniffing and nuzzling before settling with her, noticing a rather deflated looking tig nestled over her feathers.
Oh dear... he must have found out about Cole.
Reassured him that I was here before letting the silence fall, watching the strangers around us. Though, I found that out little cuddle pile was growing. It had started with Thais, Tig, and Kuwaka- another of Cole's companions. Though his eyes looked quite distant and... he didn't seem to be "there".
The Wisp came by as well to see me, but backed off a bit when the magpie stranger also got up and examined them. felt it was a little odd that they seemed to get up when I did, and the Wisp seemed put off. Settled back down and let them fall asleep before the Wisp came closer.
The air feels so tense.
Also found yet another unknown stranger approaching and settling, with the Wisp moving into the flowers.
Do I know them...? I doubt it.
Thais and tig left, a little more than disturbed by the strange company we were keeping. I did not blame them. Stood up with the Wisp and found one of the strangers rearing at us before settling next to Kuwaka, and then we headed off to the pond. I was confused by their aggression.
Bowed to a passing stranger we'd disturbed at a tree with the wisp waiting patiently before we settled at a fallen log in the pond.
Was surprised to hear someone approaching us, and found
Sadiki stumbling out of the pond water. Greeted him without curious sniffing and giggled before he asked to sit, to which I obliged. Though he seemed to sit at a short distance between I and the Wisp. Odd. Contemplated the matter for a bit, closing my eyes and resting. Felt the Wisp move and watched them approach The Shadow, who appeared to have been eyeing us. Not quite sure what they did, but the Wisp came back and our idling resumed.
Noted a passing
stranger at the water's edge. They seemed rather familiar- remembered having seen them often at a distance.
After a while, I and Sadiki headed to the blue bowl. We spent some time among the flowers and grooming each other before sleeping for a while, The Amber Stranger having been around at one point.
Woke up some time later with Sadiki gone, assuming that he perhaps had other things to attend to. Headed to the Old Oak and decided to sleep in the comfort of home, after not being there for so long.
Woke up some time later while lazing about to find that both The Wisp and The Fire Butterfly were in my company. Wondered why they were here and upon inspecting closer, the Wisp appeared to have little dents in her ethereal-like body - and Kerosene appeared to feel quite warm. Both were quite silent.
This tense atmosphere that returns... where is it coming from?
Also saw The Wisp greeting a
stranger who took a distant spot near us in the Old Oak.
March 20th, 2016
Early morning running about in the ruins with some fawns who had taken a liking to The Shadow. Some attempts to try and playfully get them to wander only made them firmly secure themselves to the stag. After a while though, they managed to take their leave.
Later took a long run through the forest, seeing many faces. More focused on using energy than taking a moment to stop and say hello- though, many seemed quite busy.
Found Comen sleeping and sniffed curiously, keeping him company for a short while before heading back to the Oak where an
owl pelted stranger appeared to have taken a rest. Or at least, seemed to be resting? Wasn't sure. They had been there for a while though. Wondered if they were alright, and decided to sit with them for a while.
However, Indra and a stranger sought me out and lead me to a group cuddle puddle with kerosene, tig, the fawn form the twig pile ((Ross)), a stranger- and then
Kuwaka and [url=]The Black Nettle[/url] joined. Ray also sat at a distance, as I found out form tig that he and Indra got into something like a disagreement while I was asleep. Sniffed at him curiously and went back to the cuddle puddle, finding that Indra and Kerosene were both departing.
After a long while, I heard mooing in the distance. repeated, unending from a fawn. Had grown curious and went off to investigate, losing them as they were quite flighty. Very confused and seemed to have gotten myself turned around. Passed the Shadow and a
fair, fragile looking stranger, greeting them before pointing myself in the right direction. returned to the cuddle puddle and found The Blind Cub joining us.
A stranger with a
skull mask and feline appearance greeted us as well, The Blind Cub appearing familiar and friendly with them. Was uncertain about The Black Nettle's behavior towards them, but eventually we all settled together. Also greeted the
stranger who had been sleeping at the tree for quite some time when they awoke, finding them quite friendly.
Lost in contemplation. Wondering why Kuwaka still does not speak, and appears to be acting very much like a different creature. One who does not speak, but acts on simpleness. Remembers once exchanging words with him and seeing a glimmer of something different in his eyes, that is no longer there. Uncertainty about how to help Tig in coping with the death of someone so close to him- wondering where Ross's body went. Remembering when Mandel was around, and when Rosie was so energetic and ... so much. So many memories. Fell asleep, delving into that sinking despair.
It is not a bad thing, to feel like this. It only becomes bad when one wallows forever within it.
How will I know when I have stayed too long in this darkness?
