The Black Butterfly Doe

Far lovelier than a dream could be,

Name: Waarhijd - The Black Butterfly Doe
Meaning: {dutch} truth, honesty
Gender: female

Scent: sweet orange, cedarwood
Birthday: September 11
Species: white tailed deer
Age: baptized in eternity and eternal youth

“The garden is very still,
it is dazed with moonlight,
contented with perfume,
dreaming the opium dreams of its folded poppies.”

fur as soft as the last tender rose painted in the morning dew, with timid eyes hiding it's flare from the world, covering
it in eyelashes as dark as oil. Slenderly - yet shyly making her way through the endless paths which have been carved
into the solid ground. understand her, her mind, she'll love you dearly, my friend.

long black eyelashes
red eyes, as dark as blood
four orange drops under her eyes
slender, thin legs which make her a fast runner
four orange drop-ish markings at her shoulders/back
real deer mask, monarch butterfly pelt (and sometimes antlers)
was an albino by youth, though it was as if the forest changed her

  • Facts - Information

    - Loves physical contact
    - Easily shy of big crowds and strangers
    - Gets easily scared by frogs, silly little things
    - Takes great care for her friends, family and the forest
    - Afraid of wolves, (due to her past.) But strangely she likes foxes, because one of her best friends once was a fox
    - Fond of poppies


  • Relations

    Sho, Mellamie, Amika - biological children, her all
    Kauna, Starling - dear sisters
    Yori - dear brother, misses
    Ramoki - nephew
    Taliene - adoptive mother, misses
    Virgil - uncle figure
    Gehirn - former (adoptive) father, was raised by the stag, greatly respects
    CayLynn - soulmate
    Marcus - strange feelings towards
    Skelarrow - former mate, respects, dear friend
    Vasla - negative

CSS coding by Starling -> Edited by me.
♥ top art by Quamar
♥ middle photo by Ravyn
♥ bottom art by Shimmy

So that was you! c8 Waarhijd

So that was you! c8 Waarhijd had so much fun playing with him. <33 She did blush when he nuzzled her~<3

Flame was just in a good mood

Flame was just in a good mood x), I don't think he would dare otherwise <3



Solaya's picture

No, he's not. Except when he

No, he's not. Except when he is 8D

Avatar by Awentia, signature by Wildflowerdeer



Pretzil's picture

Mootrack ^^

Mootrack ^^



Aw hope she gets better soon

Aw hope she gets better soon =O

I hope to

I hope to <3

That's picture's great Nopje!

That's picture's great Nopje! You've really grasped how to draw deer heads, they look perfect :o

omg, Thank you! 8D *jumps on

omg, Thank you! 8D *jumps on ya and hugs you*

J!n's picture

Wow, Nopje. That picture is

Wow, Nopje. That picture is gorgeous!
Apparanza's picture

I agree with everything

I agree with everything that's been said about that GORGEOUS picture @u@
By the way, do you have MSN? 8D

By Leuvr

Thank you two so much!!, and

Thank you two so much!!, and yes I have msn. C:

Apparanza's picture

Oh yay~!! &hearts I tried to

Oh yay~!! &hearts I tried to add you, but I don't think it worked D8 Try adding me?

By Leuvr

I have add youuu~! I gtg

I have add youuu~!
I gtg sleep now, Cya tomorrow. Smiling

Apparanza's picture

Yaaaayyy~!!! 8D Okay,

Yaaaayyy~!!! 8D
Okay, goodnight~&hearts

By Leuvr
arrowdoe's picture


8DDD <333


XD <33333 8D



ocean's picture

Sorry Ama ran off earlier

Sorry Ama ran off earlier when Waarhijd bowed to her! She's under a lot of stress and kinda panicked. |D
So that's Waarhijd. Hello. ^^

B'awww, thats alright.

B'awww, thats alright. ♥
She would like to meet her again! ^__^

ocean's picture

Ama hopes to meet her again

Ama hopes to meet her again soon too!
Kiraki's picture

This is very prettily done ~

This is very prettily done ~<3

Kiraki: Thank youuuu.

Kiraki: Thank youuuu. ♥

A track~ &hearts;~ This is

A track~

This is very beautiful css by the way.

D'awww, Thank you so much!

D'awww, Thank you so much! ♥
Waarhijd realy enjoin playing with her. <3

Ourania's picture


trackity~ <3

Sorry Ourania was a party-pooper today. I was looking around on the community site at the same time :<
z.m123's picture

It's so fun playing with her!

It's so fun playing with her!

Ourania: Alright, its

Ourania: Alright, its nothing! C: Waarhijd would like to meet her again. ♥
z.m123: That was you! 8D Yes, Waarhijd had fun playing with him too~<3

Kiraki's picture

Such a pretty bio :3

Such a pretty bio :3

Thank you so much! (:

Thank you so much! (:

BubbaLoo's picture

Oooo pretty bio^.^ I like how

Oooo pretty bio^.^ I like how it's set up! Nice deer too:))))

Thank you

Thank you <3

Custard's picture

one twoeww three!

OHMYGOD. &hearts; They're so

They're so gorgeous ;; <33

Snowsauria's picture

"Thank you for your help

"Thank you for your help today."

Lol, Illrose is thankful Waarhijd went in between her and Dinah Moon by the pond earlier today. :')

"Ohh, You're welcome!" FF, It

"Ohh, You're welcome!"
FF, It was nothing. (:

As she sits next to Estme at

As she sits next to Estme at the moment... track (;

Ahhw, yes! Estme is so sweet.

Ahhw, yes! Estme is so sweet. <33 (:

Rouda's picture

"Hopefully I did not wake you

"Hopefully I did not wake you up. If I did, I'm sorry."

And this is one of those sneaky tracks. |D

"Ohh, you dont have to say

"Ohh, you dont have to say sorry, I wasn't really sleeping, just resting." The doe smiled.

Haha >8D

rice's picture

Track! Rice has her listed as

Track! Rice has her listed as a friend on her rut page. :3

Awww thank you! C8 She really

Awww thank you! C8 She really like playing with Rice, haha. :33<33

Sithrim's picture

How come isn't this tracked~

How come isn't this tracked~




You're really fun! (:

You're really fun! (:



Auxentius: Awww, Thank you,

Auxentius: Awww, Thank you, You are to~(: <33
Midnight: HAHA, Yes, I thought maybe all those fan-arts would make her bio bit looooooong, haha so I wanted to put then in a box. ROFL

lemon's picture

Such a beautiful character,

Such a beautiful character, and such hauntingly beautiful music. <3
Avatar by Kohva!