
Greyhorn's picture

I'm back.

Ok so while I've been gone I've moved and I'm slowly getting everything set up. My computer is somewhere in these boxes and I was wondering if someone could help me out. How long does it take for the account to lose pelt spells when it hasn't been used in awhile? Just wondering if one of my friends could log on my account in the game until I get everything set up... I just don't want to lose my spell data. Anyways I will see you all around. Smiling see you guys in the forest soon hopefully.
Michael Samyn's picture

Help Tale of Tales on Steam

Ever wanted to support us without it costing you a dime?
If you are a Steam user, now you can! Smiling

Our new game Luxuria Superbia is almost ready for release. But to release it on Steam, we need a sufficient amount of votes on a service called Greenlight. That's where you come in!

If you have a Steam account and you have at least one game there, you can vote on Greenlight. So please do! Not only will you be helping our new game get on Steam in front of millions of gamers, you will also help us raise a bit of money (sales on Steam are huge!).

Without further ado: this is where you should go (corrected):
Click on the YES button, please!

Thank you!

Michael & Auriea.

PS: hope you're getting excited for the imminent Halloween festivities in the Forest!
Seed's picture

[For the Flowers] Community Event Brainstorming

So, I've been scheming for a while about... A little event, and a little storyline related to it. There's a lot of details of implementation I'm a little stuck on: I could see lots of ideas, but not about what people would enjoy most. Any feedback, suggestions, or organizations queries or criticism is appreciated!

The Idea

Since I have some sort of story (I'm looking for characters who'd be useful in it -- anyone who's got a spiritualist or herbalist type, get in touch with me!), I can't give too many details, but the event itself is concerned with propagating flowers. Everyone signed up receives a flower. In order to accomplish the narrative goal, the flowers needs to receive pollen from as many other flowers as it can: like with blueberries, only hybridization will do. This will go on for a decent period, maybe a week or two, to give everyone some chances.
This comes, naturally, from interacting with the other flower-bearers.
The non-narrative goal is simple: meet lots of people and interact with them, hopefully opening up new relationships and awareness.

The Questions
#1: The form of interaction. I'm not sure yet myself if this should be free-form, or if there should be certain encouraged forms of interaction, for more easily identifying if someone is playing this game with you, and generally breaking the ice for shyer players/characters. If so, I think things like flower-sparring or flower-dancing (that is, mixing interactions, either dancing or fighting, with the 'get flowers' button) may be ideal for the occasion, but there could be more or less formalized things. This is one of the big questions.

#2: Identification. Should people engaged in this wear, do, or be something or somewhere specific? I'm a little lukewarm. There'll naturally be a list, but will that be enough for everyone? I can see there might be a need, but that sure feels like a bother.

So tell me..

Am interestd would your character give an item or thing to mine if they are not close? If stranger?
What would be the thing?? Think of my idea to make another characters' item usefull in some way or part off development of mine. What is your opinion on this??
Calinka's picture

[12.] Salvation.

p's picture

P is back in the forest for the holliday season

Very happy to be back, looking forward to BZD and fun times to be had with old friends and new friends. Looks like somehow P lost his pelt and candles while i was away, not sure how. . .

Good to be back, hope to see you!
Chocosamara's picture

Puedo hablar

Llegué y todo es tranquilo
Solo que aun soy muy joven
Debo esperar, aunque no tenga a quien seguir.

Hey you lovely people

How have you all been?
Moosehoof's picture

I'm on a roll!

Blueberries's picture


I was looking for something to do when I found this place on Google! It's been fun so far, and the game is very pretty! The faces are a bit odd, but I'm sure I'll get used to it.

I uhh.. am also posting this to apologize to any deer I may have confused a while ago. I have no idea what all the buttons do. Basically all I know is how to run, jump, and nuzzle everything.. including the trees. So if I accidentally do anything I shouldn't I'm sorry. ^^'
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