March 21st, 2016
Woke up with my face buried within Kuwaka's mane, which I'd pretty much covered in flowers yesterday. The lion was rather sleepy and still quite friendly, though all other company was gone. Stared curiously at the feline, wondering where his voice had gone. Where was that strange glimmer in his eyes? Perhaps he had been particularly torn up by Cole's death. Yet, his strangely calm disposition did not indicate this.
Just a playful cat...?
Spent the morning grooming the lion and ensuring there was nothing wrong with him, deciding to continue to decorate him in flowers. Had become aware of a familiar, lingering scent.
Sadiki was here...?
Sensed him somewhere far off, but the feeling vanished after a while.
What has he been up to, for so long?
Also sensed the familiar presence of The Shadow, and began to contemplate two things. The first- to seek him out and find out what was going on. There was always a strange tension in the air, if not strong negativity. It felt ominously risky, and like a bad idea. And perhaps, if I did seek him out, I would also attempt to seek out and speak to the large white stranger- whose presence was a common thing within the forest, and oddly never seemed distant.
Curiosity and seeking for curiosity's sake may not be a wise choice in this matter. Had never witnessed either outside of their calm, foreboding, and quiet atmospheres. Seemed very immobile at most, or simply content with staying in one place for a while- the Shadow being the more active of the two.
Should I simply let the matter pass and continue to wonder...?
Made up my mind after a few more minutes of staying at Kuwaka's side and nuzzled the lion to let him know I would be back. Perked my ears carefully and listened intently to the forest, sensing The Shadow in the distance. Made my way over to the pond and approached, sitting and patiently waiting for an opportune moment to speak. He appeared to be busy thinking of or staring at something I could not see.
Suddenly, fawns. Everywhere. Gathering. Decided this type of conversation was best without their presence as it was not one for play, and quickly got the stranger to follow me back to Kuwaka.
Engaged in a very one sided conversation, attempting to learn the stranger's name to no avail and finding him incredibly cynical- perhaps more so than Cole ever was. this one also seemed to have something in which he greatly loathed, revolving around the terms 'angel' and 'god'.
Why does this all feel so familiar...?
Much of his speaking reminded me of the wolf-stag, and it made my heart grow heavy and my words lessen as the conversation went on. Learned that he possibly knew Kuwaka, and that something happened to him.
Again and again, brought back?
By what force?
The lion appeared to have gained very little of what he once had back though, and I was not able to learn what could have happened to him. It made my heart ache more, to think one could wake up and not know anything.
Was wary of the comments made by The Shadow, as well as what he possibly knew. But decided it was best to have this much for now. if he attempted to go after the lion, she would certainly have something to do about it.
Many ominous presences seemed to be making themselves known around the group. felt incredibly wary, as if eyes were watching. Also spied a
stranger stalking between the trees. After a few moments, greeted them and invited them to sit.
After watching The Shadow for a bit, decided to leave the group and head out to attempt to speak with the large white stranger this time. Had noted that upon passing the Old Oak, the large white one was sitting within a patch of sun. Made my way over and patiently sat with him for a while.
Felt a strange, confused pair of eyes boring into me. Turned to see Sadiki there. Felt nervous. Knew of what had happened during the rut, and had even tried to tend to some of the injuries inflicted by the stranger on Sadiki. Was expecting much explaining to be done.
Left with shaking thoughts and heavy heart. Decided to avoid trying to speak with the white one for now.
I will try not to bother you anymore.
Did not want to be alone, and knew it wasn't good for my thoughts. Headed off to try and find a mental sanctuary, spotting the sickly white one- snow. Greeted with sniffing and nuzzling before quietly settling to keep him company.
Was relieved at first when Kuwaka seemed to be coming through, but he appeared to know Snow. And Snow didn't seem to want his company. The little one stood and quickly left, an apologetic glance from myself to the lion.
What else... am I... hurting...?
Kept the little one company as he walked to ensure he would not fall, as his movements were quite stunted. Perhaps still weak.
So many threads that are tied to me are being snared and torn. Why do they feel the need to fight? Why provoke each other to such an end?
Noticed Indra approach and greeted her with nuzzles, more or less to try and keep my mind off my thoughts.
Should I distract myself so much? Wanted to give her a proper happy greeting but didn't feel that I could.
someone I had met earlier at the pond and also greeted them, inviting them to sit. Did not wait for an answer though, and unfortunately curled back up.
After the little one left, sought out Kuwaka and attempted to offer comfort as well as find out their relation to Snow. Tried my best not to seep into the sadness with him, and to at least direct his thoughts away from such melancholy.
