Belong in the world of the living...

AngelWings's picture
The Universe has no mercy for those of us like me,
The shadows in the background,
A leaf on a tree.

A certain wolf once spoke to me,
Of the times ahead,
I paid her no heed,
As she was a voice in my head.

Shikami, Shikami,
Why didn't I listen,
You warned me of everything to come,
And I refused to listen.

My heart rejected everything,
Everything but the false truth that it provided,
All of the true feelings I truly had for someone.

Now that wolf has parished,
Never to be seen,
She has been replaced by a dark, black machine.

My aura became clear to me,
But only after this:
I had been awakened,
By the harsh reality.

Lìngqì came to follow me,
To guide me from above,
But truly if she has helped,
I would not have fallen,
Fallen to the dark trench of Trauma.

Lavender and crystal take advantage of my soul,
So everyone thinks I have no heart, but coal.

My friends do not believe it, and neither do I,
But if no-one believes,
Then why should I.

The only thing that worries me,
Is one troubled thought,
Running 'round in circles,
'Round and 'round my head at night in my cot.

The one that I have feelings for,
Has never truly seen my soul.

Wow, this is really nice! I

Wow, this is really nice! I love it. ♥
AngelWings's picture

Really? I did my best! I do

Really? I did my best! I do my best art and writing when I'm depressed like this.