
Waning-Sun's picture

The Copperhead

Blossom {Momoka} Storm

I got a little bit better at coding.
MzWhiteberri's picture


Oh well i'll try again x)

Is there anyone that is able to give me a DoTD mask and antlers? I would be very happy if someone could! Im with the bridge with zombie antlers and default pelt. Picto


Edit: got it.
Seed's picture

Seed's Poetry Corner: A Love Letter

The poem is the explanation for the poem, I think; Only stopping to note that this has been on my mind.
A note from a later date: I suppose I should at least give some context, for a reader besides myself. As Sage, my love, is so often away, I've tried my hoof at writing letters to her, and she seems most fond of the notion. And so...

A Love Letter

I read the breeze that rushes
along the feathers of birds aflight
as an omen that, rising, hushes
me to silence. I think I might

take pen to sheet of bark pulled tight
and thinly beaten to take ink.
Oh, to use that voice you praise and write
to form between our distant hearts a link.

When the moment's come, I balk, I shrink;
my mind draws naught but clumsy, idle words,
scratched out out and pressed too far, I think:
I've no letter to send, even on the flight of birds.

Except to say simply "You are in my thoughts,
sending my breath into sighs, my words into knots."

((More of Seed's poetry can, logically enough, be found through the Seed's Poetry Corner Collection))
Scythe's picture


Seed's picture

Holiday Giftart Cleanup! [Come See if I need Your Ref!]

Alrighty, so. I started doing Holiday Giftart last year, but life ran away with me before I happened to finish. Now, this has been bugging me, because I'm a type that doesn't like to leave a job undone. I do it all the time: I just hate it, and I want to be able to do some giftart this year, and wouldn't be able to with this just hanging over my head. So, here I am!

I have the completed list, the incomplete list... And then I have a list of people with dead links. I figure, if it's a dead link and no one fixes it, I'll be fine to consider it wrapped up when I'm done all the ones I can get refs for. All will be well! But if it's a dead link, but it's because someone changed the name or something, let me know, and I'll fix it up. If you want to take your character off my to-do list, because you don't want the art, also fine. Cool by me.

Don't we all hate leaving things undone?

Completed Gifts:

1. Ayslin for Sham (requested by toppledturtle)

2. Aini for Ainimalia (requested by toppledturtle)

3. Naiya for Toppledturtle

4. Ferlish for Jennipher

5. Aurora for Calinka (Requested by JackStrauss)

6. Raoghnait for Necrosie (requested by HellsBells)

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