November 18, 2012 - 6:49am — Sergius
Name: William
meaning "protector, desire"
nickname (Will)
voice by Jude Law
fur This is his winter coat.
height 18hh
weight 370lb
Family deceased except twin sister
Mate single
Description As a fawn Will was very outgoing always trying to out do the other male fawns and would practice combat even though he didn't have his antlers. He learned to be careful about his surroundings after a flood carried him off; if it wasn't for his mother who grabbed him in time, he would have drowned. His mother always said he looked like his father, but was more like her in spirit. William has a good sense of direction and has a keen nose when looking for food. This helped him and Eve when they were young and had to survive the harsh cold months.
History After Williams mother died in an avalanche, his sister and him traveled together to find shelter and nourishment to stay alive. He blames himself for stubborn and not listening to Leena warnings of a storm coming. Will continues to hope she is still alive.
Powers none, yet
November 18, 2012 - 4:34am — Poppyflower
Enjoy the attempts at styling this bio as a result of complete lack of skill pertaining to CSS
This bio is currenty under construction. More will be added as time progesses (:
```````````````````````````````` N A M E: Makalu
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: G E N D E R: Female
+++++++++++++++++++++ S P E C I E S: Tef Deer/ Arctic Owl
S P E A K S I N: #00FFFF
H I S T O R Y: The earliest memory the owlet has was waking up in a small, sun-dappled thicket. She held no recollection of anything but one word: Makalu. She had no idea what it meant.
The owlet wandered the forest alone and scared for a day, avoiding the other huge beings nearby. She eventually came across a blueberry bush and cautiously tasted it. Though it wasn`t exactly prime to her, it settled her stomach for a bit.
Scared of accidently being stepped on by the other massive things in the forest, Makalu thought that climbing one of the tall brown objects (trees) around the forest would help her. It took most of the day and some of the night for her to climb to a low hanging branch. Exhausted, she soon fell asleep.
The next morning, the owlet woke up to realize that she had no idea how to get out the tree. That has when she spotted the others...
The rest will be filled out as she ages (:
S I Z E: Small, a tiny bit larger than a 4.
Appearance: As she is half Arctic owl, Makalu`s appearance is largely based off of the latter. Currently, she is pure white with a few grayish brown feathers. As she gets older, she will eventually gain more gray brown feathers, but retain her main white color.
November 17, 2012 - 8:25pm — cicadia
I need everyone who can think of one to list me a RANDOM pelt/mask/antler combination. I don't want something that is common- just string a few together for me. You'll see why soon enough.
Sets that exclude a pelt or mask or have default antlers are okay (even encouraged) too.
When you post your 'set', give me one random word, please? Any word at all will do, english or another language.
[*]-Peacock mask, Ram antlers, Fan pelt
[*]-Noh mask, magpie antlers, real deer pelt
[*]-No mask, Kabuki Pelt, Key antlers
[*]-Long mask, real deer antlers, space beluga pelt
[*]-Orca mask, monarch butterfly pelt, long antlers
-Whistling Mask, Fan pelt, trumpet antlers
-Space beluga mask, Fan pelt, Carnival antlers
-Carnival antlers, DOTD pelt, magpie mask
-Peacock pelt, butterfly mask, DOTD antlers
-Antelope pelt, peacock mask, golden butterfly antlers
-Kabuki mask, Fan antlers, Golden butterfly pelt
-Long pelt, Crying Idol mask, Carnival antlers
-Noh pelt, Butterfly mask, Fan antlers
-Space beluga pelt, monarch butterfly mask, magpie antlers
-Magpie pelt, Orca mask, Real Deer antlers
-Space Beluga Mask, Fan Pelt, Long Antlers
-Noh mask, peacock pelt, golden butterfly antlers
-Orca antlers, zombie pelt, magpie mask
-Golden Butterfly mask, Noh pelt, Golden Butterfly antlers
-golden butterfly pelt, antelope mask, golden butterfly antlers
-Default antlers, magpie mask, Kirin pelt
-DotD mask, Great Argus Pelt, Candle Antlers
-Fan Mask, Nightfall Pelt, Kabuki Antlers
-Long Mask, Nightfall Pelt, Trumpet Antlers
-Kabuki pelt, crying idol mask, and candles
-Deer mask, Orca pelt, antelope horns