Suddenly, mooing. And explosion of muscle and tine hitting one another, teeth flashing in the sunlight. Nearby, a large fight broke out. Couldn't tell what was going on. Wasn't stepping in and wasn't letting Kuwaka get involved. However, extreme worry overcame me when I realized one of the presences nearby was
The Midnight Feather. Admittedly did not know the little one well, but didn't want to end up seeing their corpse. Watched carefully as the fight moved up onto a hill and then elsewhere, as The Wisp, The Shadow, and the stranger from earlier all appeared to be on the hill. Today was being riddled with violence.
Became defensive around a stranger who had been eyeing The Midnight Feather and another little one they were curled up with, but relaxed seeing other cervine figures who appeared to be related. They did not seem to offer harm to the little ones. Eyed them cautiously with Kuwaka by my side and The Wisp watching in the flowers.
Said a brief hello to Dazenth and nuzzled him for comfort when he passed by, urging him to seek happier company. Did not want to push any stress onto the dragon.
Went over to investigate the group, noticing that three of them were all surrounding a curled up figure. Wanted to know if the stranger needed help or if I could offer anything. Uncertainty. Kept a respectful distance to prevent hostility and left them alone when a stranger they knew approached. When heading back to Kuwaka, saw an
amber brown stranger approaching. Despite being wary, curiously greeted them from a distance. Wondered if they knew the group. Let them be after a few minutes and headed back to Kuwaka, checking on the lion to see if he was alright.
Stayed within the lion's company for the remainder of the day, refilling anne's water bowl and keeping it close. Eventually was joined by the Glimmering Stone, who could no doubt feel the heavy atmosphere. Wondered where they had gone the other day.
Dorian also decided to drop by, albeit in a foul mood. it seemed that many were having a very unfortunate day. Carefully groomed and attempted to offer company to before discussing the days events with one another, vaguely. Lifted each other's spirits and greeted the skull faced feline from earlier, who I was deciding to refer to as The Inner Eye. They seemed to be vigorously grooming themselves, as if to remove something.
I wish I could just allow them some form of restful comfort.
March 22nd-27th, 2016
Spent the past few days keeping calm and thinking about what would be the most beneficial thing to do, as well as the consequences of further actions. Otherwise, she has slowly been getting a little better emotionally. The grief does not leave, but hope for better days, and perhaps a peaceful rest, takes a good portion of it.
On the 25th she met with Tig and consoled the little one, who was extremely stressed by Cole's death. he was learning may unfortunate things, just as she was. Or in her case, relearning them. And perhaps, how to deal with grief. Allowed him to cry until his tears were spent, and will likely seek him out whenever she senses him unless otherwise preoccupied. He cannot be alone.
Woke up within the Old Oak, having left the Idol After a while. Spent much of the early daylight playing with strangers and trying to deter them from disturbing sleeping residents- found them slightly unaware of the personal space of others. though, they were enjoyable company. A stag with spread maroon antlers, an antelope pelt, and real deer mask seemed to be constant company- as well as an owl face with swan antlers and a diamond like pelt.
Did not stay in the pair's company long, however, sensing Rosie in the distance- back at the pond. Followed her scent, but stopped at a tree just short of the body of water. A white stranger with a secretary mask, swan pelt, and large white tines was leaving the area. They felt extremely ominous. Eyed them carefully before they left and proceeded to greet Rosie with much nuzzling. Eventually began to play with her as well as a stranger with a real deer pelt, real deer mask, and candle antlers.
However, Rosie seemed to have spotted something distressful. Followed her a little way from the bank of the pond to see the white stranger from earlier in a fight with someone else. Wasn't getting close and didn't want Rosie to either. Found Sadiki approaching and in my shock I backed up quite a bit, cautious. He seemed worried. Approached him carefully and checked him over for injuries while the fight in the distance resolved itself, and moved elsewhere. found a bruise on his head and forced the stag onto the ground so that I could treat it.
I don't care how angry you were or if you are still angry, You're not walking around with an injury!
Rosie had settled at a tree nearby with someone else, and I could sense Tig a good distance away. I would seek him out after speaking with Sadiki. His fur is such a mess and he looks oddly tired....
After a long talk, we cuddled together just outside of the bank of the pond and were joined by several others- The Wisp and The Glimmering Stone. Today's company was quite favorable, and I hadn't heard any further scuffles in the forest. Was quietly keeping an eye on Rosie and the familiar little one she was resting with, as well as a
familiar presence within the pond.
26th v
Was rather surprised when The Glimmering Stone began a conversation with offering a new name, and then asking for.... what...?
"Would you be my mother?"
