NOTICE: This version of my character's biography is out of date and going to be revised, I would advise you to go to the other one. Unless you wanna see the character art. In which case, welcome!
"Let me have the wisdom to be wise, and the power to be strong."
Favorite places: The Old Oak, Flower Patches
Name: Sabel
Age: Unspecified
Gender: Doe/Female
27, may grow to 29+
Scent: Fresh grass after a long, rainy night. Morning mist, fog, and a slight hint of vanilla.
Voice: Mia Farrow ((Voice actor for Lady Amalthia, The Last Unicorn ))
Theme (?): (I'm not sure if one can fit her…)
In game Image:

Species: Deer/ Unicorn ((you can tell this is going to be odd))
Likes: Fruits, Nuts, Spring, Autumn, exploring the ruins, chasing butterflies, playing with fawns, making friends, rolling in the grass, watching the sky, daydreaming, sleeping; the colors orange, white, and blue; long nights, rainy days, dancing.
Dislikes: Loud noises, Winter, Summer, boredom, too much sunlight, confusion, clashing colors, hot days, anything that harms a fawn.
Abilities: "Vanishing" or becoming invisible, others around her may gain the ability for a short period of time; a unicorn horn may appear on her forehead and she may use some healing powers. However, this is a rare occurrence and will only become permanent when she is a full adult. She uses her healing abilities to regenerate or heal others in dire need.
History: Sabel was born and raised in The Endless Forest, having grown up for a great time living in The Old Oak. Her family was rather odd- a human faced deer, a unicorn, and a mix between the two. She inherited very few of her mother's unicorn traits, these being; her tail, mane, and magical abilities. As far as her father, a beluga whale patterned deer, she'd inherited his coat and silver-grey eyes. She seemed to get along rather well with other fawns, although they would stare at her odd appearance every now and then. But Sabel didn't mind- she didn't see what was wrong with them staring. Eventually they came to accept her, although others that knew little of her thought she was mysterious and strange. Yet her happy personality seemed to win over others very easily- if they were attracted to happiness or the sad and lonely type. Growing up, she found that many other oddities existed in the forest. Half demon creatures, skeletal deer, and other human faced creatures. And she found that her mother, the unicorn, most often avoided anything demonic or half dead. Even Sabel had some foreboding feeling about these creatures- their intentions, what potential they had. Having no kin though, she only had her parents to guide her and didn't quite experience the closeness of a sibling. Not even her friends could compare to that- and they had their own families with other fawns. So although she was a happy dreamer, she felt alone. When she was in her adolescence, her family had begun taking her further out into the forest- exploring to see the Ruin, The Playground, and constantly visiting De Drinkplaats- although she wasn't allowed to drink the water for some reason. She was introduced to many more strange oddities along the way, and eventually her old home was seen as a common rest place for the wary. Over time, and due to her own discoveries, she realized that she was no longer aging at the same rate as everyone else. Once her body was near full maturity, it just seemed to have... stopped. When Sabel became concerned about this and asked her mother, the unicorn explained that it was a form of immortality. That perhaps Sabel was not truly immortal, but would certainly outlive many creatures in this forest by centuries.
Creatures were generally "safer" around her, or able to better avoid harm. Hanging around her mother however, they could completely avoid harmful things like predators and even disease. Sabel herself however, couldn't completely vanish for very long periods of time. Maybe it was because of her outgoing personality- she wasn't the type to shy away or hide. She was bold, and determined to a fault- very much like her father. Her mother helped her hone this skill over time, and it became close to what she was able to do. Yet Sabel still could not use the ability for a long duration of time.
Eventually her parents allowed her to separate from them in order to go and make a life for herself in the forest. It was a celebration for her coming of age as much as it was a heart ache to leave the family she loved. But eventually the bird had to leave the nest. After she left however, she didn't run into them again... as if they'd just vanished. But how....?
Traveling through the forest, she found a strange looking mask hanging from a tree. It looked like the face of a deer, and seemed to change her voice when she wore it. Taking a liking to her new found treasure, the doe decided to keep it, marking the beginning of her adventures.

