I was thinking of doing paid commissions when summer starts (so quite some time away.) Would anyone be interested if I did this?
Second question to those already established with coms, how would you suggest getting your name out there in order to get them in? DA is clearly not working. Also, how would you suggest pricing?
If anyone is unfamiliar with my works, you may look here -
I've tried to break into the
That said I've had a quick look around your DA gallery and while your art is at the level where people would probably buy something there is nothing there really they would. (i don't mean that in a bad way)
Do some examples of icons/avatars that would could do quickly and easy for a few $$ maybe, reference sheets or character busts because that's what people in DA want, as if they are going to full proper coloured full scenes they will go to one of the more established people and pay that little bit more.
Try and get one of the more popular artists to give you a commission feature once you have some examples done too. The worst they can say is no.
Kovah's advice looks good,
This isn't meant to be a plug but my commission info is here. I'm linking it because it might give some helpful ideas on a pricing scale. I've looked around and I think my prices are very much on the cheap end, which struck me as a good way to start out. The icons/avatars idea is an excellent one though and I'm thinking I should try that route myself.
Your art is very good, I wish you luck!