Had no qualms with the offer and accepted unconditionally. I'd never given birth to any fawns, but the ones I was looking after- The Lonely Monkey, The Blind Cub, and The Glimmering Stone- were as close to my own as one could get. I'd been giving them company and had grown fond of them- so why not learn to try and raise them? I would more than likely be unchanged though they grew, and perhaps I could learn to be more responsible with my actions. I accepted the offer and kept the little one close, delving into thoughts of a suitable home. I had been raised in the Old Oak, but it did not appear to be the best place for any of the little ones. Perhaps the blue bowl...? Plenty of flowers to keep them hidden in, and plenty of berries to eat. trees surrounding it to climb and rarely any company within.
I guess I'll prepare their new home.
Fell asleep with The Glimmering Stone not long after the conversation. Though, after hearing the water in the pond being disturbed, I spied a
frightened doe treading carefully in the water. Attempted to approach slowly, but found her easily startled and refrained from getting closer and spooking her further. The Wisp also wanted to investigate, but I shook my head as it probably was best to give the stranger space. Curled back up around The Glimmering Stone.
27th v
Got in a good run and a drink from the crying idol- meandered around the forest investigating a bit. Saw The Golden Face and briefly checked her over before leaving her be. Then headed to the Blue bowl to eat some berries- would bring the little ones here when I could.
After a while, woke up in the blue bowl sensing Sadiki and Rosie nearby. Approached the pair to find Rosie in her squirrel form and Sadiki resting with someone. Pranced around Rosie for a little bit, also noticing
another presence nearby. Had seen them yesterday and decided to try and greet- found them to be calm and friendly. Also found a strange bird trying to get my attention for something, but did not understand their body language.
Invited the stranger to sit with us, but they seemed content with a birch tree. Settled over with Sadiki while rosie offered them short company. The
stranger sleeping near Sadiki appeared to have woken up next to us. Curious about and wanted to check over for injuries and sniff. Eventually did so and found them to be in the mood for play, joining in eagerly. Bounced and ran around Sadiki until he too joined us, curiously sniffing at a passerby and inviting them to lay for a bit.
Played a little game of 'slap the face with the tail" with Sadiki and the blue stranger out of amusement, glad that things were going quite well today. Fell asleep with him for a long time- that is, until I woke up pressed against the tree we'd fallen asleep next to.
(much teasing and chasing occured.)
Cast pelt spells on each other and ran about in clearings and through trees, kicking up loose grass and flowers petals. Was playfully pushed over and gave in to running after the stag, attempting to tackle him into the grass. Unsuccessful, but did enjoy the nuzzles afterword. While trying to face him, we ended up spinning and creating a little dance much to my amusement. eventually we headed off to another clearing near a mushroom patch where we relaxed. though, I later woke to find myself much smaller than before and buried under Sadiki's hair. Poked my head out and began making a little flower nest in it to bother him with when he got up. Also put a pinecone in there.
He'll never know!
The Wisp approached while Sadiki took his leave. Greeted her with nuzzling and bouncing about in all my small flowery glory while trying to cover her in the petals as well. Sit with her for a while before we moved to some flowers. Though, after a while she appeared to be eyeing Snow- who was resting nearby. Came to him over of concern after a few moments. Seemed unresponsive at first, but was shocked when she found the white one headbutting me. Dazed, confused. Concerned. Stumbled a bit before regaining my senses and tucking my tail submissively, avoiding further eye contact and sitting on the opposite side of a nearby stump. Rested my head on it to comfort the pain.
The Wisp returned and inquired about the bruise. Did not wish to lie to them, and decided not to answer instead- attempting to deter their worry.
It is not important right now.
Fell asleep next to The Wisp.
Later on, met up with tig to find the young one in much better spirits. Found that someone had left him a gift- one of which being a book. It was not often someone in the forest had these, as they were likely from other worlds. After inquiring further about the book, decided to try and teach him how to store it. the forest trees seemed to react differently to it than something that belonged.
This could be quite useful.
Fell back asleep with Tig on my back.
March 28th, 2016
Woke up at the stump to find snow gone after our brief and slightly disturbing encounter the other day. Meandered away from it, wanting to move about. Sensed The Fire Butterfly, The Masked Mother, and The Fire in the distance. Followed their presences to the ruins and settled after greeting the dragon. Though, The Masked Mother and The Fire Butterfly left shortly.
Spent a good portion of the day checking on things stored within the trees- notably Tig's things to ensure they were still safe. Also went to the blue bowl to investigate what nests currently already existed. Though, it was rare to find anyone in the center. Perhaps that would be the best place. Began arranging the flowers and berries and lacing it with a bit of magic. If the little ones hid here, they would appears as flowers or butterflies.
Walked around the forest for a while, humming. Played with some forest magic before sensing [ur=]Kuwaka[/url] and someone unfamiliar. Followed his scent and found that he was resting with a cub, several groups nearby. Greeted a mysterious pair before sniffing and nuzzling the lion, getting to know the little one with him.
