Hey again! Keeping up to date with my screenshots yet again, today I'll be uploading six of them! If I ran into you, I hope we had a good time and I didn't miss taking a picture! Anyways, onto the screenies!
This image is more so for my biography for sabel- as the event is described in her history. I missed a chance at getting the transparent fish in the picture though.
Some fawns decided to cast some spells on me, and I ended up with this set! I didn't keep the spells though, as I'd like to keep my character accurate.
I and some deer decided to dance together, and the fox pelted one joined us for a while. A Pity he didn't stay!
You wouldn't believe how long we danced together and hopped around.
This deer seemed rather fond of keeping the devout pelt on him, and me. I enjoyed some time spell casting, although they didn't seem very interested in hopping around.
Another deer joined us, so we began to dance!
I hope you guys enjoyed that collection!