Send. In. The Clones!
May 1, 2008 - 6:08am — Pegasicorn
Scape: After seeing that Sluggs and Seed were both on, I ventured into the Forest to hang out with them.
I found that they were fawns. 8O

When did this tree start growing here? O.o

Seed left then. =( Seeya.
Sluggs and I "decorate" the bridge.

Then Pepokeen came. Sluggs and I ended up with the same pelt (orca) in a pelt-casting party. O.o And Pepokeen looked like how Her did when I met her. O.o

Taiko's picto appeared on the radar, and I could see him sitting in the shallows alone. I remembered that he usually expects others to approach him instead of him approaching them, so I went over there, hoping Sluggs and Pepokeen would follow. They did. =]


I had to sit and wait while my human went off to do something for a few minutes, except, before she left...

I saw that!
And a little after Pega came back Taiko sat down, and...

Might be the reason for this:

(I had gone back to stag and Vipin showed up while they were helping me get my set back. =] We helped him get his antlers too.)
A nameless deer came over, and I greeted him. He seemed to like making the glow appear. O.o The others had gone off to sit in a mushroom circle at this time.
Anyway, I sat down when Pega got called away. I hadn't zoned out for more than 5 minutes, and I came back to this:

8O Clones!
And they made me one of them!

I feel bad for those fawns. ^^; I found out the one on the left is Kinoshi's son.
He's rearing here:

Feels like we're performing. =]
Then Kinoshi himself appeared.

As Taiko works on making Pepokeen into our 8th clone. XD
Unfortunately that's when I had to leave, because Pega's sister got home and wanted to use the computer. =(
Because my human has class early tomorrow, Magnet and I won't be on until later tomorrow (it's almost midnight here).
Until next time.
It was strange seeing all of
I had a lot of fun
That party was AWESOME. 83