Image © Thais

Image © Marquee

Image © Foxantlers

Image © wlldpferd555

Image © Jdeer

Image © Butterbrot

Image © Aeska

Image © Redkora

Image © Alhnna

Image © Mozdog

Image © Tisority
Thank you so much ^^

The above image is my most recent one. 8-31-2015
((Also, here's an image I made of her playing with tanpopo, sirius, and la. c: ))

Images © Cloudandis
After a good nuzzling that
"So yeah... you live in the Old Oak?" he asks with a hint of unease escaping after his yawn "I could never live even near there, that dark shaded forest scares me something awful... to many mushrooms and dark patches, you must be rather brave." He states with an impressed tone.
Finally reaches his destination, he points with his leg and head at a large, strange shaped, patch of tall grass "This is where I live!" Raptor announces proudly. The den is a patch of tall grass that has been woven together with twigs and leaves to create a natural roof over a dug out indentation in the earth that is filled with dried grass, fluff from all manner of creatures and pressed flowers. "It's not totally rain proof but it's home~" he happy chimes.
Allowing him to continue
Image © Alhnna
Distracted by his den Raptor
Laying on his back with his heart thumping in his chest, he makes a nervous sounding laugh to hide his discomfort "Y-yeah... I'm pretty sure you could... want to go try it out on someone a bit bigger than myself?" he jokingly taunts after calming down. He now wants revenge and is determined to get it.
Sabel gave a rather prideful
Image © Alhnna
Snorting and sniffling as he
He is now standing behind the doe as he lefts up a hoof and places it just above her tail... ready to stomp on it and see what happens... But just as he's about to do it, he snaps back to his senses and removes his hoof realising that joke would be going to far and that he might actually hurt her. Instead Raptor silently circles round his makeshift home and stops just at the left side, right in line with where her body is.
"Timber!" he cries as he falls sides ways with a flop onto the roof of his den, he flattens the grass and twigs onto her back and he goes limp, forcing all his weight down and trapping her under his dens roof and his small mass.
"Help I've fallen and I can't get up!" He laughs out as he flails around like a fish trapped on land.
AHahah! Call life alert!
Nodding at his statement, she suddenly heard him shout 'timber' and felt the den collapse on her. She gave a startled cry of surprise, being buried under the grass, feathers, fur and sticks. The piled trembled with her laughter at having been tricked, and then she used her tail to tickle the stag above her to get him to move around so she might be able to get out. "I suppose I did deserve that" she giggled merrily, struggling to move as her face was shoved further down.
Image © Alhnna
(I'm havin' chest pains!
Squirming and wriggling from the continuous tickling he slides off the doe and his crumpled den as he kicks his legs franticly trying to get away and out of reach of that fluffy tail "Stopstopstopstop!" he can hardly breath from laughing as he makes one last attempt to kick himself free. Using Sables side as a platform he places his hind legs on her and kicks himself, thankfully, out of reach of the tail. He lies there trying to catch his breath and huffs out "Yo-you totally d-did" he gasps some more "des-deserve it!"
Sabel shook herself free of
Image © Alhnna
Only just noticing his throat
He gets up off of his backside and wakes up the small ridge of the flower field to stand between a set of large trees that were in the direction she had gestured. As he reaches the top he turns around to make sure that it is the correct way but before he can get the words out his eye looks upon his crumpled home, surprisingly he's not ever bothered by it, he can have it fixed again within half an hour if not less when he gets back.
"It's this way again, yes?" He family says after he focuses his wandering thoughts.
GIving him a soft smile, the
Image © Alhnna
Shaking off the last few
Raptor looks around the forest, remembering this time to make a mental map of the path they take just to make sure he can get home without getting lost the next time.
"You seem a little down..." he observes as his swivelling head and eye caught sight of her slightly dejected and sombre look. He leans into her side for a short time before returning to simply walk beside her, trying to be comforting presence to combat whatever it is she's feeling.
Hearing the soft hoof steps
Image © Alhnna
(Touchy subject for Raptor
Left a little lost for words at the upsetting question he has to take a moment to think about an answer.