How sweet.
Found that his speech was better and that he seemed to be in a much better mood. Settled and spoke for a while, with The Wisp stopping by. Decided that when I managed to get the little ones together, we would have a little gathering of sorts. it would be nice to simply watch them play, and perhaps introduce them to a long time companion.
Engaged in small talk with The Wisp after happily being able to put a flower crown on their head out of affection. Despite the short company that they offered, I was growing fond of seeing them every now and then. Playfully sassed them a little, enjoying their rather blunt nature.
Though your words may be heavy, your intent is rather fun.
March 28th, 2016
Woke up at the stump to find snow gone after our brief and slightly disturbing encounter the other day. Meandered away from it, wanting to move about. Sensed The Fire Butterfly, The Masked Mother, and The Fire in the distance. Followed their presences to the ruins and settled after greeting the dragon. Though, The Masked Mother and The Fire Butterfly left shortly.
Spent a good portion of the day checking on things stored within the trees- notably Tig's things to ensure they were still safe. Also went to the blue bowl to investigate what nests currently already existed. Though, it was rare to find anyone in the center. Perhaps that would be the best place. Began arranging the flowers and berries and lacing it with a bit of magic. If the little ones hid here, they would appears as flowers or butterflies.
Walked around the forest for a while, humming. Played with some forest magic before sensing [ur=]Kuwaka[/url] and someone unfamiliar. Followed his scent and found that he was resting with a cub, several groups nearby. Greeted a mysterious pair before sniffing and nuzzling the lion, getting to know the little one with him.
How sweet.
Found that his speech was better and that he seemed to be in a much better mood. Settled and spoke for a while, with The Wisp stopping by. Decided that when I managed to get the little ones together, we would have a little gathering of sorts. it would be nice to simply watch them play, and perhaps introduce them to a long time companion.
Engaged in small talk with The Wisp after happily being able to put a flower crown on their head out of affection. Despite the short company that they offered, I was growing fond of seeing them every now and then. Playfully sassed them a little, enjoying their rather blunt nature.
Though your words may be heavy, your intent is rather fun.
March 30th, 2016
Woke up at the stump where Snow would normally be, only to find The Fire Butterfly sitting on me. Was amused, though I was not keen to stop breathing. Struggled into a better position before sticking a flower on his mask. We talked shortly for a while and I told them a little about some others they reminded me of with their distance of mind. He left shortly though, looking alert. Was someone calling him?
Noticed Thais in the distance with Rosie and a little one! Walked over to greet and put flowers on them. Curiously sniffed at the fawn and waited for a nod before nuzzling. Then settled.
Napped and lazed about, Thais leaving after we'd spent a good amount of time in each other's company. Looked after the
kitten that seemed to stay behind and made sure it was safe.
Got up and found the little one moving around quite a bit. Likely restless. Decided to run about and play with them, letting out some of that pent up energy. We ran through flowers and kicked u grass, rearing playfully and chasing one another. After a while, we rested in some rest flowers near a mushroom patch.
May 23rd, 2016
Had been recuperating from magic usage for quite some time now, and allowing things around myself to become tranquil once again. Notable changes in sleep- falling asleep at random intervals for long periods of time. Not sure why. Perhaps... it is because I did not hibernate...? Mane is lush and long now. Might need to fine a way to cut it.
Wandered through the forest, trotting between trees and circling them for fun. Spotted a strange
dew drop with a butterfly pelt whom I had seen before near the ruins and investigated curiously.
My thoughts meandered towards the little ones I had come to call my own. I hadn't been able to spend time with them, find them, or properly introduce them to our home in the blue bowl. How were they...? Were they safe...?
While investigating a little spell war that two stags were having, I spied the familiar flowing embers of a dear friend. Rushed past them though the trees and nuzzled The Fire Butterfly. Oh, how long has it been my dear friend? Have you had much peace these days? Nuzzled them and stomped about playfully before grooming the other and settling contently.
I oddly felt as if I was forgetting some important things and strangers... but I could only recall those closest to me. Rosie, Sadiki, The Fire Butterfly... the little ones.... Hatchet. And several who no longer walked these grounds. Yet the ominous feeling of forgetting something dire would not stop nagging me.
I did not know how many times I had fallen asleep as of late, nor for how long. But I knew that I had likely missed many things.
While we rested together, taking in the forest... we discussed many things. Missing things, losing things- and perhaps, how they lasted. I suppose I was glad to enter such a way of speaking, being away from much for so long. It helped me think a little, and understand things better. Perhaps we would be able to speak like this again- or even have more light hearted things to speak of. For now, I loved being with familiar company.
