Welcome, again to the sketches
you never see. Many are incomplete sketches, and unfinished.
I've done this post before, but now I'm starting off with a clean slate
of sketches for now. So once again, stare your brains
out and grab a bag of chips and just look.
Ah, my most favorite of all toys when I was little
was the Pound Puppies. I loved Pound Puppies
and in a way still wish I had my old one.
It was brown and had black ears and I lost
it in a toy store.
Now all I have is an old pound puppies cat that was his sister.
Anyway, heres that lost pound puppie toy in this picture.
I got the name mixed up....
They kind of scare me now...eh.
Bring back memories....creepy.
Yeah...uncompleted sketch working on today...
It's a Mule deer...pretty bland right now....I draw
on the back of anything...:}