"Your asking a tough question for someone like me... I hold nothing but anger and hatred towards my 'parents'... if you can ever call them that" he frowns and quivers his lip at the thought of his 'mother' as the last damning words she told him of his father creep into his mind and take hold, not thinking straight from the rush of emotion Raptor makes the mistake of answering honestly.
"If I could live forever... and my 'family'..." he spits the word out like it tasted of bile"...was still alive and in this world somewhere" He grits his teeth in anger and tears build in his eyes as he imagines a still living breathing form of the doe who ruined his innocent childhood and caused his runty, scarred and tiny body so much mental and physical damage "I'd have moved on long ago, they obviously have better things to do than to care for there child's well-being" the anger and pain in his voice is not directed at Sabel or really her question, it's more pointed at his overly active imagination that's causing him to live the experience in his head.
Immediately regretting his choice of words after he's done with his rant and calmed down, he turns with a hurry to face Sabel. He flattens his ears and crouches down apolitically and stammers out "B-b-but that's just me! I'm not saying YOUR family doesn't want to be you!" He's almost yelling this as he shakes his head franticly "I'm sure they are just caught up some place, oh I should have stayed quiet!".
((no problems there xD pfft,
As the stag replied, she could hear his voice growing louder and more volatile- hissing with rage. SHe'd never been taught about this- never experienced someone who truly disliked their family so much. Because she was always at the tree- where few other animals came. She'd been biting his lip as he finished his sentence, drawing a small amount of blood. However, she knew that no matter how she felt… how numb it made her… how much it hurt to hear such things… she knew she couldn't have expected him to live the same way. But to truly feel nothing but hatred for those who were your own flesh and blood was unfamiliar if not rather scary to her. Although her eyes were beginning to burn with the urge to let tears pour out, she closed them harshly, preventing them from falling. "…I…" it was hard to muster words. As if her throat was caught. "…I'm….. I am…. so sorry.." she choked.
she could only wonder what had caused such a fueled disliking. All she'd ever know from her parents was love… sure she got into trouble as a fawn but over small things like wandering too far away or staying up at night. Nothing to cause his feelings. Sabel knew she could probably never understand how he felt, couldn't even imagine it. But… she couldn't help but think it was impossible to feel so… cruel about someone. She was staring at the ground now and as she could hear Raptor spewing out apologies, she turned her deep jet black eyes to glance up at his masked face. "You've no need to feel regret…. you were honest. And I asked to find an honest answer." she stated, a soft smile fading onto her lips. It was more to comfort him rather than to express her own… relief. And yet, she wondered if the stag had ever been able to know more than shyness, fear, hesitation and… this. It was simply foreign to her. "W-we'd better get to that pond."
Image © Alhnna
( Push ALL the buttons! C8
Raptor despite noticing the small smile n her lips decides to make himself seem as small and unthreatening looking as possible, shrinks back as far as he can go without it seeming like he's running away... though he is contemplating whether or not just taking off and hiding himself away out of view... he's hurting inside and the scars hidden behind his mask are throbbing with the pain of his memories.
"S-sure... lets go..." a whimpering voice emerges from is throat and he paws at the ground with his hooves dejectedly not wanting to move any closer.
He doesn't like to show that side of himself and even when faced with physical danger it never rears it's ugly head, no, the only time it craws out of hiding is when his mental barrier is torn down with that forever accursed word 'family'. Raptor regrets his actions deeply as this doe is the first to have spoken so kindly to him in a very long long time, he doesn't want to go back to silence, not yet.
They were nearing the twin
Image © Alhnna
Tailing behind her with his
He immediately broke from his glum state to desperately flail his hind and fore legs around trying to get off before he could be thrown into the water, 'successes!', or so he thought as he slid of her back only to land in the shallow water and slide all the way into the deeper water dragging mud, bugs and pond reeds with him. In the deep water Raptor was completely submerged and was simply staring at the the sky from the bottom of the blue shocked, but still lightly amused at what had just happened.
