Biography {Harlow}

Snowrift's picture


Run with the Wild Horses


-Basic Information-

.:N A M E:. Harlow

.:T I T L E:. None

.:A L I A S:. Lo, Har

.:G E N D E R:. Male

.:A G E:. Born September 4th, 2009.

.: O R E I N T A T I O N:. Bisexual

.:S P E C I E S:. Whitetail/Follow Deer cross.

.: P I C T O G R A M:. X

.:T E X T C O L O R:. #2F4F4F


.:S E T:. Beluga Pelt, Key Antlers, Long Tribal Mask

.:B U I L D:.
Smooth, soft fur. The length depends on the time of year, during the summer being rather sleek with a bit of fluff, and in the winter very shaggy. He has a mass of fur around his neck and feet. His build is almost like that of a Clydesdale Horse

-Family Tree-

.: P A R E N T S:. Envy[Adoptive Sire], Silvamord[Adoptive Sire]

.:S I B L I N G S:. Tally[Sister], Wrath[Brother]

.: O T H E R R E L A T I V E S:. Greed, Gluttony, Pride[Uncles] Lust, Sloth[Aunts]

.:L O V E:. None

.: P R O D E G Y:. None

.:N E A R F R I E N D S:.

-Extra Information-

.: P E R S O N A L I T Y:.
Harlow is a very active, hyper fawn. He enjoys being around other deer and socializing. He is quiet shy around large stags, unless they prove to be nice and harmless. He can usuallt be found jumping about or turning himself into a frog by the pond. After being around his new parents, a new trait has grown on him, he can be stubborn and a bit dominant around other fawns. He will usually try to take over them and become their 'alpha' for around 5 minutes. When he is around any relatives, he will usually stay very near to him. After what happened to his mom, he doesnt want to lose anyone else.

.:H I S T O R Y:.
Harlow was orphaned the day after he was born by his mother, yet he doesnt know what happened to her. He was taken in by Envy and Silvamord, whom he now loves and care for deeply. Thart being said, he takes every day one step at a time, and cant wait to grow up into a stag.

.:L I K E S & D I S L I K E S:.

*Changing into a Frog



*Other fawns

*Being 'alpha'

*Leading deer around

*Blue Bowl Berries

*Running, Jumping



-Large Stags




-Being Ignored

-Where to Look-

.:F A V O R I T E S P O T:. X logs beside ruins or Playground

.: O T H E R D W E L L I N G S:. Pond

.:F A V O R I T E W E A T H E R:. Sunshine, Nighttime

-Drawings of Harlow-

By Kovah
By Rell
By Blueteardrop

Music Playlist at

8D /tracktrack

8D /tracktrack
Acurna's picture

*tracks* XD If harlow met

*tracks* XD If harlow met mort, he may not like him. He looks rather frightening with his mask. It was broken nad now he "taped" it back together. XD


I play Mortuusago and Evangeline. Eva is a fawn! Mort is my big baby boy~
Snowrift's picture

Baw, Im sure hed grow used

Baw, Im sure hed grow used to it.

Acurna's picture

XD thats good XD And his

XD thats good XD And his left eye is sort of glowy while his right eye is simply a dark spot in the mask Laughing out loud


I play Mortuusago and Evangeline. Eva is a fawn! Mort is my big baby boy~
Snowrift's picture

Ah, poor thing :c ~~~

Ah, poor thing :c

Acurna's picture

XD Just wait until the final

XD Just wait until the final version of the story is up X3 It describes what happened to him. In detail XD


I play Mortuusago and Evangeline. Eva is a fawn! Mort is my big baby boy~
Snowrift's picture

ooh, cant wait! ~~~

ooh, cant wait!

Vira's picture

/tracks :3 My Deer

/tracks :3

My Deer

Pegasicorn's picture

Uhhh... The picto page

Uhhh... Shocked The picto page keeps flashing.
It only stopped on a picto after I changed the capital S and R to lower case.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
Snowrift's picture

I failed~ thankyou for

I failed~

thankyou for pointing this out Pega!

Vira's picture

congrats on being fully

congrats on being fully grown c:
Im so sorry I havn't been in the forest that much

Snowrift's picture

Its okay <3 ~~~ Snowrift's