May 24th, 2016
The stillness and tranquility of the night greeted me from my resting place in a clearing between many tall trees. It was rare, that I woke during the night. Curiously followed the little patches of moonlight peeking out from the tree tops. Fireflies appeared to be dancing within them! Playfully chased them around trees and other deer. After a while, took a little walk to the Old Oak. Felt a familiar presence- yes, the one from the ruins the other day. Walked inside and curiously sniffed them. Sleepy? Tired? Wondered if they were alright. they often were resting whenever I found them- the little dewdrop. Meandered away and gave them privacy.
Began reminiscing a bit after a long walk through the forest, the hooting of owls and soft rustling of the grass soothing my mind. Found myself in the last place I'd seen Cold alive- some large birch trees on a hillside of tall grass. The Fire Butterfly's conversation ebbed into my mind, from yesterday. Had Cole been waiting for death...? Had anyone who'd died during that time?
The fluffy blue stranger I had seen once before when Cole asked me to get him had been one of the dead, too. But I wonder- what about the third body? One that Kerosene and several others had discovered- one of the first? Had they been tied to Cole in some way too?
Perhaps these were meaningless things to ponder. But as my mind wandered, it simply brought up more questions. Who had ties with whom...?
My thoughts turned to The Sand Warrior, The Star Kissed Stag, The Fire, and The Blue Rose. Had their days been peaceful? Surely Rosie was enjoying her time with her children. Perhaps the sick one had been cured? After so much time, things must have been resolved.
No... put those thoughts aside.
Maybe I'll find them soon?
Headed away from the place for now, and suddenly heard the bleats of a little one. glanced back a little to see it a short distance away, and curiously sniffed. Familiar? Kept them company despite lack of response. After a while, they rested next to me. I wonder if this one has parents? Nonetheless, I would guard them.
They seemed to find a purpose with themselves, and soon the little one left. Decided to contently munch on the grass before wandering off again, towards the pond and greeting strangers.
Headed back along the tree line of the birch forest and spotted someone
unfamiliar resting on the hillside. Curious. Walked up and sniffed. Friendly? Sleepy, friendly. Decided to keep them company at a short distance.
So many are asleep, and missing out on the moonlight. Though, perhaps I should be too. Such an enchanting hour...
Heard a lot of running in the distance. it had been going on for a while now. Followed the sound to find two deer going at each other with friendly spells! Played with them for a while and helped them get the spells they liked. Eventually, we were joined by a fourth deer. We helped them get the spells the liked to, before it was just three again. How pleasant~
Eventually, the group separated and I made my way to The Blue Bowl- where I encountered... a phantom? I could see them, yet they were no visible. It was strange.... but they were friendly. Was oddly able to nuzzle them as if they had a physical form.
Ran into yet another stranger trying to spell cast, when I noticed the familiar presence of
The Golden Face! Greetedly them excitedly and bounced around. We tried helping someone get a mask before The Golden Face suddenly stopped. they looked alert- ears perked. What is wrong? Uncertainty. Suddenly heard distant cries that repeated quickly- then it stopped. Worried. Stayed next to The Golden Face.
The strange cries appeared to be coming from

After resting at the base of The Crying Idol, we rhomped about through the forest! Playful rolling, bouncing and chasing. The Golden Face seemed to be enjoying this, though I was not quite used to their playing. We had rare encounters, so that seemed quite natural. Followed them all over the forest, hiding behind a tree and giggling when they seemed confused. Jumped out and playfully ran past them!
After a while, we approached the pond. Wondered if they were thirsty, but stopped once I saw a familiar, large white shape.
I shouldn't bother him....
Eventually, we moved away from the Pond to The Old Oak. Home, my sweet home~
I settled within the tree, while the Golden Face settled at the entrance.
Had slightly dozed off. The Golden Face had moved to another tree a short distance away. Gathered some flowers and prepared to dump them on The Golden Face, but they got up before I could! Flowers everywhere. Giggling and much prancing. Followed them to a patch of purple flowers where we greeted two strangers. One seemed relatively neutral about our presence and somewhat playful with The Golden Face, while the other was quite distanced. Greeted both after much running about in circles, and left when The Golden Face did. Maybe we can play again some time?
While we meandered through the forest, The Golden Face took us back to the Pond and some trees. They seemed to notice my hesitation with going closer to the large white one, but eventually I became comfortable with the idea.
fluffy stranger came by to visit! Small? Very small. Bowed and greeted before trying to play- was unfamiliar with the way they did. The Golden Face seemed familiar with them and quite amused. We all settled down by the tree, while I watched others pass by.
Eventually fell into a restless slumber with The Golden Face, and their companion- who I would think of as "Bright Eyes". May we meet when I wake next.
