Okay, I'm sorta a new member ^^ I'll be an adult in a few weeks. But today was the first day I really hung out with some great people : ) Most other people I think ignore the fauns. Anyways, check these dudes out! ( Please claim yourselves if you see you!!!
))) )
First I met them while trying to find one of my friends, and stumbled upon their antics.
I got sandwhiched between them, dancing. ^^ The grey one with big horns, watch him throughout... He/She was my favorite deer and I followed them throughout my hour-long stay : ) All of them were awesome though ^^ I think they got bored of me after a while xD I bowed profusely to show my appreciation of their kindness.
Side by side with another person I don't know ^^ There was a whole group at that time, just sleeping in a circle. It was actually the grey one that first eagerly got up and started dancing with me
Then, with some new friends we traveled to the stony playground. There, a few of them made scenes out of the glitches such as rofling into the rocks. This one was pretty funny xDD
The grey deer made a spectacle of his own.