'but wait...' he thought to himself 'everything looks brighter than it normally does... strange my mask normally dims the ligh--' his eye widens in horror as he spies his mask floating right above him at the surface of the pond.
(dun dun dun, I'm horrible to him~)
((ahahaha xD oh my gooosh.
Having gone into the deeper water herself, Sabel was lounging under the water with a grin on her face. However, something up above caught her eyes. Something familiar. Paddling her hooves and using her tail to propel herself back up, she gasped for air as she found the object on her head. Pulling it down, she could see it was the familiar mask that belonged to Raptor. She blinked, scratching her head with a hoof. "Weird… didn't think that'd happen.." she mumbled. She could see his darkened outline in the water, and began swimming down to meet him, and perhaps bring him up. It was too dark to really see much of him though, and she obviously couldn't call out without losing air.
Image © Alhnna
Hey, I am curious if you
Oh but of course, I would
Image © Alhnna
Watching as his mask is
But that plan flies out the window when the doe doesn't try to swim to shore, instead she's heading straight down at him, Raptor panics and lets out muffled cries in desperation that fill the water with hundreds of tiny air bubbles. Snapping his head to the nearest submerged embankment he paddles himself towards the muddy mess and begins to dig into it relentlessly. The water is rapidly darkening from the disturbed sediment being kicked up.
Using the darkness and muck as cover he swims past Sabel and heads right for the shore, dragging himself from the water he finds himself now feeling exposed and vulnerable on land. Quick as a flash Raptor face plants his head right into the mud that surrounded the pond, a muddy face is better than a scarred one the thinks. After the right side of his face is total caked with mad and leaves he sits up and watches the water, his ears and eye are darting about looking for a sign of the doe he shot past not seconds ago.
"I hope she's not to mad about the mess down there..." he says biting his lip.
The water was now dark and
Image © Alhnna
Seeing the mask being brought
After the doe had reached him he muttered a relived "thank you and are you okay?" and made a move to take the mask back from her, but he stopped as the mask was placed on the ground and he looked at it, then back at Sabel confusedly... but he chose to ignore the peculiar gesture and was just about to reach down and pick it up when suddenly he could feel the doe began to clean off the dirt on his face.
He violently pulled his head back and his legs kicking out to shoo the doe away as the mud that covered his eye and cheek crumbled off to revel his mangled empty eye socket and his lashing of scars. Raptor turning his face away in embarrassment and fear, the left side of hi face was the only part of it she could see once again.
As the stag seemed to reject
Image © Alhnna
It doesn't matter to me
I'm currently unable to
Well, I think it would be best if we role played on your character's blog c: if you would like to have the first post, you may, or if you would prefer I could.
Image © Alhnna
( Sorry for the slow replies,
Letting his neck be turned to face her, his eye goes soft as he regrets lashing out. "No you haven't hurt me... it's just..." he pauses knowing that his 'marks of shame' can now be seen "...some old wounds that I don't like to be seen... by others or even by myself." he shakes his head and the rest of the mud comes loose.
He then goes to pick up his mask once again, he holds it in his mouth and his eye begins to plead before finaly asking with a muffle "can you perhaps help me get this thing back on?"
((It's perfectly alright ^^
Looking at the stag's face, she noticed the rather horrid looking blemish- the scar streaking down his eyelid. THe flesh was rather tender looking as well. However, she sis not flinch or cower, nor did she back away. No, it was a wound, thus she thought to treat it. She began cleaning the rest of the mud away from that side of his face, but was very gentle. "Oh you're so silly… there's nothing wrong with it." she replied with a soft smile, cleaning the last of the mud away and spitting some out as it had caught in her mouth. "You're you, so I don't think looking unusual should make any difference." She stated, taking the mask in her maw and nodding. She carefully balanced herself on her hind legs, slipping the string over his antlers and lowering the mask onto his head. Still standing on two hooves, she looked down at him and around his head to make sure it was on properly.