May 25th-27th, 2016
Woke up with the Golden Face still asleep next to me. Nuzzled them and made sure they were not cold or uncomfortable. Their companion, Bright Eyes, was also still here. I had been woken up by three strangers playing together. Curiously greeted them before bounding into join! One was small with an ominous face, but quite friendly. Enjoyed dancing and prancing with them! Sensed The Fire Butterfly nearby and saw him in the pond, but he looked quite worn. Should let him rest.
Tig was also asleep. Came to the conclusion that flowers might help them have good dreams due to the fragrances, and placed crowns on Tig and The Fire Butterfly while they slept.
After a short while, Will o' the Wisp came up to us. Bid the group a happy farewell and bounced after them! We ran through clearings and kicked up dust chasing one another before settling in some flowers.
While I placed flowers on the wisp in their enjoyable company, she suggested that I do the same to
a stag of embers and
pale doe nearby. Obliged and happily made some flower crowns to put on them, but decided that wouldn't do. Went back and brought a bundle of flowers to put on them before settling back down with the Wisp.
Eventually, the wisp began pretending to attack the Twin Gods statues. Silly whisp, you're just harming the stones! Left a birch branch next to them with a flower tied to it.
Came across Anneliesse, at which point the wisp was quickly gone. Expected to see them aagain later, though. Spoke with the pink mane about her wanderings and followed her once beckoned. Recieved a precious
wind chime which I hung from a birch tree in the blue bowl.
We settled and spoke of why I had been gone for a while- and I found out that she too had been absent. It turned out that the gift I had given her was not simply decoration after all- how wonderful!
After much lazing about, meandered off to find the Wisp and offered them short company.
Eventually lazed by the pond with them and gave The Fire Butterfly a short greeting, as he was busy. We were shortly visited by a stranger who bore a day of the dead mask, antlers and a swan pelt. they seemed amiable, so I played with them shortly.
However, while I had returned with the Wisp to rest- we heard scuffling off in the forest. Roaring, mooing, battles cries. Tension and tremoring. We went over to investigate, and I spied a familiar blue stranger.
Wait... he... I know him!
Instinctively rushed in to try and get between the fight, but did not attempt to cause violence myself. Managed to make them passive aggressively part before the Wisp advise that we leave. Objected at first, but better understood her intentions and agreed. We headed tot he blue bowl where the wind chime hung... where it was safe. For now, the scuffling had stopped. Hopefully nothing further would be pursued.
After we had rested within the blue bowl, I bid indra farewell to seek out another face I had seen during the fight- The Golden Face. they had been agitated earlier, but hopefully things would be better now. Found them resting with Bright Eyes, The Fire Butterfly, and a pair of fawns. Was glad that they were safe.
Sensed The Shadow in the distance, and decided to properly greet them with some flowers! They seemed mildly pleased with the flower adornments. After a while, we began conversing and turned to the topic of something called an apple. He seemed to dwell in it- and offered to take me there. Why not? I would prefer that to the sleep I feared at present. It was strange, to find The Shadow giving me many preemptive warnings. Yet, my lack of knowledge got the best of me.
Entered a Rift for nearly three days of forest time with The Shadow.
After a long and rather eventful excursion to New York, I had come to know the one I would refer to as 'little shadow' in teasing, a little better. Attempted to drink vodka, didn't like it very much and thankfully didn't get as drunk as he did. The effects were not great since I had very little of it. Not likely to ever touch alcohol again, because it smells quite toxic.
Your world of poison is not for me, I am afraid.
Gained a new perspective, but his violent and intimidating side are quite dominant.
I wish that there was less blood...
More likely to approach with flowers.
After reentering the forest, greeted Tig and happily cuddled with the little one. Enjoyed affectionate nuzzling and speaking to him about things he had been given. Learned that he knew Kuwaka, Ross, and several others. However, I seem to have slight memory loss regarding Ross. I've met him before? When? Do I know him? Spotted The Golden Face a short distance away and elatedly greeted. Spoke ((a rare thing between us)) and discussed something rather pressing. The doe advised me to keep quiet about it and keep to the pond or crying idol- sources of water.
"Remember- water heals." - The Golden Face.
My heart is aching slightly. I miss Sadiki, and wonder where he has gone- as well as my little ones. Suddenly it seems as if some I know just... are not here.
Went back to Tig, and we were subtly joined by a
little fluffy stranger. Decided to refer to them as "The Listener" for their four ears. They seemed abruptly shy- stayed next to Tig and did not make an attempt to examine them, as Tig expressed they were a bit flighty. Let them cuddle close to tig and fell asleep.
