I am bored out of my minddddd.
I will draw your character.
You can draw/write/manipulate screenshots/craft/tell a joke about
one of these little nuggets. Whatever your art is. ♥
Seasons (tiny, grey, grumpy), Halafax (crying mask, two pairs of ears, simple-minded), or Birchtree (huge, fluffy, no face)
I'll take the first five?
1. Jettem ~
Their Half/
My Half
2. Alphafrost ~
Their half/
My Half
3. Finn(requested by Rell) ~
Their Half/
My Half
4. Estme ~
Their Half/
My Half
5. Kat ~ Their Half/
My Half
If you don't mind, I would
Of course! As far as
As far as choosing a character ...that's tough. Hala is my main deer but Birchtree and Seasons are newer so they have less art. It's really up to you!
Can I have my charrie drawn?
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
I'd love to. C: but instead
Hm... I'm interested (: I'd
Which of your characters should I draw?
YAY! I like TRADEz! Will draw
I like TRADEz!
Will draw Halafax if you draw my Kat!
She's here down
Just follow me!
@Alphafrost - Sure you can
@Rell - I'd love to. c:
@Estme - Oh boy! This is the first time I will be drawing the great argus pelt, I look forward to this challenge! >:3
As I told Silent, I don't really have a preference of who you choose to draw. I just enjoy other's interpretations of my characters :3
Sure thing, Katara, I'll draw Kat.
Alright.. I'll think about it
And don't worry about the Argus pelt. For me it's all about making random swirls and lines xD It isn't really that bad.
I can try, thank you. I
Edit: I can't do the tail, sorry. :/
My deer is the black and white pelt, orca mask, and giant antlers (great deer ones)
Edit again: Sorry if it looks bad, I have never done this before...
Please like it, I don't want to redo it for a third time!
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
Thank you Alpha!! This looks
THANK you, for letting me try
Hitting you over the head
You’re bleeding
Boy you want more?
This is so like you I said
Put yourself on back to bed †
Are you planning on reopenng
Like it? I LOVE IT! Thank
@Konoha - I will see
Alright yes same here Thank
Here Hun! Hope you enjoy it
Hope you enjoy it well enough.
Four out of five trades done.
Working on my half of Estme's trade as I type, I plan on getting it done within the next couple of days.
[: [XX]
Rell, you have made Mr.
Thank you!!!
And thank you for giant Sai-bunny (I think that was you) in-forest earlier today, it totally made my week XD
You're welcome, he looks cute
That was my pleasure, love being a bunny. Hope I catch on again sometime ;D
Nice work with Kat! <333333
Just follow me!