Image © Alhnna
(Omg I finally finished it,
Relieved to have his mask back on his face he looks up at the doe and a large smile spreads across his cheeks, his misshapen face normal scare everyone away from him so he's over the moon she's not made any negative comments.
"Thank you~" he almost sings out.
He dashes past her in a blur and starts to kick and splash at the water joyfully, he bows playfully before rearing up and splashing her.
Watching him sprint past her
Image © Alhnna
*scoots in a random sketch*
Image © Alhnna
(Haha, that's
Getting back to his feet after begin bowled over by the wave he charges forward with his antlers lowered into the water creating his own wave, he continues to do this from the shallows as the water becomes very choppy, he laughs as the water bounces Sabel's swimming form all over the place.
He then lets one of his rouge waves drag him into the water and floats about at the top.
((ahahaha xD)) Suddenly
Suddenly feeling a rough change in the current as she went randomly floating around, she felt a wave of water splash over her. Giggling and spewing out water, she could see this was the stag's doing. With a grin, she let her tail out of the water and began rapidly splashing water at him. "You can't defeat me!" she giggled.
Image © Alhnna
Laughing and uttering a
He then proceeded to paddle out further giggling and snorting all the way "Did you enjoy your mane rinsing?" he taunted as he tread water.
((ohhhhh he's gonna get
As she was repeatedly dunked and her nostrils filled with water, the doe shook herself out and gave a cheeky grin to the stag. "Maybe, but I think you've enjoy yours more!" she laughed, swimming over to him and using her tail to grip his hind hooves, dunking him under repeatedly with it like a cat toying with a mouse. "Payback!"
Image © Alhnna
(Hehe poor Sabel, Raptor's
Blowing a torrent of bubbles from his mouth every time he was pulled under, he began to kick all his legs as they breached the surface of the water creating a relentlessly assault of large heavy crashing splashes. Using the scattering water and waves as cover he freed himself from the tail and decided to do a sideways flop onto sables back "carry me to shore my raft!" he demanded teasingly as he came crashing down... soon taking a seating possession and gesturing with his hoof to land.
((No worries friend xD I had
Bouncing in the water sable steered herself ever so close to the shore… before flipping over and sending him back into the water. "Whoops, I wonder how that happened…" she giggled, stepping onto the muddy bank of the pond and fluffing up her fur. Shaking it out, she could feel the ripple of the water as it flew off. Then she happily pranced in circles.
Image © Alhnna
Laying in the water with a
Getting back on his hooves he trots with his tail raised high and waggling with happiness , the movement sent tiny streams of water everywhere... but he refused to shake himself dry or at least for now...
With a rather devious smile spread across his cheeks he looks towards Sabel who had only just finished shaking herself dry, he walks right over to he and makes makes a point to stand as close as possible before he too shakes his coat out. The streams of water fly everywhere as he attempts to drench the doe one last time with a maniacal laugh.
"EEEeep!" she doe cried as
Image © Alhnna
(Ahh! I had no idea you had
Kicking his legs and trying to get Sabel to let go, Raptor holds onto a fallen log by the waters edge for dear life "Nuuuh! I've had enough of water!" he cries out jokingly "I'd tiered!" he then pretends to have fallen asleep still clutching the log.
((oh no, it's perfectly fine
Glancing back, it appeared that the stag was unconcious. Moving in to swim closer, she prodded him in the shoulder. "helllooo..."
Image © Alhnna
Unfortunately for the two of
Despite only having closed his eyes to PRETEND to fall asleep... Raptor had indeed fallen asleep for real even in the water! His lack of rest from the previous night and the sheer amount of energy he had used this morning running around with the mysterious doe had left him completely exhausted and ready to hit the hay.
He let out a few heavy snores and mumbled something in his sleep about "nasty squirrels" and "bananas" before holding onto the log tighter.
I'm aliiiiiiivee wewt. It's
Image © Alhnna
And welcome back! ;u;
ehehehe xD thank you,
I'm open for that :DD
Image © Alhnna
Can you add me on Skype?
Sorry, but I don't have a
Image © Alhnna
That's okay! We can do it
Sorry for the late reply ;v;
ANd eys, I'd like to role play here ^^ it would be a lot easier.
Any particular setting you want, or time? Day, night, the old oak, the pond? Things like that?
Image © Alhnna
You're fine! Alright!