May 28th, 2016
Woke to the absence of Tig and his companion, as well as The Golden Face and theirs. Sweaty, alert. Ears perked. Sniffed the air for familiar scents- to find two. Tig was off in the distance, and The Shadow was nearby. Decided to pay a visit to the shadow first. Bounded through the trees before sneaking up behind the imposing creature and gave him a playful "Boo". Giggled a little at his surprise when he turned and faced me to back up a bit. Had left some flowers on the spines on his back, though he didn't seem to mind them... I think? Found a small brownish deer approaching and engaged in play before we settled next to The Shadow. He seemed to be staring off in the distance at something. Spaced out a little and within those few seconds he wasn't next to us anymore. Curious. Perked ears and listened- sensed him still close by. Seemed to be speaking to someone. A friend? Bid the small one a short farewell and followed The Shadow to investigate. Friendly? Bowed politely and sniffed curiously. Found them rather playful and bounces around The Shadow with them. Not quite sure what the two were doing though. While bouncing around The Shadow, he seemed to fall over. What was he doing? Silly shadow. ((and then while following them the layer fucked up with commands and mooed.)) Wondered what his companion wanted when they tilted their head. Much staring. Then the companion left. Sad shadow looks sad. Decided to make a flower crown to cheer him up. Slid it on his head and tried to invite him on a run. ((And then the player had to leave, gg.)) Suddenly, pitch blackness.
Woke up by a tree a little while later and made my way to the Old Oak, unable to make out any familiar scents.
Woke up and began wandering past the pond when I ran into Dorian! Paused for a moment until we both recognized each other. He tapped the ground, wanting to show me something.
Followed the elegant stag and saw a pile of deer that looked exactly the same. Had fun playing with one of them and joined their cuddle puddle. Eventually, felt The Shadow's presence nearby. He seemed curious and put himself in the middle of it. However, upon looking back I could not find my friend- Dorian. Where had he gone...?
Offered to take The Shadow running yet again and this time, we did. Raced through the trees and jumped over everything. Had a lot of fun, but we stopped after a bit. The Shadow seemed to be out of breath. Offered to take him to the pond and we made our way there to rest in the water.
After a few moments, The Shadow lead me over to a tree. They told me to sit and I obliged, while they sat a short distance away. However, a muffled cry caught my attention. The Shadow appeared confused and after a few minutes, departed. then I saw Dorian approach. He was the one who had made the cry, and I offered him comfort while he rested next to me. After a long period of resting, The Wisp paid us a visit. Happily nuzzled her and spoke of this place, and others.
May 29th
Woke up and bounded through the forest, picking up the scents of Anne, Matthew, and The Shadow. Visited the former first, offering them a bow of resting and happy nuzzles. Giggled at Matthew's apparent confusion, wondering what was going on. Rested with them for a while, but felt quite restless and headed to the pond for a drink after a long while.
Began working on the tree in the blue bowl. Laced a large area around it with flower seeds which came from the flowers in my crown- red, blue, and purple flowers. The jingle of the wind chime was quite lovely and calming. However, stopped working after a while, lost in thought.
I wonder where they all went...?
Had decorated the tree thoroughly, but for some reason had little energy to do much else. Sudden exhaustion- wanted to sleep. But also wanted to visit The Collector. Fell asleep next to the tree, under the blue flowers.
May 30th, 2016
Awoke when the wind caused the wind chime to jingle. Felt well rested, but strangely still tired. Tried heading tot he crying idol to shower off the sensation. After a few minutes, meandered around the pond to listen to the frogs croaking. Sensed a familiar presence in the distance and made my way over, flitting through the trees. Gave The Shadow a greeting of prancing and posing before settling next to them. However, sensed another presence after a while- someone familiar, but not a companion of mine. I remembered briefly getting to meet them before.
Went off to seek out the scent of The Golden Face when The Shadow and their companion wandered away. Found them between two strangers, and was greeted by one with a white pelt and Noh mask. Odd behavior, was not able to easily read them. Bid them farewell when they left and eyed The Golden Face carefully- appeared to be in a tense moment. Decided not to get involved and bit them a short farewell, happy to have seen them for the day. Noticed The Large White Stranger with a group nearby, watching. Curious, but left it at that.
Returned and attempted to greet the stranger that was acquanted with The Shadow, but found their mood lacking amiability. Politely set some flowers on the rock in front of them as a peaceful gesture, bowed, and left.
Perhaps your day will be better later on.
Went over the hill after I had picked up many familiar scents. The Star Kissed Stag, The Fire Butterfly, The Collector, and The Masked Mother were together on the other side of the hill! Happily bounced over to them. Much cuddling and nuzzling, as well as friendly greeting. Groomed The Masked Mother and checked on The Star Kissed Stag. Also noticed Thais had a little one I had come to learn was named
Gunnar. Eventually fell asleep under Tig's blanket with the group.